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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Nice Fenwick :biggrin:
I see you have it working on maps larger than 20 x 15 :cheers:
Now I hate to pester you anymore :crazy: (you've already done some sweet work :P)
But would it be possible to have the hookshot work while the player's moving???
The Ability to Grab Monsters and bring them closer (this may be a seperate Hookshot Tool ie: Dragon Claw?)

Couldn't you have this as the special move for the hookshot?

And in relation to that, if you think about it - you'll want to quickly change your weapon as soon as you pull the enemy over - so maybe we need a hot key system to complement this?

Or take full advantage of the combo system already built in and have the Dragon Claw convert into a melee weapon as well as a hookshot?
I've got a little problem:
Using my character rai[5] (5 Frames)
and using rai_ANI[5] doesn't work together.
So I renamed it to rai[5]_ANI, surprisingly, this functions, but now comes my little problem, my attack animation hast only 4 frames: rai_SWD_01 as example.

This wouldn't cause me so much problems if I wouldn't have another animation of 12 frames :/

Any suggestion how I can fix this problem?

Thanks in advance
This is very nicely done. It was interesting that you used pictures instead of a charset-- it's a nice workaround to the problem with its length, and you did a nice job making it work. I'm a little curious how you made it able to pick up dropped items though. I don't recall that being a feature of XAS, how did you get it to work?
Regi":150g74b1 said:
This is very nicely done. It was interesting that you used pictures instead of a charset-- it's a nice workaround to the problem with its length, and you did a nice job making it work. I'm a little curious how you made it able to pick up dropped items though. I don't recall that being a feature of XAS, how did you get it to work?
You're right, it wasn't a feature of XAS, I had to write some code to handle this process.


Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool v0.9 RMXP - Clicky


The last version of Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool, version 0.8, was a bust when it came to configuring the Switches/Variables. This new version is 99.8% Configurable, you get to specify what Switches & Variables you want to use for the system. Not 100% Configurable in that there are two Variables that can not be changed yet, as they are dealing with the drawing of the Hookshot Tool's Graphics. Hopefully I will correct this in the future. Make sure if you use this latest Demo Version, that you setup any changes you want to do in the Script (Read the Header it explains all). Once again, there is Documentation with this demo, read it for more information.

Now, the same as before, any bugs you find, please report, as this is still in true testing phase.

expect the next update to this demo sometime in a week or so, as I need some "Me & Wife" time now.

Enjoy once again,

Fenwick Lorecarver
I just starting using this system and have no idea how it handles sprite so my problem is:

As you can see, the spear goes way further than the feet of the hero in which when you use it in the system, your character graphics moves upward when you use a spear o.o (because of the space below the hero's feet)

I don't know if this system includes the option to input any x/y pixel offset, I would be glad if you point me in the right direction ^^;
Any scripters out there who can solve a problem with the system?

It appears you cannot have an enemy with an Enemy ID over 25.

If anyone can offer a solution to this problem let me know :biggrin:

Thanks in advance



calvin624":2f9l11tq said:
Any scripters out there who can solve a problem with the system?

It appears you cannot have an enemy with an Enemy ID over 25.

If anyone can offer a solution to this problem let me know :biggrin:

Thanks in advance

Ah man, is that a bug? So , not my fault I knew I did everything right :P. But only enemy ID 25? Damn.. I got over 100 enemies I want to put in my game...but thx for letting me know its
a fault in the system :D so I don't have to try things anymore to get it to work :P.



Regi":6whzv5n5 said:
Are you certain that's a bug and not a mistake on your part? There are already 27 enemies in the XAS demo.
Well I don't think so. Cause I used an enemy from the list of 27 (that worked) and only thing I changed was the enemy id in the database and the graphic of the monster...so I don't think it's on my part. But if you are so kind and want to make an enemy with the ID let's say 50 and it works then plz share it with me :P
I just tried an enemy with ID 30 in the demo and it worked.
Make sure you've altered the Troops tab as well as the Enemy tab-- the Troops is the enemy's ID, while the Enemy has all the stats.



Regi":3obe88pq said:
I just tried an enemy with ID 30 in the demo and it worked.
Make sure you've altered the Troops tab as well as the Enemy tab-- the Troops is the enemy's ID, while the Enemy has all the stats.

Awesome gonna test that right away!

Hmm.. I made a troop at ID 31. Got an enemy in database also with ID 31. Changed the enemy ID variable in the event to 31.. and they still don't attack. Should I make demo so you can test Regi?
If you'd like. But remember attacks are specified in the enemy event (either shoot(x) to use a skill or attack_on), not in the Database. I'd advise checking out some tutorials first, and if you're still having trouble, you can upload a demo.



Regi":s3oe7y97 said:
If you'd like. But remember attacks are specified in the enemy event (either shoot(x) to use a skill or attack_on), not in the Database. I'd advise checking out some tutorials first, and if you're still having trouble, you can upload a demo.

Yeah I know that. Ok here is what I got. Obviously I missed something cause mine doesnt work. I made some screenies.

screen 1

screen 2

screen 3

screen 4

screen 5
Have you added the enemy in the Troops tab by moving it into the battleback? (can't tell because you didn't give it a battler graphic). The commands under Action in the first screen won't do anything, by the way. If you did everything right it should attack when it touches you. Otherwise, I'm not sure what could be the problem.



Regi":252fes71 said:
Have you added the enemy in the Troops tab by moving it into the battleback? (can't tell because you didn't give it a battler graphic). The commands under Action in the first screen won't do anything, by the way. If you did everything right it should attack when it touches you. Otherwise, I'm not sure what could be the problem.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahw. You have to put a graphic for the monster and then press that little arrow to add the graphic as a troop. Omg.
Thx man!! It works now.

Ah don't need a graphic. Just add it with the arrow so it becomes a square in the battleback. lol.
Thanks Regi, such a silly thing - I wouldn't have thought of doing.

I wasn't actually aware of this problem myself 'til this morning when I was asked via XAS tutorials and I tried it out myself and couldn't get it to work.

I find it strange that Xiderowg didn't script around the battler tab since XAS doesn't actually utilize anything from it.



Hmm... it worked... But now when I fight my mobs I get errors about battlebacks I don't have? Wth..The errors are not instant I can still fight a while but at a random moment I get the error that I don't have the specific battleback... I searched the hero game dir for battleback but there aint any. But why should I need battlebacks in the first place i am not in a battle? yeah an action battle with no background needed. Hmm very strange. There is also no script error or anything just a error that I don't have the specific battleback...

Ah nvm found it. I had some troops in the map properties :S.

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