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[XP] Version 2.8! CTB by Charlie Lee (v2.8) - aka a FFX like Battle System

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ahhhhh.... sorry! i have found the mistake :) It was my fault. The bgm file was damaged. So the rpg maker couldn`t play it. Sorry-there´s nothing wrong in your script! Bye
Hello guys,

At first sorry for my english. Secondly I want to say that this script is really awesome. But I have a problem resp. a question.
How can I modify the Battle commands to the original ones? Your way with the Spell-classes(White-Magic, black Magic etc.) is very nice, but It doesn't work with the Moghunter Scene_skill script(That's familiar). I deletet the "Window Skill technique item- Script" for no Shift-Option in scene-skill. Then in fight I have different battlecommands with the CMD Name - Option, but when I choose one of them the game say goodbye with an error(with or without the deleted script). :)
The solution for the error thing is to convert my game datas to the CBS, but there is still the skill_scene problem. Without the shift option the player can just see the original skills, not the specific class skills.
To cut a long story short, the CMD system have to go.

I skimmed the thread, but I think there is noone with the same "problem".
Ok, so basically you want skills to be shown in different categories within the battle but as a single big list when accessed from the menu, right?

In that case the only thing you should do is to find these lines in Windows Skill Technique Item
      if $scene.is_a? Scene_Skill
        if actor.individual_commands.size > 0
          @skill_command_element_id = $data_system.elements.
            index("CMD " + actor.individual_commands[0])
          @skill_command_element_id = -1
        @skill_command_element_id = -1
and replace them with
      if $scene.is_a? Scene_Skill
        @skill_command_element_id = -1

comment everything after
# Support for Individual Battle Commands #

and adjust the size of the skill window to fill the black empty space.

I haven't tried it but it should do the trick. Leave me a note here if it worked.
Thank you so much for your answer.

The Script Thing works fine, now all skills are in one Block. It's a bit confusing for the user, but works fine.
After this the Shift-Option was always there in its "window block", but in the Moghunter menu there are no blocks, so I decide to delete the whole script below # Support for Individual Battle Commands #. I must confess I didn't unerstand what you ment with "comment everything after", but the result is: Everything works fine now. No error message in battle with all functions of the CMD and wonderfull styled menu. :)

Thank you very much.

I think that's a good solution for everyone who wants to have both scripts(Moghunter and CBS) and have no rgss-knowledge.
Empilicious":2352vuju said:
I must confess I didn't unerstand what you ment with "comment everything after"

Eh, eh, functionally it means the same as "delete everything". When you make some code a comment, by the insertion of a # character at the beginning of each line, it is ignored by Ruby, so it's like you deleted it.
Infact, you did exactly what I meant.
Next release will have a configuration option to do this.
Very nice. Is there a way to just keep the FFX part of the system, and remove the side view part? I might be able to edit it myself, but I highly doubt it.

Nevermind, what I wanted, I was able to do in Configurations in the script editor, so I retract my question.

Thanks for an awesome battle system!
please, in next release i want the system is user defined like summon system in configuration menu the system tell user if user want system that only replace invoked actor or summon system that will consumed mp of infoked actor in every turn, not like ffx system but more compatible
I could only understand "please", which is a good start for a request... :)
Seriously, I can't understand your request, it looks like it has something to do with the configuration of summons but it's not clear what you want.

oh sorry i'am very stupid speaking english, i mean add summon configuration into your configuration ctb
maybe the configuration tell the user what summon system they want
select case summon_config
case 1 : Summon = invoked actor or all party member replaced by summoned characters and summoned character did'nt take the actor MP  who summoned character just like in your demo
case 2 :Summon = Invoked actor or all party member replaced by summoned characters and summoned character take the actor MP  who summoned character
end select

yeah i only know asp programming not ruby programming : sob
Mmkay, so I put the script/graphics in my game right? And each time I'm in a battle, the enemies attack, and it skips the heroes turns. Perhaps is it because they don't have face graphics? O.o, although I doubt it, can you help me?

edit your configuration CTB on the script and set show enemy face or hero face to false
find and edit this code
# TURNS WINDOW                                                                #
# Configuration of the turns window
BATTLERS_QUEUE_SIZE=6       # Number of displayed turns
TURN_HEIGHT=20              # Height of each box
TURN_USE_PICTURES=false      # Use pictures for the party actors
TURNS_WINDOW_Y=136          # Y-coordinate for the turns window
# BATTLER WINDOW                                                                #
# STATUS WINDOW                                                                #
If i correctly understood your request, you don't want that summons consume actor's MPs. Since summons are skills, you can set their MP cost to 0.

No, missing graphics shouldn't cause any skipped turn like you apparently have. Are you using other scripts as well? Did you copy all the additional elements in your project? 
@Charlie Lee - Well, yea, I do, but I figured out the error (more or less). I'm using this quite simple script, that, because of it's size, I didn't think it would conflict with anything, if at all.

class RPG::Enemy
#   EnemyID=>[MaxHP,MaxSP,Str,Dex,Agi,Int,Atk,Pdef,Mdef,Eva]
      maxhp maxsp str dex agi int atk pdef mdef eva
  ].each_with_index do |s, i|
      eval <<-__END__
        def #{s}
          ENEMYLIMITBREAK[@id] ? ENEMYLIMITBREAK[@id][#{i}] : @#{s}

Could you possibly fix it?

I agree that this script shouldn't conflict with mine. Still i can't do much with the little information you provided me.
But i have an half idea... are you sure that your monsters aren't too fast? I mean, enemy 1, in that script you posted (who's the author btw), has agility 20000! That could cause a long sequence of enemy's turns if your party's members are many orders of magnitude slower.
O.o, you know, I never thought of it like that, I mean, now that you mention it, playing FFX before, you get a LOT of turns if you have like haste + Quick Hit used, so I'll try that out.


[Edit] It was because of their speed >.>, thanks for a wonderful script! Now it works great hehe... Just a few questions:

1. Since I have the default battlers being used, where would I change the position of them, so they're not all cluttered on top of each other? o.o

2. I'm just guessing, but in the graphics for the faces, do I name each Picture accordingly to each actor?

Thanks again.
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