I'm just a prick in an an awful mood because it's like 3 am I think and I just got woken up by angry neighbors arguing... I'm using your quotes psychochild, but they aren't aimed at you (except a few comments I'd call "corrections")
psychochild":3k61j67x said:
Homosexuals CAN have children , sterile people can't.
I wanted to make that comment after someone else posted.
Was even going to show how I have friends, brother and 2 sisters, whose father is gay. Gay pride parade, gay activist, extremely open about being gay.
I also had a nun who had two children. Shocking isn't it?! Gays and nuns can't have kids?!!
Point is your not something until you realize it, until you accept it, and until you go threw with being it. Until then, your just like everyone else who isn't what they want. In that time frame, or before hand, one can be easily confused and do things because it felt right, or because they thought they had to. Or, perceptions change.
Gays can have kids, if nuns who take a vow of celibacy can have kids - and teach them in the 7th grade as their teacher, which sucked ass the little bastards - why can't homosexuals? I mean, the nun wasn't a nun when she was 18, wasn't a nun until she was in her 30's. My friends father, admits he wasn't gay until he was 40. Why? He didn't know, he didn't accept, and he didn't go threw with it until then, denial of personal nature is a powerful weapon.
Wait? Nature? Yes. We'll get on that in a moment.
psychochild":3k61j67x said:
1st you should make a child every time you have sex (and you should have sex just to make children )
2nd you should fight to survive
3rd you should kill to eat (nature doesn't provide cooked food )
4th you should live in a cave
Actually, that's the strictest description of our nature yet. We are naturally sexually aggressive, which I don't mean to say we have aggressive sex or that we seek it out aggressively, that's still a case on case thing. Rather I couldn't think of the proper word and this just came out.
Basically we have sex. It's in our nature to have sex. Everyone knows this - but it's our nature to want pleasure. We aren't the only race of creatures that are believed to have sex for recreation, something that is believed to be done by our little race for as long as we developed imagination. Logical thought + the ability to comprehend + the ability to think of things = recreations. The first recreation I'm sure we had, like most mammals, is playing around fighting each other like kids. But I'm sure after that we started humping and touching ourselves.
psychochild":3k61j67x said:
How could you ever thik to look down on homosexual people because they are not like "mother nature" says ?
Maybe is someone like that? I really don't think so.
And now we get to my point listed above.
Homosexuality can be explained in genetics. I'm not saying it's proven, not yet. Will it? Who knows, maybe we're wrong. But a current belief and one I can clearly see comes in the development of a child.
This is where nature is instilled. The reptilian brain, the bodily quirks, the whole bang whatever, all of our prepositioned default natures and what allows us to have those natural patterns, such as parts of the brain. Our body starts to grow. We start off with neither a penis or a vagina, ovaries or testicles. But somewhere along the lines, something splits, changes, and either the penis either exits or becomes a clitoris, and the testicles either drop or become ovaries.
At this point it is believed our very genetic structure for all our trait sets is put together. I think that's saying a bit much, but at the very least our human survival patterns - including procreation, is established. It's dormant and will come with the hormones and all that. Now, it is believed currently that shortly after the sexing I just mentioned, your brain is designed for your new body. But, sometimes things can go wrong.
Our brain develops as a male, or partly male, though our bodies never did. Perhaps our bodies develop to be 100% male, but our mind, our brain, never got the memo and tried to catch up, maybe not, and that part of the brain matures as a female, which is the easier (and oddly more complex) for the body to produce. And our genetics fucked us.
Not because we are now "different", no. I like redheads over blonds, others love blonds, but we're not different. So Steve is attracted to Adam, big deal. No that's not why, if it's true, that our genetics "fucked us". It's because the rest of us didn't get a strand telling us that we're on the same damn level, happiness is not dictated by holy marriages, that it isn't dictated by the opposite sex, and it isn't dictated by out dated old school values.
Traditions of what I had hoped was a bygone era.
If a white woman and a black man have a baby, it'll be evil. It'll be part monky, have a tail, and be anarchistic in nature. It will be predisposed to drugs and violence, and will have the mental capacity as an adult of that of a fourth grader - and when I say fourth grader I'm really insulting kids because I don't like them. If gays get their hand on a child they will molest them, and recruit them to their secret team, this pink capped baseball with the jockeys three sizes too small. He'll sit in meat butchers fantasizing about mustaches, work in iron yards and go to the disco and have fun threw the hole in a bathroom stall, and is born with dormant HIV.
It's amazes me the more I look at the world the more I see things like the above in some people still alive and somehow still bleeding.
I swear, curing someone who happens to be gay is like trying to cure someone whose tall. Curing someone whose black, white, Hispanic, it's like trying to cure someone for having a good rhythm or natural talent, or trying to cure someone whose straight.
It's like trying to cure someone whose brain is normal, no weird patterns or tumors or anything. No horrible microbes in their blood, their urine and bowels check out fine, and their lungs are perfectly healthy. They have the liver and kidneys of someone in true sense of the word: health. And yet, your trying to cure them. Make them sick enough, make them feel sick enough they might believe your cure and take your little pill that hampers their breath, leaves them soft, and keeps them in a state of paranoia. Good idea........