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[XP] Version 2.8! CTB by Charlie Lee (v2.8) - aka a FFX like Battle System

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I have no clue on what's happening there.
Are you able to use some print before that line, so that you can give me the values of each variable involved in that calculation?
Ah sorry for double posting same suggestion.
Just this is a huge problem in my game, but hopefully
in a few weeks you can get this added to your
battle system.

EDIT: Well I might as well post one more of my suggestions. :P

-Could you recolor the bar to Red for the top one (HP).
Then recolor the bottom to blue to make it seem more like SP (Mana).
You could have a option to switch the colors or something awesome like that.
Sorry for all the suggestions, hopefully they help in some kind of way.
Oh so there pictures? I thought they were scripted in sorry about that.
That solves one problem, thanks.

EDIT: By the way this works nice, thanks. :D
Charlie Lee":2ea9m7nd said:
You have already asked that battle result script. Maybe in the future.

@Bascha and Rotimikid
Connected attacks? Seems interesting... maybe in the future too...

You are just trying to fool me. I know... when I'm going to relax, BAM! 273 PMed requests ;).

A little present for you all. Add this to "CTB by Charlie - Game_Battler" just before the final "end", and you'll have the state animations cycling just as the text in the status window.
  # * Get State Animation ID
  def state_animation_id
    # If no states are added
    if @states.size == 0
      return 0
    # Return state animation ID
    return $data_states[@states[(@state_shown-1)%@states.size()]].animation_id
someone now were i can find more battlers because i will use this script in my game but dont have enuog battlers and monsters.

pls help.
Yes they do work, there's no difference between actors and monster. Maybe you are not configuring DVV's Animated Battlers properly. Refer to the .pdf guide provided in the thread i linked you before.
You have to configure the correct number of poses...
eugene222":2uxq31z1 said:
if i fight with the monster the head is often on down and th body on top and this is with each monster i have downloaded there.

You can just divide the size of the height of your 10 pose battler sheet, and then make a new sheet with the 1/10 size added on to your regular size sheet. Then move your own sheet off onto the other one at the very top, and paste it then leave the bottom blank.
Once this is done you can use Red Fade in Minkoff Configuration. Which makes it where the 11th frame isn't needed, goes back to how the old Minkoff was.

Note: If your not good with Photoshop then request it in Resources, I don't have time to do this for you, but I can do 1 or 2 sheets for you, post them here. I'll show you 1 or 2 examples.

@Charlie Lee how do you change font colors of the text in the battle interface by HP/SP Bars.
Like which line of code in which script, I just need to make top yellow and bottom white.
Hey, Charlie. Could you make a patch for this costum level up system? (Script by Blizzard)

# Custom Stat Growing System (CSGS) by Blizzard
# Version: 1.7b
# Type: Actor Attribute Modifier
# Date: 20.5.2006
# Date v1.1: 24.5.2006
# Date v1.3b: 26.5.2006
# Date v1.31b: 27.6.2006
# Date v1.4b: 23.2.2007
# Date v1.5b: 22.8.2007
# Date v1.6b: 12.9.2007
# Date v1.7b: 25.9.2007
# Special Thanks to:
#  Viviatus - for requesting this script =D
#  This script will disable the feature of leveling up. Please be sure to use
#  a Custom Skill Learning System or have an appropriate script.
# Compatibilty:
#  95% compatible with SDK v1.x. 60% compatible with SDK 2.x. WILL corrupt
#  your old savegames. Might cause problems with exotic CBS-es.
# new in v1.1:
#  - fixed bug where dead actors gained stats.
# new in v1.3b:
#  - added additional "Stat, that were raised" window.
# new in v1.31b:
#  - fixed a bug
# new in v1.4b:
#  - better coding, easier to configurate
#  - now compatible with Tons of Add-ons
# new in v1.5b:
#  - improved coding
#  - rewritten conditions using classic syntax to avoid RGSS conditioning bug
# new in v1.6b:
#  - improved coding
#  - now compatible with Blizz-ABS
# new in v1.7b:
#  - removed statup window display, if you want to continue using it, get
#    Easy LvlUp Notifier 2.0 or higher and put the script BELOW this one
# Description:
#  This script disables the ability to gain levels, altough EXP are still
#  being received and can be used for another purpose. It also will allow to
#  raise the character stats by other meanings than level ups.
# Explanation:
#  -> max HP will be raised if the character loses an ammount of HP that is
#      equal to a specific (and configurable) percentage of the max HP
#  -> max SP will be raised if the character uses an ammount of SP that is
#      equal to a specific (and configurable) percentage of the max SP
#  -> it is also possible to set up the success chance of raising max HP
#      and/or SP
#  -> STR will be raised if the character attacks often
#  -> DEX will be raised if the character lands a critical hit or evade a
#      status change
#  -> INT will be raised if the character uses magic based skills, but not if
#      skills are only STR, DEX and/or AGI based
#  -> AGI will be raised if the character manages to evade a physical attack
#      or is the very first character to act during a round
# Notes:
#  This script has a preconfiguration, but it is highly recommended to
#  configure it to your suits. If you are using Blizz-ABS, the stats will
#  be tested and maybe increased each time they are stimulated. Note that only
#  a stat that was stimulated has a chance to be increased in this moment. RBB
#  does not work for Blizz-ABS.
# If you find any bugs, please report them here:
# http://www.chaosproject.co.nr

