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This can be done - it requires some script editing but its simple enough.
The MISC script configures the items and skill buttons (pay attention to the key at the top of the script).
The XAS SYSTEM script itself sets the movements for the character, I suppose you'd just have to replace 2 (move_down), 4 (move_left), 6 (move_right) and 8 (move_up) for the buttons you wish to use.
Seems like a lot of work to go to to change the direction buttons.
@ Swick - I've no idea. I just had a go and came up with nada.
I'm not familiar with the AWorks Input Module either, my understanding is that any editing relating to the movement of the character has to be done within the XAS SYSTEM script as this will override any addition script you add.
Hopefully someone here will be able to help you with that.
If not, why not try another ABS? You said you wanted something fairly easy - Behemoth's projectile ABS (just google it) is pretty straight forward, it might be more what you're looking for.
@Eriol Clowphengire - Yeah that's deliberate because the Q and W keys can be used to equip your weapons, items and skills.
If you look for "Change Menu Access: Disable" in the events - its in pink writing - if you change that to "Enable" or delete it all together it should allow you to access the menu.
A "How to make a new skill ..." tutorial has been added over at http://xasabs.wordpress.com
Are things such as the Overdrive drive system, right-hand side Combo bar thingy, AP etc capable of being disabled without affecting the rest of the project?
How would one go about simplifying the controls and equip-able items schtick? - I'm enjoying this, but I'm thinking it would be easier to have, alongside the defensive option, simply a "left hand" and a "right hand", and being able to equip a weapon, tool or spell to either slot.
@Eriol - here you go pare' ^,^
It's brand spankin new and a work in progress but I'm down to just a few lines of code to change the items/skills,
other than that it works like a charm.
# XAS Change Leader
# v 0.2
# by (G/A/M/E/F/A/C/E 101
# 10-5-2009
# v 0.3 - temporary setting to clear equipped item or skill
# (currently working on having shift equip actor specific skill/item)
# v 0.2 - two button configuration to leave default buttons as is.
# - sound effect and animation when shifting leader
# - refreshes game so XAS will register new Leader
# v 0.1 = one button to shift leader
class Scene_Map#-------------------------=[main scene for any ABS]
alias swap_xas_leader update#------------=[alias method for compatibility]
def update##############################################################[UPDATE]
if Input.press? (Input::A) and Input.press?(Input::X)#two buttons to switch!
$game_system.se_play(RPG::AudioFile.new("009-System09", 100, 100))#---=[sound fx]
#$game_system.se_play(XAS::REFLECT_SE)#----------------------=[sound when shift]
$game_player.animation_id = 220#-------------------------=[animation when shift]
xas_leader#---------------------------------------------------=[load xas_leader]
end#----------------------------------------------------=[end update definition]
def xas_leader#------------------------------------[define how to change leader]
last_act = $game_party.actors.shift #define how to shift actors
$game_party.add_actor (last_act.id) #shift leader to last act
$game_player.refresh #refresh actors new sequence
$game_system.xas_skill_id = 0 #to clear equipped skill
$game_system.xas_item_id = 0 #to clear equipped item
$scene = Scene_Map.new#refresh game for new leader to be XAS active]
end#------------------------------------------------=[end global variables "$"]
end#-----------------------------------------------=[end xas_leader definition]
end#---------------------------------------------------------------=[end it all]
XAS script NOTES:
#$game_system.xas_skill_id = 1#-------------------=[skill that will be equipped]
#$game_system.xas_skill_index = 1 #--------------------=[refer to skill index 1]
#$game_system.xas_item_id = 1 #--------------------=[item that will be equipped]
#$game_system.xas_item_index = 1 #----------------------=[refer to item index 1]
#$game_system.xasovd_lv = 2 #----------------------=[set player overdrive level]
Are things such as the Overdrive drive system, right-hand side Combo bar thingy, AP etc capable of being disabled without affecting the rest of the project?
these features can easily be disabled by setting their assigned switch to: OFF
which is SWITCH_ID = 8
you can also assign a different switch for each if you want to disable/enable them separately.
press F11 - go into your script database
and just change the number for the Switch to whatever switch you would like to use.
for MOG - XAS_Overdrive Script:
for MOG - XAS_Bonnus_Gauge Script: ('right hand Combo bar thingy')
and for MOG - AP Parameter Script:
as for your second question, I am unclear as to what you mean by simplifying the controls..."?"
do you mean reassigning the buttons? or customizing tools??
or only having two slots to equip???
In a sense, weapons go to one hand and shields go to another...
and if you really wanted to make a "weapons master"
you can make custom TOOLS so that an Item is a weapon
and a Skill is a weapon. ^,^
@Incognitus -
as for your second question, I am unclear as to what you mean by simplifying the controls..."?"
do you mean reassigning the buttons? or customizing tools??
or only having two slots to equip???
In a sense, weapons go to one hand and shields go to another...
and if you really wanted to make a "weapons master"
you can make custom TOOLS so that an Item is a weapon
and a Skill is a weapon. ^,^
I think I know how to change the keyboard controls. (It helps that Calvin has a guide too!)
I'll illustrate where I want to end up: That should help with clarity. I think you may have addressed my question... I... uh... just want to make sure I understood your reply. :blush:
I'm doing to move "Shield" onto the shift key, then have Z and X being used to attack with whatever is equipped - be it a weapon, a tool, item, or a spell. It would be possible to equip a weapon to each slot, or a tool, item, etc (so long as they weren't the same item, naturally).
I intend to move the menus onto A and S respectably.
confused + puzzled = I was confuzzled by your reply too,
(I'm so going to use that)and yes Calvin624 is the XAS tutorial man!
You have made yourself much more clearer
but let's recap your configuration request.
Incognitus Config:
[Caps][A] = A & S-(quick menu)
confused + puzzled = I was confuzzled by your reply too,
(I'm so going to use that)and yes Calvin624 is the XAS tutorial man!
You have made yourself much more clearer
but let's recap your configuration request.
Incognitus Config:
[Caps][A] = A & S-(quick menu)
Well it's exactly the same as mentioned in that tutorial except instead of the Chest event you want to create this:
Make a new event -
Check variable and select DEFEATED set this to X (where X is the amount of Enemies in this room).
Under options tick: Move Animation and Through
Trigger: Parallel Process
In the event window put the transfer line of code followed by erase event or self switch (depending on whether you want the same to happen each time you enter that room or not)