mewsterus":pxmrs5d8 said:
You're still a kid when you're in fifth grade. It sounds like you got some introduction to sex from your peers, since there's no way in hell any squeemish parents or teachers are going to teach you in fifth grade. The point is that you already know about it when you're comparatively young, and the purpose of sex education isn't to tell you what your friends probably already did, but to tell you what you shouldn't do, tell you what the consequences are, things you're not likely to get from your older brother's attempts to corrupt your little mind.
I have no older-brothers. My point was that we had no idea what sex was really, unlike Dis' claims that all kids "kinda-sorta know." In fifth grade students are taught sex-ed in health/science classes because that's when kids start to hit puberty and that stuff matters. They didn't cover condoms until 6th grade though.
Yeah, it might be nice if we could all drop the bullshit and go "hey Timmy, you can use that boner on little Susie there and it feels 'FUCKING FANTASTIC!' Just remember to pull out when your balls drop and shit starts shooting out of there", but sex is such a guarded topic nowadays that we can't really pull back. It's like getting everyone to stop telling their children about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. Not to mention sex has, y'know, some emotional consequences with certain folks which is the only good reason I can think of as to why kids shouldn't do it (until girls can start getting preggers.) <-- By that I mean kids shouldn't have sex until they know how to protect themselves.
The problem is as kids get older they can actually get pregnant, which is why it's important to teach them safety and what's going on. Letting kids know about sex early might help because they'd be familiar with it, but they're still forgetful irresponsible kids. Adults are irresponsible too, but accidentally getting pregnant can't damage them as much as it would a 14 year old.
Though if kids practiced early the only benefit I could see is that some would preform better in the sack. Which would be really keen cause I knew this one chick that didn't know about sex until late high school, and so she was really inexperienced and I PRAY TO GOD SHE NEVER READS THIS POST.
How many times have you had sex with this one chick I knew in college and afterwards she was all like "I thought there was something between us" and I was you're like "No, I'm just a guy and I thought you were hot, but I didn't think this would go anywhere" and then she said says "Well, me too... But now I really love you, and I'm not on the pill" and I was like "Shit, time to break out the Falcon Punch." and then you feel guilty about it, or you don't and she feels worse because you don't care now...
Or something.