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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

@calvin624 - I could not help but notice that your english version of 3.51 has your current HUD. I it possible to have a copy of said english version without your HUD?
@Souloux - Yes its entirely possible, if you just copy the XAS System, HUD and Misc scripts over to the translated demo you'll have the original HUD back.

Misc is the only script out of those that actually requires any translation, in which case you can copy and paste the comments over from the translated demo.

I was wondering if it was possible to set it so that this script only works in a controlled area, the only examples I can think of are tales of symphonia or star ocean (3 is the only one I played, idk about the others). I want it to be set up so that I can walk around with out the HUD or monsters attacking but then if you run into a monster or vise versa it would take you two a new map where it would then have your party members out and ready to fight + the HUD(s) would show up, then upon completion of the battle you would be transferred back to where you were and the HUD would be gone again.

While I was typing this I realized that the scripts may not be set up to support other members :[

If someone could tell me how to do this step by step (because me and scripts are like fire and kittens) so that I could do this?

this can be done through events and switches...

~ the "peaceful map"
you can disable the display of the HUD by turning off the assigned switch.
in RMXP press 'F11' - go to the 'MISC script'
you will see that 2 is default "DISABLE_HUD_SWITCH = 2"
so on that map make a parallel process event / control switch / set switch "2" off

~ the enemy on the peaceful map
now the have the enemy encounter event set to "event touch"
with transfer player to the "battle map"
clear all move routes

~ the "battle map"
now on this map make a parallel process event / control switch / set switch "2" on
(to display the HUD)

~the enemy on the battle map
in order to transfer back to the peaceful map after you defeat this enemy you must
edit the BATTLER script (F11) and include this monster to the "DEFEAT_SWITCH_IDS"
(the number on the left is the enemy id in the database)
(the number on the right is the switch id that will transfer you back to the peaceful map)
now last make another event on the battle map, label a new switch (example: 200 - enemy defeated)
set this event as parallel process, with transfer player and to have that defeat switch on (example: 200)
(this will transfer you back to the peaceful map)

hope this helped more then confused

~ g/A\/\/\|E|F/A\(C|=
3.6! has a nice world map and shop setup.
more weapons, items, and skills...
a better action display

*yet only another clue as to what the turtle (and dragon) sign will be for...

I'm calling it! water and air vehicles!!! (the suspense is killing me!)

obviously there's going to be more to look forward to!
~as if there isn't enough to play with already ^,^

@gameface - I think you're right.

I noticed Moghunter made a small error in 3.51 leaving a reference to some "boots" behind, still no sign of them or what they were going to do though.

@Ancient - I wrote an upgrade tutorial that will work for all versions - http://xasabs.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/ ... 2-to-v3-4/

I suggest you wait for my translated version before you make the upgrade though.

3.6 seems to be the biggest shake up yet, Moghunter has rearranged all the items/skills and weapons on the TOOL MAP which means all our games will require some major editing.
@Link in Pink - I know what you mean :)

I spent an hour and twenty minutes playing it earlier, was fun getting the ShadowDancer skill - just kicks everything's ass at the touch of a button lol.

Yeah, definitely swimming and flying to come, perhaps the boots were for running without effecting the CT meter? (water, air, land)

Anyway, its late but the job is done :)

Get over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com to download a fully translated version of XAS v3.6 - all comments welcome!

Should we have a puzzle contest?

Read the "Tutorials you want to see" thread and subsequent comments and leave one of your own, have your say on what you'd like to see in the future :biggrin:
@Velocir X - If you want a puzzle contest head over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com and comment on the "Tutorials you want to see" thread - I just need to know that a few more people are interested in it before I set it up :biggrin:

Have your say on what you'd like to see!

Request a tutorial or simply leave a suggestion or comment and chat with fans of XAS.

Get over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com to download a fully translated version of XAS v3.6 with HUD - all comments welcome!

