Diaforetikos":358m25zq said:
As with Anglachel, I haven't read the whole post either, but I will say this. Homosexuality is a choice. Now people will say no its not, I don't want to be like this or I was born like this. You can't be born a homosexual. Impossible. Our organs don't allow it. And it is a choice because if you really didn't want to be that way you would take action and try to change yourself.
A guy I know isn't attracted to Asians. Another friend doesn't like white men, she's really only attracted to really tan or black/brown. A friend of mine only likes fat women, he's not attracted to almost anything else unless it has big butt, thighs, or breasts.
Someone else really only likes thin women. Like Paris Hilton looks fat, that's how thin the women he likes are - the wind on these women makes you afraid they'll snap in half - god how does he find them?! how many can exist?! - and yet another hates dark haired beauties. Another doesn't like black women. Another doesn't like short, tall, whatever. You name it.
Me, I'm almost rarely attracted to blondes. There's really only been 3 blondes that I know that I've ever thought were sexy. There have been women who dyed their hair, and it just kind of stopped being sexy.
That I can chose? I can wake up one morning and suddenly be attracted to blondes? My friend who likes the BBW can suddenly bang the chicks the anorexic dude was chasing, with full on attraction? Or is it, only gay people who can chose - but everything else is fine?
Diaforetikos":358m25zq said:
Someone will ask me, whats wrong with being a homosexual. The only thing wrong with it is that it kills off humanity. Now I'm not saying everyone is gonna turn into a homosexual, but if you are a homosexual, you can't reproduce.
If you are a Catholic priest you can't reproduce, if you are a rapist and convicted you might be chemically castrated and can't reproduce, if you are a lonely geek you might never get laid or reproduce. Condoms stop people from reproducing. Birth control. The morning after pill. Abortion. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs). There are thousands upon thousands of possible ways someone can be alive and never have the opportunity to reproduce, that doesn't make it wrong. It just makes it... well nothing, it just makes them not reproduce. Some people would look at that as a good thing.
Diaforetikos":358m25zq said:
Adopting is a nice thing, but its a lie homosexuals use to fill in the child birth(and life) gap.
That I have no argument for, or a witty remark like I might've some other day. That just seemed really low as I read it right now.
To call it a lie seems to signify that there is no bond or connection to be had and the kid is nothing but a large bowl of chocolate ice cream tucked in between some bon bons on a nice comfy couch while watching Oprah. Something to binge on to deflect a void.
Does this also apply to straight parents who are unable to have kids? Is this buying the puppy for the little girl just to stop her from nagging?
Diaforetikos":358m25zq said:
One more thing. If being a homosexual isn't a bad thing, why do they always feel ashamed of what they are? Forget about people saying its not right, forget about biblical views, the media, and politics and think deep inside and ask yourself, does it feel right?
I know a black woman, she's very old. She lives down the street and suffers from some weird disease so it's difficult to understand her, but she's gotta be in her 80's. White hair, tiny little hands all crinkled up. She feels ashamed only about two things. Getting old, and being black.
Does that mean being old and/or black is bad, simply because she feels bad about it? You don't feel bad about something unless you have a reaction. If I lived in a bubble where I could break things without ever once seeing a negative reaction do you honestly think I wouldn't break something?
No. She feels bad because she comes from a time, and she's from the deep south too. Beautiful accent. She feels bad because she comes from a time where she was treated like shit. Remember the 60's, the whole deal with the racial issues - guess what? They made her feel horrible. God gave her, in her own words, the challenge of being black - in her head it's the same as being physically handicapped. I laugh at times in a sardonic way when I catch the Boondocks, Red or whatever his name is reminds me of her in a sad way.
I used to steal. I still do honestly. But I used to be a little sonovabitch and stole everything I wanted. It was fine. I felt no guilt. And I was raised by religious people, but no bad reactions. Then I stole something and someone was very angry with me, and called me names and treated me differently and my 7 year old self felt very bad about that.
Sex? Never felt guilty or bad about having sex. Other people I know to this day feel guilty, some are frigging married and they feel guilty at times. Why? Something dirty and taboo? No. Just it was a negative reinforcement.
Give someone a negative reaction enough times, or even just a large enough one - get half the world to do it to - and they'll think drawing a picture is an evil deadly sin. They used a crayon, they're scum.