ok, just finished porting over my project from 3.5 to 3.6 and the pro's do out weigh the cons.
the cons: tools and animations have been rearranged so you just can't copy and paste over your work
with out reassigning standard animations, custom and standard skills, items and weapons...
now there's plenty of pro's (AP point system, fade feature for the hud, etc...)
but the most important update is how tools and combos are made...
if you are not familiar on how to make tools (weapons, items, skills)
then study how the events are made on the tool map,
and how each event has been configured through the database (weapons, items, skills tabs)
and last how each tool is set in the script editor (scripts: skills, items, and each with thier own script)
now here's a lil' script template I made for making custom tools...
(this new setup gives you way more control to fine tune tools in one place!)
~enjoy g/A\/\/\|E|F/A\(C|=
module Database_Bullet
action_id = 135 # ID of the TOOL (the event number on the TOOL map.)
LINK_ACTION_ID[action_id] = 0 #ID of the tool this tool will activate next.
SUFLAGS[action_id] = 20 #how long user will not be able to move.
DURATIONS[action_id] = 70 #how long tool will remain in play.
PIERCINGS[action_id] = false #this tool will go through target.
SELF_MOTIONS[action_id] = "_act" #suffix for character sprite when used.
plan = [] #Definition of the time to activate the effect of the tool.
plan[30] = action_id # (This option serves to create tools such as Bombs
ATTACK_ID_PLANS[action_id] = plan # where impact occurs some seconds after.)
ATTACK_RANGE_PLANS[action_id] = [2] #size of the impact area
BLOW_POWERS[action_id] = 0 #level of power the tool will have
#plan = [A] #A = Time to activate the animation.
#PLAN [] = B #B = ID of the animation
SELF_ANIMATION_PLANS[action_id] = [] #(no animation) or #plan
SELF_ANIMATION_HIT[action_id] = 0 #the animation when user is hit.
SELF_DAMAGES[action_id] = false #this tool damages the user when used.
SELF_INVICIBLES[action_id] = false #this tool makes the user invincible.
ONLY_ALLY[action_id] = false #this tool only affects allies.
TARGET_INVINCIBLES_DURATIONS[action_id] = 8 #how long tool makes player invincible.
IGNORE_INVINCIBLES[action_id] = true # this tool ignores invincible state.
IGNORE_PLAYERSHIELD[action_id] = false # this tool ignores the players shield.
IGNORE_REFLECT[action_id] = true #this tool ignores being reflected.
MULTI_HIT[action_id] = false # this tool hits multiple times.
SHAKE[action_id] = true #this tool shakes the screen when in use.
ANIMATION_SPEED[action_id] = 2.0 #animation speed of the character unsing tool
SHORT_RANGE[action_id] = true # this tool has a short reaction.
FORCE_MOVE[action_id] = nil # this tool moves player = FORWARD = BACKWARD = nil.
FORCE_JUMP[action_id] = false # this tool makes the player jump when in use.
PLAYER_CT_COST[action_id] = false #This tool will use CT for it's SP in database.
PLAYER_CAST_TIME[action_id] = 0 #how long it will take to cast after use.