PUZZLE CONTEST - Rules and Info are now up on the site!
ok, just finished porting over my project from 3.5 to 3.6 and the pro's do out weigh the cons.

the cons: tools and animations have been rearranged so you just can't copy and paste over your work
with out reassigning standard animations, custom and standard skills, items and weapons...

now there's plenty of pro's (AP point system, fade feature for the hud, etc...)
but the most important update is how tools and combos are made...

if you are not familiar on how to make tools (weapons, items, skills)
then study how the events are made on the tool map,
and how each event has been configured through the database (weapons, items, skills tabs)
and last how each tool is set in the script editor (scripts: skills, items, and each with thier own script)

now here's a lil' script template I made for making custom tools...
(this new setup gives you way more control to fine tune tools in one place!)

~enjoy g/A\/\/\|E|F/A\(C|=

module Database_Bullet    

  action_id = 135 # ID of the TOOL (the event number on the TOOL map.)    

  LINK_ACTION_ID[action_id] = 0 #ID of the tool this tool will activate next.    

  SUFLAGS[action_id] = 20 #how long user will not be able to move.   

  DURATIONS[action_id] = 70 #how long tool will remain in play.      

  PIERCINGS[action_id] = false #this tool will go through target.   

  SELF_MOTIONS[action_id] = "_act" #suffix for character sprite when used.    

  plan = [] #Definition of the time to activate the effect of the tool.

  plan[30] = action_id # (This option serves to create tools such as Bombs

  ATTACK_ID_PLANS[action_id] = plan # where impact occurs some seconds after.)   

  ATTACK_RANGE_TYPES[action_id] = SQUARE #area type = LINE = RHOMBUS = SQUARE  

  ATTACK_RANGE_PLANS[action_id] = [2] #size of the impact area  

  BLOW_POWERS[action_id] = 0 #level of power the tool will have

  #plan = [A] #A = Time to activate the animation.

  #PLAN [] = B #B = ID of the animation

  SELF_ANIMATION_PLANS[action_id] = [] #(no animation) or #plan    

  SELF_ANIMATION_HIT[action_id]  = 0 #the animation when user is hit.  

  SELF_DAMAGES[action_id] = false #this tool damages the user when used.  

  SELF_INVICIBLES[action_id] = false #this tool makes the user invincible.    

  ONLY_ALLY[action_id] = false #this tool only affects allies.   

  TARGET_INVINCIBLES_DURATIONS[action_id] = 8 #how long tool makes player invincible.      

  IGNORE_INVINCIBLES[action_id] = true # this tool ignores invincible state.      

  IGNORE_PLAYERSHIELD[action_id] = false # this tool ignores the players shield.        

  IGNORE_REFLECT[action_id] = true #this tool ignores being reflected.         

  MULTI_HIT[action_id] = false # this tool hits multiple times.            

  SHAKE[action_id] = true #this tool shakes the screen when in use.              

  ANIMATION_SPEED[action_id] = 2.0 #animation speed of the character unsing tool                

  SHORT_RANGE[action_id] = true # this tool has a short reaction.  

  FORCE_MOVE[action_id] = nil # this tool moves player = FORWARD = BACKWARD = nil.  

  FORCE_JUMP[action_id] = false # this tool makes the player jump when in use.  

  PLAYER_CT_COST[action_id] = false #This tool will use CT for it's SP in database.  

  PLAYER_CAST_TIME[action_id] = 0 #how long it will take to cast after use.


I've wanted a good explanation for all those things for a while now but I forgot all about it hahaha The tutorial on MOGHunter's website kinda sucked... Thank goodness for XAS tutorials. Seriously lol

But yeah thank you this will help me in my tool making. I also noticed the HUD Fade and it's a feature I wanted but put in the back of my head since 2.0 :p I'm glad to see it's implementation in 3.6 :D
@LinkinPink - most welcome

@Calvin624 - go for it!
hopefully I will find some time to make a puzzle for your contest!
keep up the great work on your site...all your efforts are greatly appreciated.
I've enjoyed your "monster portal", "world map edit" and "enemy encounters"...
(I'm still trying to figure out the changing face graphics so that I can add a tutorial)

moving platforms....with XAS!? would be tits! that and pixel movement...

I think there's a pixelmovement compatible script out there somewhere, but I forgot where I got it. Might have been in this thread actually if you want to scroll through and find it

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