# ••
Hookshot Tool – For XAS SYSTEM
By: Fenwick Lorecarver
Version: 0.7
Date: June 29, 2009
Platform: RMXP
For Use With: XAS SYSTEM
SDK: SDK 2.2+ Compatible
# Frequents:
# The “Hookshot Tool”, a most sought after addition to any game, is one item
# asked for on most forums at one point or another. Finally we he now have
# an approach to this request (not a perfect one), that will get us that one
# step closer to what we are all looking for: A Working Hookshot Tool, that
# would not require events on every map for it to work. Using Common Events,
# A simple Script here and there, and voila…
# I hope you all enjoy what I have come up with, and keep feeding me ideas
# to help improve it.
#1 The ability to Latch onto Objects (Events) that you specify in the
# game creation process.
#2 The ability to set Objects Impassible to the Hookshot Tool, via
# Terrain Tags (Tileset Setup), during the game creation process.
#3 The ability to set Terrain Tags Sound F/X.
#4 The ability to injure Enemies.
# Feature 1:
Latch Onto Objects -
# When you have the “Hookshot Tool” set as your Weapon, you can shoot
# the Hookshot across the screen to objects that it can latch onto.
# If the Hookshot is able to latch onto an object, the Player will be
# pulled across the map, to the object.
# Feature 2:
Objects Impassible To The Hookshot Tool -
# When you shoot the Hookshot Tool across the screen, there are points
# I’m sure, in your game that your Hookshot Tool will hit an object, that
# is not passable. This is called an Impassible Object, such as a Wall,
# a Rock, a Building. Actually, you get to decide what objects in your
# game are Impassible, or not. This will be annoying to setup, as you
# will have to set all Impassible Object Terrain Tags to a number between
# 3 7. ie: Every Building wall piece on a Tileset.
# Feature 3:
Terrain Tags Sound F/X –
# You can set the type of Sound Effect you want to hear when the
# Hookshot Tool hits an Impassible Object. If you setup using all the
# Terrain Tags from 1 7, you can have 7 possible Sound Effects for
# hitting surfaces that the Hookshot can not pass. Then, you can also
# use pitch for more Sound Effects.
# ie: Use Pitch for different types of metal for Terrain Tag #4
# Feature 4:
Injure Enemies –
# If you have the Hookshot Tool Equipped as your weapon, you can use
# it just as you would a sword to kill Enemies. The Hookshot will sore
# across the map to hit the Enemy when used. If the Enemy is in range,
# and the Enemy is configured correctly, it will harm it.
1.) Planning to have the Hookshot able to pickup dropped items from a
# distance.
2.) The ability to Latch onto monsters, drag them closer
# (This will be a different Hookshot Tool to be equipped though)
3.) The ability to use this Add-On, on maps larger then 20x15 without any
# Graphical Glitches occurring when the map scrolls or pans when using
# the Hookshot Tool.
# This System deals with: Common Events, Switches, Variables, and 1 small
# Script (initializes switches/variables in Scene_Map)
Easy Integration –
# If you are just starting your Game out, just use the Demo as your Base
# and build onto it.
Harder Integration –
# If you are far into your game and wish to add this system, just copy over
# all the Common Events, Switches and Variables. Making sure if you are
# putting them in other slots, to go through all the Common Events and ensure
# you point the Common Event Calls to the correct Common Events. Do this also
# for all the Switches and Variables.
Character Graphics –
# As the Hookshot was made to be as Eye pleasing as possible, custom
# Graphics were added to a Character Sheet. Then, Multiple Character Sheets
# were made for the Animations. If you are using other Character Sheets,
# these will have to be edited by yourself or others to include the Hookshot
Hookshot Tool Graphics –
# These were custom made to work with this system, however, I blundered by not
# thinking ahead on map size. The system works pretty much Flawlessly as is,
# on a Map that is 20x15 (Width: 20, Height: 15). After getting so far into
# the creation of this system, I realized that when the map scrolls or pans,
# the Hookshot Tool Graphics move with the screen. Instead of staying
# stationary, they move with the screen, which obviously is not the desired
# effect. I plan to have this fixed in a later version, this will be a
# priority, with no exceptions.
Currently Recommended Map Size: 20x15
Width: 20
Height: 15
# (
Future Map Size Implementation Aiming For: Unlimited x Unlimited )
# Fenwick Lorecarver
# X A S
# (XRXS64 Self Action System)
# By: Xiderowg / 桜雅 在土
# Site:
# Site:
# Hero Edition (V3.4) 2009/01/02
# By: Moghunter
# Site:
# Translated by Calvin624
# Site: