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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I highly doubt it :( it very button oriented and changing it to a mouse script would require tons of editing.

Also I must say I love to death the addition to 3.5 of a "Quick Selection" if you will of items and skills by pressing Q or W. It's so nice to not have to scroll through all my items or to go through the boring menu anymore. I love it :D
That's a great point Link in Pink, begs the question do we need the menu any more?

Edit: 3.51 released?

The update resolves an issue with movement.

The easiest way I've found to update is to move over some of your data files, maps and map info (not map001 - the TOOL map), items, enemies and troops - to the new demo.

Then copy over your graphic and audio folders.
the only difference (that I can find) between 3.5 and 3.51 is...

at the very bottom of the XAS SYSTEM script.

class Game_Player < Game_Character

  alias xas_move_forward move_forward #insert 3.51  

def move_forward

  xas_move_forward #insert 3.51

  @actor = $game_party.actors[0]        

  @actor.hit_it = 1


so does anyone have an idea on how to change the face graphics so when you slash or dash or shield
you can use an already made slash, dash, and shield face graphic??? ~ g/A\/\/\|=|F/A\C|=
def draw_heroface(actor,x,y) 

    face = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.name + "_face") rescue nada

    cw = face.width 

    ch = face.height 

    src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)

    self.contents.blt(x , y - ch, face, src_rect)  

here this is the method that displays the hero face
in its current form it sets it based off the actor's name so change it to something that changes with those moves
like the actor.character_name - which is the actor graphic name ;)
Yeah I'm thinking of doing away with the menu altogether, I never ever look at my status page anyway and I could easily add a simple menu in it's place to act as a pause menu with simple options such as save and exit.

It would look prettier if that ugly menu would just disappear :p And thanks to that update they won't need it to go select items and skills.
@link in pink - couldn't agree with you more... though I do love how my 7 layer ring menu is free for more menus
(such as bestiary, quest log, minigames, & more...)

@Velocir_X = alright I got a response! thanks for the reply... I'm familiar with the method yet I don't know how to make the face graphic change once the actor is hit or dashes or attacks etc... I can make these face graphics change only
by entering and exiting out of menu... I'm certain it has something to do with "update?" or "refresh" once I figure it out
I will definitely share ^,^ ~g/A\/\/\|=|F/A\C|=
Well if you have a ring menu, that looks better than the default menu any day :D

Has anyone played around with the zoom effects in 3.5? I'm thinking they could be put to good use for enemies that get bigger as they're about to explode, or with more damage they take the bigger and more powerful they become.

I think the red slime is coded to get bigger with more damage it takes. Hmm but yeah it's also an interesting feature I'd like to play around with.

Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.3 RMXP ---> Clicky

This Hookshot Tool is now, finally Plug-N-Play...! :smoke:
That's right, it doesn't matter where you put the Common Event's in your game now...
What you do, is setup where the "Common Events" are located in the Script's Configuration area.

As long as you input the correct Slot # for each Common Event for the Hookshot Tool that is used correctly.
Then it doesn't matter where you place the Hookshot Tool's Common Events.

Eventually, this will be transformed into an entire Script, instead of: 1 Script & Several Common Events

I hope this helps out inserting the Hookshot Tool into your games.

Fenwick Lorecarver

here's my setting for the bottom right corner! (starting at line 25)

#Posição horizontal da janela


#Posição vertical da janela


#Posição do texto.



I'm glad to see you choose to use the face graphic too,
once I figure out how to make the face change with each action I will definitely share~
any one out there already knows how? ~g/A\/\/\|=|F/A\C|=

check out my super compact hud for my game called...
@Gameface - Thanks man, you're HUD looks great btw. Certainly compact lol.

I'll update the New* HUD with the addons configured correctly.

EDIT: - New HUD with addons configured - http://www.filefront.com/14125325

I've been working on something which is kinda cool, gonna ask Fenwick if he'll help me out with it - but as soon as its complete you'll be the first to know.

* need to start calling it alternative HUD or something its been around for a few months now lol
I like how you added in the other equipment the player has equipped.


I was wondering when you would make the upgrade for the new version, its very good.

Here is my edit to the hud:
@ computerwizoo7 - Thanks mate.

Your edit is great, I'd try to build the frame around the items and skills a bit more, its obvious you have what it takes to do it.

Feel free to make new skins and send them to me, I'll put them up on the site :biggrin:
I think gameface is working on having a set of graphics for the character put into the HUD that'll react when your character is hit, casting a spell, poisoned etc.
UPDATE <--- Fixed Problem, Please Redownload this Version

Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.4 RMXP ---> Clicky

Back again with another update to the Hookshot Tool....! Seems like I keep going Forward and Backward with
this Tool, there is always something sneaking in to warrent attention.

The Common Events were given another Overhaul, this was inorder to fix Enemies from Stopping on screen when you used the Tool. This was not cool, and had to be fixed, a big Thanks to "Velocir_X" for reminding me of this issue.!
You will now notice one extra Common Event, as this was needed.

Also, added, when you use the Hookshot Tool, and an Enemy attacks you, the Hookshot Tool will Guard you. This is by Temporarily adding a State to the User when using the Tool. The state makes you Invincible until done using the Tool. Why you say??? Well, when you were hit before, you would be knocked around on the screen, which was fine, except for the pictures for the Hookshot Tool are locked in place where they were used. Now that would look funny don't you thing.?? The Hookshot Tool hovering in the air, 4 tiles away from you after you were hit. So, to rectify this, the Hookshot State was created (Once again, look at the Configuration area in the Script).

Also, One (1) line of the Original XAS v3.51 script was edited in the script it's self, there was no way around it, even by "Aliasing", this is also explained in the script Configuration. This was done to prevent the Player from Moving while the Hookshot Tool was being used and not completed from being used. Before, you could walk away half way through the movement of the Hookshot Tool and have it hovering in the air, once again. This also was not exceptible and had to be changed. I did look at other ways of disabling the movement, but resulted in multiple graphics screw ups, which I will not explain now. Besides, editing one line to ad an "or" statement seemes like a fair trade off to me.

Exploding: Yup, that's what I said, the Hookshot Tool when Charged will explode on enemies, causing more damage and Multiple Damages. I know there are those out there that would like to see the Charged Feature be to "Bring Enemies Closer"... I decided against this, as, the Hookshot Tool is really not for fighting, we all know that, but rather a slow tool used for grappling. However it does inflict damage, it is a poor weapon when surrounded by multiple enemies. Perhaps in the future, I will design one for that purpose as stated in past posts.

Once again, I hope you all enjoy this installment, and critics are always welcome... Just not on my spelling/grammer :biggrin:

EDIT: Problem with Error on Line#404 Now Fixed, had to do with uninitializing one of the Characters when storeing Lead Actor's ID.

Fenwick Lorecarver

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