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a fresh breeze

on the layer above that, place the bottom section of the cliffs(the one that normally goes on the ground) over the middle section. It's not perfect but it's a helluva lot better ^_^
@Xaixis: when I redo and orden them.. and panda is right that's the way they're supposed to tile..I've made tileable ones though but I will be remaking everything (changing palettes and what not)
@Vans: thank you matey I appreciate it..
@despain/missingno/whatever you are called now :) imagezoooooom ^^ (you should make it an autoapply. EDIT: or create a better script because the zoom makes it  blurry a lot of the time. I use either opera or firefox3.)
@pink wabbit: nice edit. you should try to create a character from scratch :)

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... ogress.png[/IMGzoom]

http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... barrel.png[/IMGzoom]
Well I'm trying to figure it out, but my biggest issue is hair...... I can pull anything else off fine, but hair. But I'm working on it, I'm closing down my workshop (which I didn't even remember why I made it) until I grasp the concept better.
Geox- hair's the hardest part =/ Especially when you're so used to the old Breeze's hair. Some practice helps alot though, I do little practice sprites every day and I think I've finally almost got it ^_^
GR- I like the new texture but I think something about the palette is screwing it up. It's too soft and blends too much. My ideas would be either try just a bit more contrast, add some yellow into the lightest shade, or add highlights to it(but that might make it stand out too much, idk) Just my opinion ^_^
upped contrast..i don't like the grass though xD I was actually just playing around *trying to find the best possible grass atm*
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... creen2.png[/IMGzoom]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/screen2-1.png[/IMGzoom]

@geox-2.0: since my little walktrough didn't seem to help you I will write a little tutorial. And as the panda said before, practice practice practice..

@The Panda: I actually didn't see anyone pull of the "old breeze's hair", as you call it, the way it was supposed to be though..
Much better ^_^ I actually like it a lot for some reason, maybe make it an alternate grass or something?
While nobody pulled off the hair perfectly, people still were TRYING for that simplistic style and a few came pretty close. It's hard to switch from TRYING to sprite something simple to something more complicated.

Geox:you mean making an outline for the hair? That was by biggest problem up until recently x_x all's I can really say is practice and use GR's tutorial as a reference. Eventually you'll end up doing one right and be like ":O I GET IT NOW!" xD
@despain/missingno/whatever you are called now :) imagezoooooom ^^ (you should make it an autoapply. EDIT: or create a better script because the zoom makes it  blurry a lot of the time. I use either opera or firefox3.)

It's a glitch in the latest version of Firefox, it has nothing to do with the script. Downgrade your Firefox (I stopped using firefox after that). And we can't make it a default for all uses of the tag because this isn't a forum dedicated to pixel art.



I think the old bright grass was fine, this one has way too much contrast and i find that quiet distracting :/.
The Panda":1dl7rkol said:
Geox:you mean making an outline for the hair? That was by biggest problem up until recently x_x all's I can really say is practice and use GR's tutorial as a reference. Eventually you'll end up doing one right and be like ":O I GET IT NOW!" xD

Yep outlining and shading
I find the old grass much better. The new grass is too distracting. Lower the contrast a little but because it is fighting with the surrounding objects for attention.

Also, since it draws so much attention to it, it looks less like grass and more like repetitive leafs (imo). I think the old one looks a lot better.

BUT... I am not a graphics perfectionist so I could be totally wrong. That's just what I see with it.

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