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Curing Homosexuality?

Thank you Mr. The Revolution for clearing up the adoption topic.

As for the rest...
A guy I know isn't attracted to Asians.  Another friend doesn't like white men, she's really only attracted to really tan or black/brown.  A friend of mine only likes fat women, he's not attracted to almost anything else unless it has big butt, thighs, or breasts.
Someone else really only likes thin women.  Like Paris Hilton looks fat, that's how thin the women he likes are - the wind on these women makes you afraid they'll snap in half - god how does he find them?! how many can exist?! - and yet another hates dark haired beauties.  Another doesn't like black women.  Another doesn't like short, tall, whatever.  You name it.

Me, I'm almost rarely attracted to blondes.  There's really only been 3 blondes that I know that I've ever thought were sexy.  There have been women who dyed their hair, and it just kind of stopped being sexy.

That I can chose?  I can wake up one morning and suddenly be attracted to blondes?  My friend who likes the BBW can suddenly bang the chicks the anorexic dude was chasing, with full on attraction?  Or is it, only gay people who can chose - but everything else is fine?
Anyone can choose. Plain and simple. You have a choice. Convincing yourself isn't easy but we do have a choice. Like if someone shot you in the leg. You choose how to react to it. You choose. You can scream, you can not say a word, you can cry. Your choice. Even nature itself can't overpower the ability of choice in humans. It can be a good thing or a bad thing.

If you are a Catholic priest you can't reproduce, if you are a rapist and convicted you might be chemically castrated and can't reproduce, if you are a lonely geek you might never get laid or reproduce.  Condoms stop people from reproducing.  Birth control.  The morning after pill.  Abortion.  Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs).  There are thousands upon thousands of possible ways someone can be alive and never have the opportunity to reproduce, that doesn't make it wrong.  It just makes it... well nothing, it just makes them not reproduce.  Some people would look at that as a good thing.
The idea behind that topic is that those people can try to reproduce. Homosexuals can try too but they have a zero percent chance of it happening. And I don't see how that could be a good thing. A chance at life is a good thing. We are all created to experience something that no other creature can experience. For you to say that its a good thing that some people don't have chances is horrible. Everyone deserves a chance.

I know a black woman, she's very old.  She lives down the street and suffers from some weird disease so it's difficult to understand her, but she's gotta be in her 80's.  White hair, tiny little hands all crinkled up.  She feels ashamed only about two things.  Getting old, and being black.
Does that mean being old and/or black is bad, simply because she feels bad about it?  You don't feel bad about something unless you have a reaction.  If I lived in a bubble where I could break things without ever once seeing a negative reaction do you honestly think I wouldn't break something?

No.  She feels bad because she comes from a time, and she's from the deep south too.  Beautiful accent.  She feels bad because she comes from a time where she was treated like shit.  Remember the 60's, the whole deal with the racial issues - guess what?  They made her feel horrible.  God gave her, in her own words, the challenge of being black - in her head it's the same as being physically handicapped.  I laugh at times in a sardonic way when I catch the Boondocks, Red or whatever his name is reminds me of her in a sad way.

I used to steal.  I still do honestly.  But I used to be a little sonovabitch and stole everything I wanted.  It was fine.  I felt no guilt.  And I was raised by religious people, but no bad reactions.  Then I stole something and someone was very angry with me, and called me names and treated me differently and my 7 year old self felt very bad about that.

Sex?  Never felt guilty or bad about having sex.  Other people I know to this day feel guilty, some are frigging married and they feel guilty at times.  Why?  Something dirty and taboo?  No.  Just it was a negative reinforcement.

Give someone a negative reaction enough times, or even just a large enough one - get half the world to do it to - and they'll think drawing a picture is an evil deadly sin.  They used a crayon, they're scum.
I feel sorry for that women to have to go though that. But if she wanted to be relieved of the guilt, she can. Her choice. I do feel sorry for her though. I really do. No one should have to go through that. As for your stealing, there are laws and rules people have. You probably didn't think anything of the rules because it can't hurt anyone to steal. But when you did see how bad it hurt someone, you changed. You can't feel guilty about having sex. Only if you had a hard time coping with it before you did it. Then I could see you feeling bad. But again, you didn't know any better.



