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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)


Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.8 RMXP --> Clicky

That's right...! Merry Christmas all, I finally had some time to update the Hookshot Tool to be compatible with the XAS System v3.6..! Now if you are wondering whatever happened to the Hookshot Tool v1.7, well, I never did submit it, so don't worry, you haven't missed out!

As stated in previous posts, sometime in the new year (April 01/2010) I will have the time to work on the Hookshot Tool more extensively. Hopefully then I will be able to eliminate the need for the "Common Events".

If anyone has any other suggestions on this version on how to improve it, please feel free to comment.
Don't forget to read the Headers in the script for changes and updates... ie: Pass through or not on hit of Enemy.

Peace All... :thumb:

Fenwick Lorecarver
Fenwick began making this hookshot way before it was included in XAS. Moghunter's version in XAS 3.6 is kinda lazy in comparison.

The hookshot item can be found in the Zelda games:


I wrote a walk-through on how to install it a while back, I've not had the time to compare it to the most recent download (in terms of installation) but I reckon not much has changed implementation wise.


Guide to installing: http://xasabs.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/ ... -hookshot/
Oh it's like a ninja rope in Worms, used to swing your way across mountain walls and stuff like that ;)
Very nice, might give it a try if it fits my game.
Mr_Smith":297g48is said:
Oh it's like a ninja rope in Worms, used to swing your way across mountain walls and stuff like that ;)
Very nice, might give it a try if it fits my game.

Less swinging, more pulling. With the ninja rope, you shoot out to the axel for the swing, the hook-shot, you shoot out to the destination. Other than that point, yeah your analogy is perfect.
I just thought of myself, isn't there an add-on so you don't have to make a different charset for each weapon you use? Isn't there a snippet so it uses an animation instead? If not, we should coörperate to make such a thing!



I've always wondered why this system likes groups of three.

To create a weapon, you need a TOOL entry, a Skill, and the actual Weapon.
To create an enemy, you need the Enemy, a Troop, and data about it in the Battler script.

Now I understand the need for the script extras, but why do weapons need skills, and enemies need troops? Are there values the latter have that the former don't, so they can't be reprogrammed to do without?
@Jirbytaylor - I agree somewhat with what you're saying, having to select a graphic on the Troop tab is a little silly since it isn't actually used in-game but it's a requirement for RPG Maker XP (it expects to see a graphic there).

Is there a way to script a work-around? Most probably.

Is it worth creating? Not really.

More likely than not the extra code would have to be inserted into the XAS System script which, as we all know, is constantly changing anyway.

Not to mention by creating different variants of XAS you're possibly creating compatibility issues with future versions and making it harder to get support.

Get on over to http://gameface101.playogame.com/ - where some great XAS scripts are being released!
Try to turn off the switch "ally off" (id 004) it should work

I'm using the XAS ally system too (well, i'm just trying) and i have a wierd error when i copyed the scripts "ALLY" "Teleport" "Zeriab's Caterpillar Script" "COG - Extra Frames" on my project (which already countained xas scripts)

when the game is starting i can't see any character on the map following the hero and when i teleport on another map the game shut down with the error : ???? Nomethod error ???? undefined method "ki" for <game_event0x7522858>

i have a other similar error when i launch the game and turn the id 004 switch on : my characters appears but he don't move, and then i turn on the same switch and the game shut down.

somebody can help me please ?
i had the same error. what i did is put all my non xas related scripts and the new xas scripts in the ally demo, them transferred the script data file and it worked! btw it isnt compatible with the combo system or CT system
Okay i tryed but there was so many bugs that i gave up... but thank you for your help :wink:

But i'm trying to realize an other system blending events and xas :

in my system you can play with only one character at a time but if you press two keys at the same time you can switch your current character with the other ones in you team.

once you press the keys, it delete the other characters from your team and only conserve the one you want to play with. so i have in the common events :

if A pressed
if left pressed
if switch [character n°2 is on your team] ON
change team : add character 2
change team : delete character 1
change team : delete character 3

it work when your character attacks but if an enemy hit you nothing happen, the monsters can't touch you.
moreover when you're using an other character than the one you began with you can't use any items and if you use your overdrive it make the main character's overdrive.

If there exists a solution, someone can help me please ?
there is an xas party switcher. look in script support. and the bugs might be cuz of the skills and weapons u made. its not compatible with some of the parts in the scripts. make a few changes and it might work



If someone wants, I integrated it with famous Materia system and Random Map Generator ( they weren't compatible ). It might not be 100% right now, but it's usable I think.
Skeith08":34s89p3n said:
Ur just allaround awesome! Ill test it right away!
EDIT: shit, i cant recover hp... it wont go up, but it will go down!

hmm i think moghunter change the method.
try to change the tool and add
actor = $game_party.actors[0]
heal = (actor.maxhp * 30) / 100
actor.hp += heal
$game_player.battler.damage = - heal
$game_player.battler.damage_pop = true
to the tool event (this is for Potion)

Eriol Clowphengire":34s89p3n said:
Hackel, it's glitched. The first Arshes gets damage even though they're attacking hero2.
sure? I don´t think so. I change the attack_on method so the enemy has the same attack range as the hero. (128 is the tool id for a normal attack)

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