I was out last night and I had joked saying happy day after bisexuality day, because I knew someone in the room was bisexual, or at least pansexual (whatever, fine), and a discussion came out. Where it shouldn't be advertised...
If you don't advertise, well put it this way.
The bisexual or gay guy who isn't the stereotypical bisexual or gay, who doesn't like the stereotypical gay music, who doesn't like the stereotypical gay stuff... most of the non stereotypical stuff here, well I'm being very nasty about it. Let's look at the stereotypical gay, he's loud, obnoxious, talks with a lisp, can't stop dancing, has designer hair cuts, super clean, oily tan, etc - basically a person we see on the media a lot, yet someone I've never met (including in the west village).
Now, if your not that, your the stereotypical manly man - except you like gay sex too. You like power tools, you can't cook, you're hairy and don't shave as often as you should, you watch sports and scream and rant when the other team gets a touch down, and cheer and knock cheeto's everywhere when you jump up for joy when your team does, you have big heavy boots that weigh an extra 20% thanks to the dirt and grit packed onto the sole, you don't own a clean stain free white shirt, etc. If your that guy, without defining yourself, without advertising yourself... how do you find someone?
Humans naturally fear rejection. Yet we have cravings. I like certain fetishes, but you know what? I happen to find women who enjoy them as well, why? Because I do advertise. Because I let it be known. I happen to find women who don't enjoy it, and if the talk talks place and they want none to do, then fine we simply don't do it. But if I'm bisexual or gay I shouldn't have to buddy up to some guy, sit at the bar, and have the talk to talk about, and if they don't want none to do, then fine we simply don't do it. I should be able to see and know.
I may not want to wear a sign, but I certainly would want to know. I may not want my neighbors to know, but at the bar - the normal bar, not a gay or lesbo bar, not a straight bar, just a normal bar... because they do exist you know, I should be able to find out without having to resort to "keeping it to myself".
You have to advertise.
If you don't, we're all guessing and you end up with someone who is completely interested in something your totally against doing yourself, and your wasting not only their time, but your time, and lost time with a potential nother. Great.