Heinze, I think it would benefit from a fur texture, something like this.
http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p117 ... exture.png[/IMGzoom]
http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p117 ... exture.png[/IMGzoom]
Skie Fortress":lnx2gssd said:I really don't see the issue here. The style has been updated to be more detailed looking, but it's not any harder to work with at all. In fact this is what the style should have been to begin with.
The original breeze was a bit too lazy, which is why it seemed so easy to everyone. This is just bringing it up to speed and if people can't handle this, then I fear how well they'll do with other stuff when this is really just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.
Sapphire":ees3ll38 said:I gave it a short try, but it's truly harder to sprite on, than the first breeze. I tried to do this very fast, to see, if the the "you can sprite on it very fast" ability of the template ist still there. I don't like the outcome very much, I guess. What you do with it looks really nice. What made it hard for me also, is that you seem to use 6 colours for the hair and your palette only has 5 :/