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Networth uses the items database table to work out the buy value of every item you own, and adds it to the amount of gold you have. It's basically how much gold you have in your account including items.
I thought it was a fairer stat to show in signatures, because some people might have 4 gold but have bought tons of items!
I am thinking of working on better less resource intensive signatures which show face, name, stats, but are only updated when you play the game.
Because networth takes a lot to process, it updates when you view your inventory as then the items table is already loaded. But currently signatures are created from the database every time. It would be better to have a cache of images saved to the server.
When I've finished every system that's currently under construction in the game (there's quite a bit), I'll start work on a battle system.
It is planned though.
Item use, item equip, player profiles, new sigs, finishing quests, and a quest book are all more important at the moment.
The intro screen for new players is horrible too, they're just given the terms of use and a register link with no info!
I'm all full of caffiene ready to pull an all nighter working on coursework but the rest of my group haven't replied, so looks like that isn't gonna happen. So expect a lot to be done on Vengeance tonight probably :S
I have fixed the "return to last forum" error highlighted in tech support. Took a while but it's working now, or should be. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you still encounter it.
On suggestion by Mundane, added a favicon. It's taken from the First Seed Material chipsets we're using, but edited a bit.
Character Names
You can now change your in game name, which is seperate to your login name.
Completed quest 2 up until unlocking a new area (The Myre) on the world map (this includes a bunch of events, animated sequences, NPCs, and areas with a ton of switches)
Added a favicon on request (Mundane)
New settings form for changing character name
Fixed forum error highlighted in tech support
Created signature caching system
New registration landing page
Added some graphics about the place
25 November 2010 (Thursday)
Dynamic signatures now show face, name, gold and worth!
Graphics around the Dark Forest
Minor edits to hidden functions to make them work properly, nothing special
Signatures now automatically update once per 24 hours on login
Created homepage poll system which links to the forums
Go to your inventory, and try clicking a red item... make sure you want to use it first! Best way to test is to get a free book from the Vampire clan store, and open that, as it will not disappear on use. Most other items will.
Food items give you constitution exp equivalent to 1 gold = 1 exp, with slight bonuses the more you spend (swordfish for example gives 220 exp for 200 gold).
Equip will be the next thing I work on.
If you find an item you can't use please let me know.
So I messed around with the vampires but couldn't do much. Not sure what exactly prompted me to try it but I went and did the gallows thing as well. Very random. Anything else to do?
I'm working on a very large update tonight which will hopefully make the game more fun to play. It's in the works!
Also tonight a limited rares shop will be launched. It's form will be a travelling merchant, that will change location and items periodically (probably weekly)!
I have drawn up a large todo list now and am checking them off as I do them. Coming "soon" therefore:
- Extended maps
- Character sheets will be finished
- Friends lists (I know I said this was coming ages ago but I forgot :4)
- Trading
- Quest scene
- Battle system
- Rares shop
- Possibly more that I've forgot to list
Obv some of that will take a while (i.e. trading/battles); others are already in the works and just need finishing. But that's a look into the near future of V.
* Dynamic signatures now show face, name, gold and worth!
* Graphics around the Dark Forest
* Minor edits to hidden functions to make them work properly, nothing special
* Signatures now automatically update once per 24 hours on login
* Created homepage poll system which links to the forums
26th November 2010 (Friday)
* Minor graphical improvements
27th November 2010 (Saturday)
* Item use system
* Added use functions to all usable items
* Book system
* Written out book pages for Vampire book
* Added constitution exp
* Unvisitable areas on the world map are now greyed out and unclickable (still need to add some switches but the system works)
* Item equip/unequip
28th November 2010 (Sunday)
* Rearranged Tiben town
* Removed "back to world map" links in lieu of new button at top
29th November 2010 (Monday)
* Several new maps, themed backgrounds
* Base Camp is now linked fully to Port and Tiben
The World Map as it was lain out previously was just a placeholder.
I am working on a series of updates which will occur over the course of today/tonight which will form it into something far bigger and more important.
The town locations will remain. You will only be able to access the Base Camp, however. From there you can move to different maps. New icons will be available on the world map as and when you visit them, be this through travelling by foot, or completing a quest.
You will also notice that the colour of action buttons and the main page background will change depending on what sort of area you are in on the map.
Principally these will be:
Stone grey: towns, cities, buildings
Purple: the Dark Forest region
Green: forests and woodlands
Light green: plains and fields
Sandy: desert regions
30th November (Tuesday)
* New merchant in "woods" between Tiben and Base Camp selling various goods
* Six new items (toy horse, bread, lantern, old armour legs and helmet, rope)
* Created cave system, not currently in use
* Filled in area descriptions between Port -> Base Camp -> Tiben
* Reversed colours on river background to look a bit better, not too happy. Thoughts?
1st December (Wednesday)
* Five new items
* New merchant by the river
* Moved some shop stock around a bit to make more sense
* Added some placeholders for future things
2nd December (Thursday)
* Minor update; you can now nick a fishing rod from the river bank which might be useful later on.
3rd December (Friday)
* Added mechanics for vessels - containers for items. Imagine apples in a basket: you eat the apples and lose them, but the basket remains.
Trade logic
I've started work on the trading system. I find it hard to get my head around the logic of trading for some reason, but I am having a go. This will again be a system coded completely from scratch, using phpbb only as a base for user authentication, as with the rest of the game.
You will be able to trade a maximum of eight items, as well as gold.
To prevent unfair trades, scams, and real world trading, there will be a few restrictions, but nothing too harsh:
- You can only trade eight items at a time, as well as gold
- You can only trade once you've earnt a total of 50 gold (on top of the 50 you get for joining)
- You can only receive money up to the amount you've already earnt
An example:
Joe Newbie starts playing the game. He earns 123 gold. He's also got the 50 gold he starts off with. So in total he's made 173 gold from playing the game.
He trades with Jill Noobson, selling a steel sword. Jill offers Joe 2000 gold. Joe cannot accept, because this is more than Joe has earnt.
Jill starts the trade again and offers 160 - this is less than the 173 that Joe has ever earnt, and so the trade is legal.
Jane Newperson wants to trade. She started playing today and has 60 gold in her account! She started with 50, so she's only earnt an additional 10... which is less than the required 50, so she cannot trade and must wait until she earns a bit more should take a day or so
This looks like a different project from what's usually posted on .org... reminds me about a from-scratch browser-ish game I had concepted... sadly, never got around to finish it :/
The style looks fiddly as of now (I see a lot of 2k/2k3 graphics in your first post... didn't actually create an account to check out current status), but as you said it's placeholder graphics, I'm interested in development here... my basic thoughts were that doing this with SVG would be utterly fancy, but I'm not sure how well you're in that topic (I've been called a nerd for even mentioning the tech before, so yeah... it's apparently Pandora's Box these days), but I think your interface possibilities would increase largely. Well, just mentioning.
Other than that... I dunno what to think about the development log not being accessible to non-members... would've liked to read it. :/
All of that being said - keep up the good work, I'll be sure to check back with this project some time.
You in fact got 220 constitution exp. When exp is implemented, your constitution level will likely rise. I am not sure what the rates will be per level though.