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Bisexual Debate, to celebrate Bisexuality Day

stillzero":2qzeqo3h said:
I don't like gay people, and I think being gay is a disease. Bisexual people are gay too and it's a disease too of course. There are no gay lions, no gay rabbits, no gay animals besides human (ok, there are gay penguins, but penguins are stupid). Just because some wrist-bending ******** decided to like men whatever was wrong with his mind other sickos started contracting the desease too and now this is reality. I think homos shouldn't even exist, I have no gay friends and I disgust every gay person I meet, they should all go to hell. I once received a letter from a gay who wanted to ***** meet me, and I was disgusted for a week. I really wanted to kick his ***, but I didn't do it so I didn't do anything wrong. I just hate them, what can I do. How can someone tolerate men who move like gays do? Only lesbians can be hot sometimes, in movies where you don't want a guy in the picture. Gays and bissexuals should all live in their own planet along with the gay penguins that exist, and leave all the normal human being or the people that are sick but isn't their fault in the real world.

Yeah you had me until the gay penguin part.


fuck fucking gfaggots cause they always in at my high school yaknow n i wana punchs them in theyr faggot face n me n my homies fucking laugh cause he and then we saw him with the penis friend in at u p his ass. godz gunna punish them niggas so i dun care. holy shit wyattz a fuckin XTREME niggerjewfag 3000!!!!!

Ok class, today's lesson is all about internet sarcasm. If it's an unrelenting storm of stupidity that manages to hit on every single thing wrong with an argument and leaves the original poster up for FUCKINGLY OBVIOUS hypocrisy and counter-arguments then it's most likely a troll, and even if it isn't a troll what's the point with arguing against them anyways? They're just being stupid assholes venting on the internet and your 2-cents isn't going to change their minds (let me take this conversation aside to comment on the obvious irony of this last statement. heheh.)

So, can we get back on topic? Anyone have anything new to say? (I still believe 99.99% of people who say they are bisexuals are attention starved assholes or confused kids.)

hey way to go ixis and sixty nice job telling people to get back on topic after i already did this derailing this even further :thumb:



Commander Wyatt":1zio08tk said:
What really matters is sexual experience. The only way you could know if you liked... being a petboy to a dominatrix nazi-uniformed transexual woman wearing cat ears and thick makeup, is if you had actually previously been in such a scenario. That's the only way to know your likes and dislikes. That's the only way to know if you're bisexual, heterosexual, dominatronazitrancatearmakosexual.
I disagree here, this is the purpose of fantasy and pornography. :) If I had to go out and experience all the things I know I wouldn't like before figuring out I didn't like them, or if I had to be persuaded into trying things I do like to know whether I'd like them, my sex life would have been very confusing and occasionally painful for most of my teenage years.
I don't need to have my nipples electrocuted with a car battery to figure out whether nor not that might be appealing, I can imagine that sensation very easily, having electrocuted myself plenty of times on accident. It's only the little middle-of-the-road, not outrageous but not terribly common, things that you have to figure out through experience, your preferences within the larger archetype of your desires.
Everyone loves gay people in this site... I think me and all the people I know are the Klu-Klux-Clan then. Welcome to the 21th century, where every normal man has a penis carved in his butthole.

Oh and I was giving my true opinion in a kinda sarcastic way. I'm a sad man and I have nothing to do with my time. That's why I post here every minute.

You are very tolerant people, I admire you. You aren't tolerant just because you saw on TV that it's very nice to be tolerant. Tolerant. Tolerate having a homo in the locker room looking at everyone's dicks. Tolerate guys like this: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/158/3767 ... 407f_o.jpg
(Yeah, he's real, not an actor. He says he's straight and he's got a wife.)
They're 21st century, they're normal people just like everyone else.



Hey cuties, just a quick reminder. Please keep it civil in discussions in the symposium, okay? It's easy to get offended but everyone has a right to thier opinions, please respect that right. Also this board has no swearing filter so there's no need to star things out, we're grownups (or at least chose to be treated like grownups by etering the board) and we can handle BAD WORDS :)

On topic and in response to

Tolerate having a homo in the locker room looking at everyone's dicks.

It strikes me as a little bit vain to think 'Oh god, every gay in existence is staring at my dick' and a little bit judgemental to think that just because someone's gay they will eye every wang around them. Being attracted to the same gender doesn't by any means mean that they'd be attracted to everyone of the same gender and even if they were there's the chance that they'd have the courtesy not to abuse their being in the locker room.

Even if this hypothetical dick-looker did exist he would be one person and he should be judged as a single person.

And while I can't access the youtube video I don't see what's difficult to tolerate about the image. He looks a little silly but I don't see the problem.
Commander Wyatt":325f4s1j said:
I'm bi and I've posted here  :huh:

You said you were a Wyattsexual :P

But any particular reason? Was it just you decided to become one, or it naturally occurred? Is it something you curse, laud or don't really care/pay much attention to?

Sorry for being forward, you don't gotta answer what you don't wanna answer.
I just like dicks and vaginas nothing more to it :/

Don't see anything wrong with it, anything weird with it, or anything to really shout about.
i like dicks and vaginas too but i dont classify myself as bisexual. i don't really classify myself at ANYTHING other than maybe pansexual
I took it that bisexual meant you like men and women, but not necessarily exclusively. I.e. bisexuality is the act of liking men and women, you could still have a bisexual chair-lover or bisexual-asexual or whatever.
"Bi" means two. If you're not entirely polarized, then you're pansexual. That's why I so often say that bisexuality is fake. A lot of people use the term when they don't know what they're really saying. I mean classifying things is pretty lame in general but when you're so into language like I am then you can't really help it.
miisiagnno":2hti43k8 said:
i like dicks and vaginas too but i dont classify myself as bisexual. i don't really classify myself at ANYTHING other than maybe pansexual

I thought you hated everyone?
... So you hate them but still want to fuck them?

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