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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Ragnarok":3m7plbp6 said:
I've got a little problem:
Using my character rai[5] (5 Frames)
and using rai_ANI[5] doesn't work together.
So I renamed it to rai[5]_ANI, surprisingly, this functions, but now comes my little problem, my attack animation hast only 4 frames: rai_SWD_01 as example.

This wouldn't cause me so much problems if I wouldn't have another animation of 12 frames :/

Any suggestion how I can fix this problem?

Thanks in advance

*pump* :/
In the script editor, find the part where you can edit "_ANI". Try changing it to "_ANI[5]", that way it triggers the frame script by ending in "[5]" and the Script for the wait animation.

If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what to do ;)
Hi there! :)
Is there any way, to integrate this script into XAS?

To tell you what the script does: it makes events "bigger" by a comment on the first page. You can look in the demo there, to see exactly, what I mean. I need this for my NPCs, because my charsets are pretty tall.
For example:

Unfortunately, I am a totally noob at scripting, so I can't figure it out by myself. Can anybody help me, please? :)

(Sorry btw, english is not my native language - and I am not very practised. Just to let you know, when I sound weird ;) )
At the beginning of my game I would like the skill button (D-key) to be disable until the player learns how to use magic. Is there a way to do so?

"Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool RMXP v1.0"

Been awhile since I posted on the Hookshot Tool for the XAS System here, so here is an update:

1) New version will be out sometime at the end of this week.
2) Implimented Better graphics algorythm, locking images, etc...
3) Converted the Hookshot Tool to 90% script.
4) Made entire script Configurable via script for Switches/Variables - You decide via script what you want to use for these.
5) Civillian-Hit-Detection, so you do not kill Civillians.
6) Enemy-Hit-Detection, so the Hookshot Tool doesn't pass through the Enemy, but retracts soon after Hitting. Same for Civillians.
7) Blood Splatter Effect on Enemies.
8) Pickup Dropped Items by defeated Enemies (previously implimented).
9) Less Common Events used for system (Script Driven inside Common Events) No need to change anything inside Common Events, as
what was needed in previous versions.
10)Hero Graphic(s) for XAS System (Arshes) supplied in this demo to come out.

Well, that be it for now, just a small update. More to come, ie: Special Charged Weapon for Hookshot Tool.

Fenwick Lorecarver
Wonderful mate
Just curious how could we implement custom graphics to work with the hookshot
(HK cough cough)

Also did you notice that the new version of XAS claims to have working hookshot O.o
The "new" hook is pathetic in comparison to Fenwick's though.

You can get the hook by defeating the beach boss - (the beach is south from your starting position in the demo - advanced demonstration)

BTW - I'm going away for a week, so if I don't reply to your messages don't think I'm being ignorant :)
Velocir_X":1ecop8kq said:
Wonderful mate
Just curious how could we implement custom graphics to work with the hookshot
(HK cough cough)

Also did you notice that the new version of XAS claims to have working hookshot O.o
This is a good question, and I actually do have a answer for you....

Inside the Hookshot Tool's Script, in the top portion, this is where you can configure the Tool to your liking:

1) This area allows you to use different pictures for each of the Hookshot Tool's arrow.
2) Allows you to change the "Suffix" for the Character Pictures

In previous versions, you were pretty much stuck with the "Name" "Fenwick Lorecarver" for all the Character Hookshot Tools. Now you can just make a Character Set of your choice with the Name of your choice. Just label it someing such as: "_HKSstart" or "_HSextend" or "_DoingTheHookshot"
Just remember that you have to change the name of the graphics in the Script file provided. The Header of the Script explains everything from Setup to warming cold Cherry Pie in the Oven at a low 450 degree's for 10 minutes. :smoke:

Like I said earlier though, there is a lot I will be implementing in the future, but it will take time, as I want each and every added feature to look the best that it can.

Fenwick Lorecarver



Since a lot of talented scripters are working on improving and editing this system I wondered if you could help me with something. I'm using XAS 3.4 and I was wondering if you could edit it so that right before the character attacks it first checks if he has stopped moving and if he has, it checks in which direction he is facing and if he is facing down he is first turned left before the attack is initiated and if he is facing up he is turned right. I don't know if an edit like that is a lot of work but if it's a big request I'll set up a request in Scripts Requests. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Never mind, I managed to get a good result by using a common event containing a conditional branch and using the command off switch.
UPDATE V1.0 - for XAS v3.4

"Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool RMXP v1.0" - Clicky

So here is an update:

1) Implimented Better graphics algorythm, locking images, etc...
2) Converted the Hookshot Tool to 90% script.
3) Made entire script Configurable via script for Switches/Variables - You decide via script what you want to use for these.
4) Civillian-Hit-Detection, so you do not kill Civillians.
5) Enemy-Hit-Detection, so the Hookshot Tool doesn't pass through the Enemy, but retracts soon after Hitting. Same for Civillians.
6) Blood Splatter Effect on Enemies. You decide if Blood Splatter or Normal Hit.
7) Pickup Dropped Items by defeated Enemies (previously implimented).
8) Less Common Events used for system (Script Driven inside Common Events) No need to change anything inside Common Events, as what was needed in previous versions.
9)Hero Graphic(s) for XAS System (Arshes) supplied in this demo.

