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a fresh breeze

well, the shape is a little defected, little jaggies... The black outline make the sprite a little ugly,and it needs more shadows in the sides
Isn't there ONE person on here who could tell I was a guy? :( haha just kidding, I don't care, I know I have the personality of a girl.
Anyway, Clizz you HAVE to ditch those black outlines, black outlines look awful on anything that isn't Cel-shaded. You also need to spend more time smoothing your outlines because they're very jagged.
Don't forget that shading isn't just to give things shape, that humongous head needs to cast a shadow on the body, just like the body should on the legs, etc.
How is that golem gonna walk? it has no knees! how will it use it's arms if it has no elbows or wrists? Use three separate rocks rocks for the arms and 2 for the legs so that it can be functional.
Lastly you need to use more interesting colors! Instead of just a flat palette that goes from light gray to dark gray why not make your base color gray, then the shadow color a slightly darker bluish gray, and then a violet outline? It'd give the sprite a nice, cool color scheme that'd look really nice ^_^
I'd do an example re-vamp but I honestly have no time at all =/
@heinze: that's a sweet robot character you have there, but not really breezelike eh ;)
and the palettes on your new character aren't really working for the breeze template because it doesn't use many desaturated colors.

something more like this maybe http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... padre2.png[/img]?

@absinthelord: thank you. And what I think is that your characters lack a good lightsource and shading. Try putting in an extra shade and choose the lightsource topleft for the hair..http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... iohelp.png[/img]

edit: also shade under beneath the hair..

@clizz: take a look at your old topic to see where you went wrong :)

@thepanda: I thought you where a little boy, but a boy nonetheless

@stupid penguin: And I love the hardgay avatar you have..

I didn't really have the time to do any other breeze stuff because of school/gf and also because I was using the rest of my spare time to work on my webby :)

So the only things I did for the "breeze" were converting more characters..


and create some more tiles :)

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