How the fuck did I miss this post!?
stillzero":1j3scyxm said:
I don't like gay people, and I think being gay is a disease. Bisexual people are gay too and it's a disease too of course. There are no gay lions, no gay rabbits, no gay animals besides human (ok, there are gay penguins, but penguins are stupid). Just because some wrist-bending ******** decided to like men whatever was wrong with his mind other sickos started contracting the desease too and now this is reality. I think homos shouldn't even exist, I have no gay friends and I disgust every gay person I meet, they should all go to hell. I once received a letter from a gay who wanted to ***** meet me, and I was disgusted for a week. I really wanted to kick his ***, but I didn't do it so I didn't do anything wrong. I just hate them, what can I do. How can someone tolerate men who move like gays do? Only lesbians can be hot sometimes, in movies where you don't want a guy in the picture. Gays and bissexuals should all live in their own planet along with the gay penguins that exist, and leave all the normal human being or the people that are sick but isn't their fault in the real world.
Hey, I think it's cool that you feel so comfortable to share your opinion about homosexuality on these forums but when you present your thoughts like this, you look like a fucking idiot.
First of all, there is TONS of evidence showing homosexuality in animals. So before you say "blah blah blah, ima fuckin fuktard animals are never gay other then stoopid penguinz" you should really do research.
Also, you want to hurt people for being different? I'm Puerto Rican and and Ecuadorian. Do you want to beat me up because I'm not white? Do you see black people and go "damm niggarz need to die!" Because honestly, that's the SAME FUCKING SHIT as wanting gay people to "go to hell."
Also, saying you have no gay friends is a FUCKING JOKE. I'm sorry, but TONS of people are attracted to both sexes in various ways, as this topic has heavily discussed. I wouldn't be surprised if your best friends rubs out some knuckle children thinking about YOU. I bet your father has had homosexual thoughts. Wanna borrow my moms gun and kill him?
Do you know how many people question their sexuality? TONS. Don't assume your entire fucking world of friends and family is straight. Because I can tell you right now that their not.
Ignorant people like you fucking disgust me.
And only lesbians can be hot sometimes? YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.
People like you and Hitler (yeah! I'm comparing you to Hitler! OMFG!) should have YOUR own planet so that everyone else here can be happy and not have to fear being themselves. i guess hell will have to do.
I'm asking you to leave the forums because PEOPLE LIKE YOU make forums suck.
To the staff:
Sorry for going off on this kid but he needs it.
If you think I need a warning, it's cool. I'll take it like the penis and vagina loving man I am.