@DurVVulfman Why did you lock all of your threads? Was it because you quit, or took a break?
@Charlie Lee I have some more suggestions
Your about at the point where your script is going to replace RTAB for me, but
there is still a little things I don't like about it, things that bug me

This is one of the best Battle systems out though I got to say.
Some ideas that would make this the best.
-Ability to Customize every aspect of this system down to layout of status, and where everything is.
-Real Time Active Battle option, ability to have that in the system, and the ability to turn it off for those who don't like that.
-Compatible with Standard Development Kit/Method and Class Library fully if not already.
-Gradient Bars, able to swap them out with your own scripts if you can't already.
-Add-Ons to the Time Base of the Real Time Active Battler option if you add.
> Casting/Skill Time Counter - Time between spells before you cast or use them.
- Design option to swap around Attack/Defend/Skill/Technique/Dark Arts/ All of them if you wish.
Not sure what exactly there called, but you get my point.
> Option to remove them, and add your own. <- Rename/Change modes etc.
These are just some ideas I had, this problay was a waste of time, but I am trying to give
you some ideas to enhance this more, good luck Charlie.