The thing I wanna say to you, as with everyone else who honestly believes that homosexuality is a choice, is "prove it." You just lay down a base of "oh yeah, everyone has choices! Choices, choices, choices! Choices for everyone!" and act like that's the end of it. If you ask any gay dude or lesbian, they will tell you that they didn't choose their sexuality. I haven't made a point of asking every homosexual person on the planet, so pardon me if there are a couple of exceptions. Generally, though, it's only the straight people who think homosexuality is a choice -- pardon me for saying so, but unless you're a licensed psychiatrist (and even then I don't trust you, you damn pill-pushing childhood-wrecking bastard,) you can't pretend that you've come close to being inside a gay person's head -- you say it's a fact, but really it's just an opinion.

Let me break this down with some excellent analogies I'm about to steal from earlier in the thread: do you like curry? No? Did you one day decide not to like curry, or does it just taste bad to you? Can you suddenly decide to like curry, and spend a joyful week trying out different Indian restaurants until Sunday comes and you decide not to like curry anymore? See, there's a preference that no one has any active choice over. If it applies to curry, why can't it apply to sex?

Furthermore, did you ever make the decision to be straight? I sure didn't. When I turned twelve, I merely discovered -- wonder of wonders! -- that I liked women. I liked women a lot. No consideration or decision-making went into this. As far as I know, there is no point in one's life where one may actively decide that they are attracted to the same sex -- this would just be an opinion, but as I've said earlier, ask most gay people (if you know them well enough, it's never fun to have a friendship ended by one awkward question) and they'll tell you the same -- pardon me if I find their testimony a little more believable than yours.

We are all created to experience something that no other creature can experience.

Allow me to assure you that almost everything living on the planet fucks at some point in its life. Usually a baby shows up, too.

And... Your argument is that gay people shouldn't be gay... So that they can experience the joy of childbirth?

Birth isn't all it's cracked up to be. Personally, I think that adoption, taking a child without a family and giving him or her love and shelter, is a lot more admirable than leafing through the kama sutra and contributing another hungry mouth to the world.
me":eecw5evg said:
Diaforetikos":eecw5evg said:
Adopting is a nice thing, but its a lie homosexuals use to fill in the child birth(and life) gap.
That I have no argument for, or a witty remark like I might've some other day.  That just seemed really low as I read it right now.

To call it a lie seems to signify that there is no bond or connection to be had and the kid is nothing but a large bowl of chocolate ice cream tucked in between some bon bons on a nice comfy couch while watching Oprah.  Something to binge on to deflect a void.
Does this also apply to straight parents who are unable to have kids?  Is this buying the puppy for the little girl just to stop her from nagging?
I would request to bring that point up again, as I am still not comprehending by either your or Revolution's comments.

Like if someone shot you in the leg. You choose how to react to it. You choose. You can scream, you can not say a word, you can cry. Your choice. Even nature itself can't overpower the ability of choice in humans. It can be a good thing or a bad thing.
I'm guessing you've never actually been shot before huh?
Listen, I've done some stupid things in my life and I've been hurt physically quite a bit, including a the aftermath of a bullet just barely skinning me - it hurts like a bitch.  You don't "choose" what happens is your mind goes into a state of shock, your adrenaline kicks in, and depending on a thousand degrees of chemical reactions you might not even realize you've been hurt.

I broke my thumb once, I was a little kid, and it really hurt.  I cried.  A few years later I totally smashed up my knees something awful.  I didn't chose not to scream or not to cry, I went into a state of shock from the pain and was trying to get up, I tried to walk on a knee that was not functioning.  I felt a lot of pain, I just didn't realize what it was, I had no clue I was hurt.  I didn't even remember leaping off the roof, all I remembered was that I have to go inside and give the dogs water and food.

Soldiers in movies where they get shot and brave it out?  Yeah, that's not half as real as what really happens when you get hurt.  It's not like scraping your knee where you can get up and bitch about it or just ignore it, it's on a whole different level.  Nature decides your action.  I had to give the dogs water and food, so I tried to do that because my brain didn't know what to do, a cop and a soldier and anything else isn't being brave, it's being deflective.

Most people who suffer serious concussions don't know they are in trouble, because their brain won't let them know.  I've seen people get seriously hurt, including stabbings where they didn't know they were hurt.  The brain blocks out these things - you don't chose to simply not feel it.
Let me break this down with some excellent analogies I'm about to steal from earlier in the thread: do you like curry? No? Did you one day decide not to like curry, or does it just taste bad to you? Can you suddenly decide to like curry, and spend a joyful week trying out different Indian restaurants until Sunday comes and you decide not to like curry anymore? See, there's a preference that no one has any active choice over. If it applies to curry, why can't it apply to sex?
If one was to go on a diet and hated vegetables, they would eat them anyways because they know it helps. Slowly, you gain a tolerance for veges and would rather eat them than eating meat. Choice.