# START Configuration

MISS_DAMAGE = 'Miss' # which text is displayed when you miss the target
HP_CHANCE = 50 # % chance of HP raising if 50% of max HP value were lost
SP_CHANCE = 50 # % chance of SP raising if 50% of max SP value were used
HP_RATE = 100 # how many additional HP
SP_RATE = 100 # how many additional SP
HP_LOST = 50 # how many % of max HP must be lost, so max HP will increase
SP_USED = 50 # how many % of max SP must be used, so max SP will increase
STR_CHANCE = 100 # % chance of STR raising
DEX_CHANCE = 70 # % chance of DEX raising
INT_CHANCE = 70 # % chance of INT raising
AGI_CHANCE = 70 # % chance of AGI raising
STRRATE = 7 # how many additional STR points
DEXRATE = 7 # how many additional DEX points
INTRATE = 7 # how many additional INT points
AGIRATE = 7 # how many additional AGI points
STRRATE_MIN = 10 # min xstr needed to raise STR
DEXRATE_MIN = 10 # min xstr needed to raise DEX
INTRATE_MIN = 10 # min xstr needed to raise INT
AGIRATE_MIN = 10 # min xstr needed to raise AGI

# In the part below you can activate or deactivate the RBB - "Reset Before
# Battle" feature, that will reset the "counters", that are counting how many
# times a stat was stimulated. Only activate this if you want that counters ARE
# RESETED TO ZERO before every fight. This will have the effect that not MANY
# battles will raise the stats, but LONG battles.
RBB = false

# END Configuration

# Game_Temp

class Game_Temp

attr_accessor :all_data


# Game_Actor

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

attr_accessor :dmghp
attr_accessor :usesp
attr_accessor :xstr
attr_accessor :xdex
attr_accessor :xint
attr_accessor :xagi

alias setup_csgs_later setup
def setup(actor_id)
  @dmghp = @usesp = @xstr = @xdex = @xint = @xagi = 0

def exp=(exp) # disabling level up
  @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
  @hp, sp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min, [@sp, self.maxsp].min


# Game_Battler

class Game_Battler

alias attack_effect_csgs_later attack_effect
def attack_effect(attacker)
  last_hp = self.hp
  result = attack_effect_csgs_later(attacker)
  if self.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    self.dmghp += last_hp - self.hp if last_hp > self.hp
    self.xagi += 1 if self.damage == MISS_DAMAGE
  if attacker.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    attacker.xstr += 1 if last_hp > self.hp
    attacker.xdex += 1 if self.critical
  return result

alias skill_effect_csgs_later skill_effect
def skill_effect(user, skill)
  last_hp = self.hp
  result = skill_effect_csgs_later(user, skill)
  if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    self.dmghp += last_hp - self.hp if last_hp > self.hp
    self.xdex += 1 unless @state_changed
  if user.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    user.usesp += skill.sp_cost
    user.xint += 1 if skill.int_f != 0
  return result

alias slip_damage_effect_csgs_later slip_damage_effect
def slip_damage_effect
  last_hp = self.hp
  result = slip_damage_effect_csgs_later
  if self.is_a?(Game_Actor) && last_hp > self.hp
    self.dmghp += last_hp - self.hp
  return result


# Window_BattleStatus

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base

alias refresh_csgs_later refresh
def refresh
  $game_party.actors.each_index {|i|
      if $tons_version != nil && $tons_version >= 3.71 &&
        actor_x = case $game_party.actors.size
        when 1 then 4 + 240
        when 2 then 4 + 80 + i * 320
        when 3 then 4 + 80 + i * 160
        when 4 then 4 + i * 160
        actor_x = i * 160
      if @level_up_flags && !$game_party.actors.dead?
        self.contents.fill_rect(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, 'STATS UP!')


