I remember being a kid.
I watched one thing on TV. Fantasy Violence. Be it old gory horror flicks with my father, barbaric epics with my mother, or sunday morning cartoons and saturday night wrestling, I watched a lot of violence.
As a kid I knew a line. I was never told this line, I just knew. See I was smart enough to know that tv does not equal real life. I never believed that if I couldn't bring you down with 3 hits to the head with a steel chair, that a leg drop would magically do it. I never believed that if I grab my sword and say "I have the power" that I'd magically become big, tan, and blonde. I never believed that if I ate mushrooms I'd end up in a magic li'l kingdom. I never believed this nonsense.
I didn't go out of my way with friends to try it either. I knew a gun shot killed people. I knew these things, because... well duh, if I didn't I'm a fucking moron. Same with sex.
See I learned from G.I. Joe the basic idea of a gun. One episode where the guy, whoever, sits there and actually walks you through it "Line him up in your sight" and all that jazz. I had the basic knowledge. But I never shot someone as a kid. Why? I'm wasn't a idiot.
People treat kids with kid gloves. Don't.
People complain about fantasy violence? Good, complain. It's your damn fault kids don't realize powerbombing someone into cement fucking kills. Your fault people don't understand that in a show anyone can get shot and live. People complain about sex ed. Good, complain. It's your damn fault kids don't realize screwing someone on cement can lead to all sorts of nasty shit. Your fault people don't understand the various go arounds involving pregnancy.
Educate kids.
Tell them. Show them. It's not a case of "if they know, they will" otherwise they'd have a thousand deaths caused by stupid kids instead of a half dozen here and there. Kids would be jumping out of windows trying to be Superman, getting bit by spiders and trying to crawl out their windows. Kid's aren't that stupid. They aren't.
Kids will have sex earlier than you want them to.
That's how they're wired. Their kids. We can call them "teenagers" but gooding it up with a new word doesn't change the fact their kids. And their gonna do it whether they know or not. So give them the benefit of the doubt, explain to them the horrors and the delights, and let them play god with their bodies. If they screw up - then yeah, you can blame them, or society - your choice, hell both. But by withholding information we're pretty much going "Okay, don't be open, don't exchange ideas, don't ask for knowledge, don't learn shit, just do shit in the back of a closet and find out you have herpes after 14 dates, go on have fun"