Furthermore, did you ever make the decision to be straight? I sure didn't. When I turned twelve, I merely discovered -- wonder of wonders! -- that I liked women. I liked women a lot. No consideration or decision-making went into this. As far as I know, there is no point in one's life where one may actively decide that they are attracted to the same sex -- this would just be an opinion, but as I've said earlier, ask most gay people (if you know them well enough, it's never fun to have a friendship ended by one awkward question) and they'll tell you the same -- pardon me if I find their testimony a little more believable than yours.
Being attracted to the opposite sex is natural. But God didn't create us to be this way. Remember the biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah. They were destroyed for many reasons, one of them being homosexually oriented. Now people will say you cant prove any of that. Heres a little proof: Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah found! I watched a documentary on it saying it was destroyed by fire and brimstone. I find this one more interesting: Sodom and Gomorrah-True Reasons of Their Destruction

Now, that should be enough proof for anyone.

If it is enough proof, heres some biblical quotes as well:
Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin."

Romans 1:26-27 - "That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved."

1 Timothy 1:5-10 - "The purpose of my instruction is that all the Christians there would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and sincere faith. But some teachers have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time arguing and talking foolishness. They want to be known as teachers of the law of Moses, but they don't know what they are talking about, even though they seem so confident. We know these laws are good when they are used as God intended. But they were not made for people who do what is right. They are for people who are disobedient and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who murder their father or mother or other people. These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God."

But if you don't believe in God, then all of this is pointless. Once you have mentally reached your conclusion that being a homosexual isn't bad, you can only change willingly. I've tried my words. With much proof. If you type in Sodom and Gomorrah in Google, you'll find tons of sites saying its found. More proof. But its your choice to believe it.

And if you don't believe in God, heres one more thing to look at: Does God Exist?
The bible also says that if your lover, child, or family member falls pray to another religion you should stab them in the back. Go figure.

It also says some dude managed to turn water into wine, walk on water, some other dude split the red sea in two and walked between them. Man, sounds like a great story book there. And you're taking this book as fact?
Diaforetikos you can quote the bible all you like, especially giving links to slanted web sites to support your view from a very non neutral stance.  I can do the same with everything you bring up, again from slanted web sites to support my view from a very non neutral stance.  Worse I might just play fun and start quoting from religious doctrines from other faiths -some who also follow Jesus- that contradict what you bring up.

There's a lovely passage in a nice little book about Buddhism that expresses tolerance and love for people that translate as ladyboy.  Men who are women (obviously I mean in the strictest and most generic of gender stereotypes) in every way but their physical equipment.  It states, and this is from a non literal translation, and a paraphrase that; he who has hate for one who is man and woman, has hate for themselves, for only a person of both genders can be closer to the light and balance.  In other words, only one who is of both genders could possibly reach the state of nirvana, in essence heaven.  Keep in mind this school of Buddhist believe in reincarnation, naturally, and that all persons will be born at least once in their life as not just straights, but also homosexuals and/or those who will, in today's age, have sex change operations and the sort.
In that faith it is a normal thing to be nurtured.

See what I meant earlier? Religion has no place in debates of separated minds, the above sentiment I'm sure touched your heart and changed your view as your examples have mine.

You've made two faults, assuming in some part that God would win your argument - hell for all I know He will come the rapture (that's what we call it right?) - and then saying how your argument was useless if you do not believe (or at the very least have your strict belief in your God).  Your only right because of your religion, is a poor substitute for the "I'm right because I say so" argument.

I will however repeat:
sixtyandaquarter":zsm81yv0 said:
me":zsm81yv0 said:
Diaforetikos":zsm81yv0 said:
Adopting is a nice thing, but its a lie homosexuals use to fill in the child birth(and life) gap.
That I have no argument for, or a witty remark like I might've some other day.  That just seemed really low as I read it right now.