# Scene_Battle

class Scene_Battle

alias main_csgs_later main
def main
  $game_party.actors.each {|actor|
      actor.dmghp = actor.usesp = 0
      actor.xstr = actor.xdex = actor.xint = actor.xagi = 0 if RBB}
  @statsup_windows.each {|win| win.dispose} if @statsup_windows != nil

alias start_phase5_csgs_later start_phase5
def start_phase5
  $game_party.actors.each_index {|i|
      actor = $game_party.actors
      unless actor.dead?
        if actor.dmghp >= actor.maxhp * HP_LOST / 100 && rand(100) < HP_CHANCE
          actor.maxhp += HP_RATE
        if actor.usesp >= actor.maxsp * SP_USED / 100 && rand(100) < SP_CHANCE
          actor.maxsp += SP_RATE
        if actor.xstr >= STRRATE_MIN && rand(100) < STR_CHANCE
          actor.str += STRRATE
          actor.xstr = 0
        if actor.xdex >= DEXRATE_MIN && rand(100) < DEX_CHANCE
          actor.dex += DEXRATE
          actor.xdex = 0
        if actor.xagi >= AGIRATE_MIN && rand(100) < AGI_CHANCE
          actor.agi += AGIRATE
          actor.xagi = 0
        if actor.xint >= INTRATE_MIN && rand(100) < INT_CHANCE
          actor.int += INTRATE
          actor.xint = 0

alias make_action_orders_csgs_later make_action_orders
def make_action_orders
  @action_battlers[0].xagi += 1 if @action_battlers[0].is_a?(Game_Actor)


# Scene_Map

class Scene_Map

alias main_csgs_later main
def main
  if $BlizzABS
    $game_temp.all_data = {} if $game_temp.all_data == nil
    (1...$data_actors.size).each {|i| reset_testers($game_actors)}

alias upd_csgs_later update
def update
  test_on_stats if $BlizzABS

def reset_testers(actor)
  $game_temp.all_data[actor] = [actor.dmghp, actor.usesp, actor.xstr,
      actor.xdex, actor.xint, actor.xagi]
def test_on_stats
  $game_party.actors.each {|actor|
      unless actor.dead?
        actor.hp, actor.sp = actor.hp, actor.sp
        if actor.dmghp != $game_temp.all_data[actor][0] &&
            actor.dmghp >= actor.maxhp * HP_LOST / 100 && rand(100) < HP_CHANCE
          actor.maxhp += HP_RATE
          actor.dmghp, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.hp[0, 3]}Up"
        if actor.usesp != $game_temp.all_data[actor][1] &&
            actor.usesp >= actor.maxsp * SP_USED / 100 && rand(100) < SP_CHANCE
          actor.maxsp += SP_RATE
          actor.usesp, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.sp[0, 3]}Up"
        if actor.xstr != $game_temp.all_data[actor][2] &&
            actor.xstr >= STRRATE_MIN && rand(100) < STR_CHANCE
          actor.str += STRRATE
          actor.xstr, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.str[0, 3]}Up"
        if actor.xdex != $game_temp.all_data[actor][3] &&
            actor.xdex >= DEXRATE_MIN && rand(100) < DEX_CHANCE
          actor.dex += DEXRATE
          actor.xdex, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.dex[0, 3]}Up"
        if actor.xagi != $game_temp.all_data[actor][5] &&
            actor.xagi >= AGIRATE_MIN && rand(100) < AGI_CHANCE
          actor.agi += AGIRATE
          actor.xagi, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.agi[0, 3]}Up"
        if actor.xint != $game_temp.all_data[actor][4] &&
            actor.xint >= INTRATE_MIN && rand(100) < INT_CHANCE
          actor.int += INTRATE
          actor.xint, actor.damage = 0, "#{$data_system.words.int[0, 3]}Up"


I think this neat script would be looked nice in your battle system. :wink:
Not exactly, but i'm taking a break for a while.
In the future I will only add a couple of features, multiple attacks/combo, some states... and will refine what is already done. I'm planning to make it compatible with DDV limit breaks instead of developing my limit breaks... and fixing some things in the summons. Not a big deal. 
Well, at least you didn't stop refining this awesome script. BTW, had you seen the Blizzard script i posted in my last post? Will you make a compatibility patch with your script? Pretty please? :)
Hey this is a really great script! Good work!
Well, anyway I have got a problem with the bgm music in there.
The Music after the battle won`t play for a while. And I can`t change the battle bgm in the database too.
How can I fix this problem?  Sorry for the bad english ;-)
I`m a newbie    Greetings Matthew
@Valcrist: I saw the post but i haven't given a look to the script yet. The answer is "be patient..."

@Mattes871: i really don't know what's happening there, my BS doesn't change a thing when it comes to music. What other scripts are you using? And, does everything work at least in the demo?
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