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a fresh breeze

@jeska: understood/ big images also conflict in opera
@vans/sonata/xaixis: I appreciate the feedback, I shall fix the grass and add it as an alternative grass..could be used in a forest for example


I actually think the hair looks better than the rest of your character.
here's my little edit:
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... oxhelp.png[/img]

1. you don't outline your clothes/equipment, but you keep the skincolor instead.
2. it lacks shading.
3. the colors look okay but are used the wrong way most of the time (highlight colors used as base colors) these sort of errors aren't that noticeable in small sprites, but it isn't correct and DO hurt MY eyes. :)
4. the hair looked quite right, but you should use more dark colors and less highlights. You should also try to emphasise the hairline and hairstrains.

I hope this helped..still writing a tutorial though
don't give up :) but improve

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... htanim.gif[/IMGzoom]
I fixed the legs and eyes on the frontview (i don't know why you pixeled it the way you did, it was  unnecessary  and made it look bad)

it looks pretty cool but are the thing with the cross on it and the shoulderblades supposed to be solid like that? if not, I suggest you animate it a bit.
And the sideviews look pretty bad, you should redo them imho. If you need any help just ask :)

<3 you rock! like always ...  :smile: ill redo it and work on it I always have issues with pixelating the movements and side views  :pissed:

--> If you dont mind me asking how long does it take you to create your work (completed sprites)?
@kid6686: couple of minutes.. because I don't like spending too much time on these little sprites
@SirJames: maybe I will maybe I will
@Heinze: cool man, the hair isn't difficult just try it, I can help If you don't know how to..

here are some semi-bosses I'm working on. I didn't have much time this weekend, But I still managed to finish some sprites and some inner tiles.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... bosses.png[/img]



Wow Mr. Green Raven you're really amazing :P
Really congratulations and I would like to know if I could use The Breeze style Template on my RPGVX Project. I really liked it and it combines perfectly with the VX style :)
See Ya !
Wow Greenraven those are REALLY kickass. I especially love the new flowerlips ^_^
Gosh I need to stop looking at your updates, every time I do it makes me wanna play with Breeze which id on't have time for if I'm gonna finish my Christmas project haha
Heinze : that looks pretty good actually. only a few things to comment on: the shading seems a bit pillowed, shouldn't the highlight be off to the left? also i think your perspective is a tad messing you up, it feels like youve got a head-on perspective going on, it should be more top-down; it might help if you show more of the back around and behind the head. the shoulders, ankles and horns seem a bit off. GR can probably give you a lot better crits than me though.

GR: ahh... oh god, those are the shit. i was going to say the shading on the rodent looks a bit shaggy, but then i realized: D'oh! its furry. >_>
@alrian: sure with the proper credits.
@ThePanda: you know you want to create breeze sprites *hypnotizes you*
@WA: yup based on a lemur, ohw and thank you :p
@Heinze that's coming along quite nicely, If you need any help just ask. btw I think I've seen some similair bull like that once..didn't I create anything that looks like that once lol?
@nickster: yes FURRRRR but I still need to tweak it though.

more updates will come when I have some more spare time.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... yslime.gif[/img]

edit:dark skintones
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... e_dark.png[/imgzoom]
no... Didn't saw some work like yours like this bull... I did it basing in a photo...
What do you think that i have to make in this bull?

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