To call it a lie seems to signify that there is no bond or connection to be had and the kid is nothing but a large bowl of chocolate ice cream tucked in between some bon bons on a nice comfy couch while watching Oprah.  Something to binge on to deflect a void.
Does this also apply to straight parents who are unable to have kids?  Is this buying the puppy for the little girl just to stop her from nagging?
I would request to bring that point up again, as I am still not comprehending by either your or Revolution's comments.

Like if someone shot you in the leg. You choose how to react to it. You choose. You can scream, you can not say a word, you can cry. Your choice. Even nature itself can't overpower the ability of choice in humans. It can be a good thing or a bad thing.
I'm guessing you've never actually been shot before huh?
Listen, I've done some stupid things in my life and I've been hurt physically quite a bit, including a the aftermath of a bullet just barely skinning me - it hurts like a bitch.  You don't "choose" what happens is your mind goes into a state of shock, your adrenaline kicks in, and depending on a thousand degrees of chemical reactions you might not even realize you've been hurt.

I broke my thumb once, I was a little kid, and it really hurt.  I cried.  A few years later I totally smashed up my knees something awful.  I didn't chose not to scream or not to cry, I went into a state of shock from the pain and was trying to get up, I tried to walk on a knee that was not functioning.  I felt a lot of pain, I just didn't realize what it was, I had no clue I was hurt.  I didn't even remember leaping off the roof, all I remembered was that I have to go inside and give the dogs water and food.

Soldiers in movies where they get shot and brave it out?  Yeah, that's not half as real as what really happens when you get hurt.  It's not like scraping your knee where you can get up and bitch about it or just ignore it, it's on a whole different level.  Nature decides your action.  I had to give the dogs water and food, so I tried to do that because my brain didn't know what to do, a cop and a soldier and anything else isn't being brave, it's being deflective.

Most people who suffer serious concussions don't know they are in trouble, because their brain won't let them know.  I've seen people get seriously hurt, including stabbings where they didn't know they were hurt.  The brain blocks out these things - you don't chose to simply not feel it.
I am still confused by what you are trying to convey, either that or I'm looking too hard.



Slowly, you gain a tolerance for veges and would rather eat them than eating meat.

Has this ever happened to you? I know that I hate tomato curry, and will continue to hate it no matter how many times it's served up for dinner.

As for the rest of your post, two things:

The holy books have gone through some massive translations over their time. In some cases (such as the Bible,) theologists actively added or removed text to clarify what they saw as the appropriate message. Even a direct quote can't be trusted -- look at the current women's rights situation in the Middle East and you'll see just what a hundred years of strict interpretation by a heavily patriarchal society will do -- the same goes for a society which was so opposed to things like homosexuality until recently.

Please keep the bible quotes out of this thread. The devil can cite scripture to his purpose, and if we start doing it too this conversation is going nowhere fast.
Ok, chimmy, no more bible quotes.

As for the adopting thing goes, what I meant was that homosexuals can't really have kids unless they adopt so they can fill that gap. Its cool that they did that but its not the truth. Why was the child adopted, because they can't have children? They can't try to have children. Its sad. Thats what I was trying to say.

And your choice in how you react to the shot is explainable. As we get older, our minds become more and more overwhelmed with choices. What to wear, eat, if we should go to work or not, not to get mad a customer because he was being rude. Our life is a choice. We could kill ourselves or try to make it better. People don't think like this but its very true. I got this from a Donald Trump book. He explained that to have happier days, less negativity, we have to choose to make it better. Its us, not the world. We have to say, I wont get mad at this, or I will be happy through this horrible moment. If you read any self help books, they say that. We choose. Have you ever seen the Secret? It talks about how we attract things to us. That if you think something enough, it will happen. So if you think in your mind that you want to yell after you have been shot, you yell. And no, I haven't been in the situation. Stop being literal. Ok, how about cutting a chunk of meat out of your skin with a kitchen knife. Thats happened to me before. And it did hurt, but I didn't cry. I just watched myself bleed. I chose how to react to that situation.

And I have had situations where I don't like foods taste, then I eat them forcefully and after a while, I like them. It happens. My mom does it all the time. I use to hate Jamba Juice. The ice and blueberry chunks made me feel sick, but thats the drink I ask for now.

Just remember this quote:

"But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility that being homosexual is a choice, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon."