Well, that be it for now, just a small update. More to come, ie: Special Charged Weapon for Hookshot Tool.


This Version and previous versions are NOT, I repeat NOT Compatible with the new XAS v3.5...! :cry:

For some reason, when latching onto anything, the demo will freeze.! I have no idea why, but, the new XAS v3.5 does not like the "Wait For Move Completion" statements inside the Common Events. I have tried everything I know to fix or remedy this situation. If anyone has an idea to fix this, I will go ahead and try it or impliment it. :thumb:

Fenwick Lorecarver
I've been busy upgrading my game to XAS 3.5!
Moghunter is tha man!
I just love the new "bonnus" feature!!!

I do have a request that maybe all of us XAS'erz may like to use as well...


now I've made a face graphic for shield, sword, charge, dash, hit, item, etc...
so far if I change the actor's name the picture will change once you enter/exit out of the menu...

how can we have it set up so that when we dash the dash graphic will appear and when we block or attack
the shield or sword face graphic will appear... and when we do nothing the default face graphic reappears???

I'm sure all of us would like to have that "doom" in our game.

@fenwick your hookshoot rocks... can't wait till it's 3.5 ready.

@calvin you are the XAS man! thanx for making it easier to work on my favorite battle system!
Fenwick I think it may be something with they're hookshot
may some method its event or script uses
I'll take a look later

But still awesome work Fenwick :thumb:
I'm curious how would I disable the hookshots combat?
(I am planning on just using it as a puzzle mechanic)
Velocir_X":1ajwrult said:
Fenwick I think it may be something with they're hookshot
may some method its event or script uses
I'll take a look later
I'll have to look again at it this week.

But still awesome work Fenwick :thumb:
I'm curious how would I disable the hookshots combat?
(I am planning on just using it as a puzzle mechanic)
Give me some time, I'll add a switch you can set in the Scripts Configuration area.

Edit: UPDATE - Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.1 RMXP ---> Clicky

1) Added the ability to "Grab" and draw into you, any Items you Create in an Event, if created Correctly
(Look at the Demo's Items to see how they were created. You also have to have an icon with the name of the
Event Item, in the "Icons" folder for this to work. Insert proper "Comments" on the first line of the active Page
of the Event Item.)

2) The ability to choose the collection SoundF/X for when collecting an Event Item on the screen, with Volume/Pitch

3) The ability to turn the Hookshot Tool ON/OFF for "Combat Use". Used if you do not want to harm any Enemies
with the Hookshot Tool, but use the Hookshot Tool strictly for Puzzle games, etc...

4) Tweeked how Civillians were treated when hit with the Hookshot Tool. These events are setup under the Enemies
Tab in the Database under the name: "Civillian" It is used for all characters you deem as Civillians, they do not
take damage when hit by the Hookshot Tool, but will remark on you doing so. Their Hit Points are never shown,
that is why we can use the one Enemy "Civillian" setup for all NPC's (None Player Characters who are not
Enemies) Or are, but can not be harmed as enemies. But, you could alwasy just use the Configuration in the
XAS "Battler" configuration area for characters such as those.

NOTE: I have not updated the Word Document supplied with this Demo, sometime when I have time, I will update it.
I will continue to keep working on this version for XAS v3.4 until I or someone else figures out what in the XAS System script is causing the Incompatibility. This way when we find and correct the problem for implimentation, it will be easy to update the demo for XAS v3.5.

EDIT - For Idea To Make Compatible With XAS v3.5: Say, anyone know how to put a "Wait For Move Completion" in script format? I've tried putting it into a Move Route Script command, but that did not work
Fenwick Lorecarver



I searched for an pixelmovement script that's compatible with XAS. But haven't had any luck. Is there already one out that's compatible? or can be made compatible by tweaking it a bit?

Good job with the hookshot Fenwick. To bad I am using 3.5 now. I hope someone figures out the incompatibility fast. I really want to use your hookshot :p. It sounds amazing. Keep it up.

Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.2 RMXP ---> Clicky

Hookshot v1.2 is now compatible with XAS v3.5...! Turned out, for some reason, they overwriten the last
"def" in the script --> "def move_forward" with only 2 lines of code.! After Aliasing this in the Hookshot Script, the
problem was fixed. However, other things had to be overwritten for the Hookshot Tool to work. The XAS System's own Hookshot had Dropped items when hit, jump from their spot to the Player. I did not like this, nor was I happy with this look, to me, it looked sloppy. Editing the "def" with this feature by removing the code fixed this, which was also put into the Hookshot Script. The original XAS System Script has not been modified in anyway.

1) Remember, as with any Demo, to look at how all the Events are made, so that you can duplicate them for your game.
2) Do not for get to Edit/Look at the Configuration area in the Hookshot Tool's Script --> "Fenwick's Map Switches"

Now, I can continue in implimenting more features for the Hookshot Tool that so many have requested.
Hope you all like/enjoy the new Hookshot Tool, any ideas or advice are aways welcome. :thumb:

Fenwick Lorecarver

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