And don't take the moon comment seriously. Its just an example. I don't want to start any debate about the moon.
Ok, if you remember this quote:

"But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility that being homosexual is not a choice, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon."
I don't fall easily into peer pressure. I have to many things backing me up to give into the idea that its not a choice. I've read too many books and talked to too many leaders to give into ideas.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, just informing you on the reasons why I believe you have a choice in the matter.
Bwahahaha! You think it's a CHOICE! Interesting. For the record (since you didn't read the topic, and you really should) I'm a lesbian. I even earlier addressed how it's not really considered a sin in the Bible - just mistranslation. And I most certainly did not choose to be gay. Thanks to our 'wonderful' homophobic society, I didn't want to be at first, fought against it, dated men, was miserable. I was only happy when I accepted my true self. Now I'm glad with who I am.

Answer a few things for me, oh 'it's a choice' person. Why do all the gay people out there who are shunned by their own families, ridiculed, and go through all sorts of other crap stay gay? Bullying for being gay is one of the leading causes of teen suicide. Why did they choose it?

Now answer me this. HOW can it be a choice? Keep this in mind. In order for it to be a 'choice' and not biological in the slightest, that means there is NO difference between a gay person and a straight person. None. Now, I doubt you'll argue that gay people are attracted to their own gender. Obviously we are. I love women. I love everything about them, romantically and sexually. I don't feel that way at all about men. I assume you agree with me. So since those romantic and sexual feelings for women are there for me, since those romantic and sexual feelings for men are there for gay men... Well, in order for it to be a choice, those feelings have to be there in straight people, too. You can't choose what isn't there.

In order for sexuality to be a choice, everyone would have to be bisexual. Are you saying that you, personally, are attracted to your own sex, and the only thing keeping you from swinging that way is because you just don't wanna? Because if not, that means there is SOME difference between you and a gay man. Which implies NO choice.

It's not a choice. That's not opinion, it is fact, from someone who fought against her sexuality but realized, in retrospect, she has been that way all along, someone who has known lots of gay straight and bi people, who has studied sexuality (and religion even).

So go ahead. Choose to be gay and prove us wrong. We're waiting.
I think we should figure out what causes homosexuality, because some people might inherit homosexuality from genes and some one else might have been raped as a small boy and fell that they have to be attracted men or they can't deal with what happened to them as a kid. so if we find a gene then leave the people with it alone and if they don't have the gene offer them help. But if they don't want any help leave them alone. That's all i think we should do.
I haven't had chance to read the WHOLE damn topic, way too much replies, but I wanna get back to the "nature" part.

An excellent point was made regarding the fact that homosexuals are a result of overpopulation and nature reacting to that.

Whether it really is nature or not, fact remains that the fact that there are homosexuals is definetly helping against overpopulation.

I'm not a "let's-kill-most-people-on-the-planet" kinda guy, though I gotta say that we need to get rid of 3/4 of mankind. 7 billion people, with 3/4 starving to death, if not more. It's a serious issue. \ If murdering 4 billion people is not the answer, then let's use a non-violent way, which is homosexuality as one of the many options. Birth control would be wise to, in which you're only allowed to have one child.

And people are actually worried that homosexuals can damage humanity and destroy it? Oh please, wake up. Look at the billions of people waiting for a drop of water to drink, waiting for that tiny piece of bread to eat. And live on that for a week.

Is that the best thing you can come up with? No, it's awful. Everyone knows that. Instead of attacking people that can do something about that, we should stimulate it. Yes, I'm not kidding. Any person born homosexual should feel free to be so. Society is an organism. It evolves. Let our society evolve in a way that homosexuality is a non-issue, as is heterosexuality.

Homosexuality is not a choice. You're born with it. I can take that from friends of mine. I'd not even think about having sex with someone of the same gender, as much as homosexuals don't consider having sex with people from the opposite gender. Choices, please. "But God gave us a path to take, and people choose to take another."
Who says God wants us to reproduce. Hell, if God was smart, he'd be wishing we'd stop reproducing REALLY FAST. Which bring me back to the start of this post. You could read this over and over again...

I can get really aggressive when it comes to these topics because it's always filling with homophobes. How narrow minded are you?

On another note, it's hilarious how people compare homosexuals with pedophiles. Look, true, they both have a sexual preference and probably can only get sexually active with that sexual preference. However, there's a big difference. Damage.

Homosexuals don't do any damage, whereas pedophiles do serious damage to their victims. That's the difference.

I think we should figure out what causes homosexuality

because some people might inherit homosexuality from genes and some one else might have been raped as a small boy and fell that they have to be attracted men or they can't deal with what happened to them as a kid.
That's not homosexuality however. The result of pedophile actions is most of the times, those kids turning into pedophiles themselves. Homosexuality is not a result of pedophile actions... unless the kid was born homosexual.

But if they don't want any help leave them alone. That's all i think we should do.

Now I'd like to know how many percent of the population is homosexual. One says 10% of people is gay. I'd think it's even more likely that percentage is a lot higher, with people not daring to admit it.



Its cool that they did that but its not the truth. Why was the child adopted, because they can't have children? They can't try to have children. Its sad. Thats what I was trying to say.

What the fuck are you trying to say? Is an adopted child more distant from his foster family just because one of them didn't personally squeeze him out of a distended orfice?

I find it funny that you're pitying people who can't personally give birth to children. I can hardly form a coherent response against it -- it's simply so ludicrous that you find it pitiable when people can't procreate and instead have to make do with adoption that I can hardly think about it.

Is it inconvenient when a couple, for any reason, cannot have a child? Yes.

Is it pitiable, then, that they have to adopt? Not really.

Is that family, with its adopted child, a hollow loveless lie perpetuated by a couple who are grasping at straws to attain normality? Don't kid yourself.

Is the need to adopt even a reasonable argument against homosexuality? I really don't see how. So a gay couple would need to get their babies through artificial insemination or surrogate motherhood or the orphanage -- Is that really such an awful fate that you feel the need to liberate those poor misguided homosexuals from the dark and sinful path they walk so that they need not know the untold horrors of raising someone who isn't entirely a part of your gene pool?

What I'm getting out of your argument is that a family with an adopted child somehow lacks legitimacy. Prove to me that a family with an adopted child is not, in fact, a family, and include a list of ways in which said foster family is inferior to the virtuous Thomsons eating apple pie behind a white picket fence after mass, and I'll be a whole lot more receptive to your argument.

For everything else, refer to Sithjester -- if it's really a choice, then go gay! Just for a day! Come on!

If it were a choice, I know a few good-looking men I would turn gay for in a heartbeat. The fact is, though, that I'm not, and so I just acknowledge that they're good-looking without getting my loins involved -- and I couldn't get my loins involved if I tried, 'cuz that's simply the way I'm wired. Men no me gusta. Not in that way.

Sithjester":g846nvd1 said:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/i ... anonji.jpg[/img]
I think we should figure out what causes homosexuality
How can you prove it???
If you can't then your argument that homosexuals are born the way they are is as credible as the argument that god hates people that are homosexual.
both extremes are bullshit and the only path to take is the middle ground.
Stop saying homosexuals are born homosexual unless you can prove it or you look like as much of a asshat as the prejudice god lovers.
fucbillgates":3i479dqv said:
I think we should figure out what causes homosexuality, because some people might inherit homosexuality from genes and some one else might have been raped as a small boy and fell that they have to be attracted men or they can't deal with what happened to them as a kid. so if we find a gene then leave the people with it alone and if they don't have the gene offer them help. But if they don't want any help leave them alone. That's all i think we should do.

Chief, pedophilia is a far cry from homosexuality, and the pederasts motivations are an amalgam of many complex mental disorders. Don't confuse them as the same its disgusting and ignorant.



OK let's sparate some things:

~A lot of guys, a LOT, think that they are gay because they just haven't been with a woman( of course, before being with a guy)

~I know guys that they are straight and they also had sucked a cock, and they didn't liked it, and that't doesn't make them gay.

fucbillgates":1wk7mq8n said:
If you can't then your argument that homosexuals are born the way they are is as credible as the argument that god hates people that are homosexual.

C'on, take god out of this.
"Homosexuals are born the way they are" They are people, and they are born the way you were, so stop talking shit.
I don't know if homosexuality has to do with genes, but It has to do with influence in life. If you are all day arounds guys, and you watch porn with them and stuff, it'll get weird. So, people nowadays is sexually confused ( apart from gays and straights).

The worst thing you can do is insulting someone for his sexual eleccion, or because the adopted someone. If you are gay and you on't feel comfortable with it, get some ladies and try again, and if you are gay or atraight and you are ok with ot, exellent for you. Theres nothing wrong this this.

Don't be stupid and do not take pills or brainwash.
You're second point terrifies me nacho.

I also don't think you're first point is true, I'm pretty sure those kinds of guys are attracted to women, they just can't get any.

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