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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)



I need some help with something.

I have four characters to play with in my game.

In the beginning you choose one and play through the game with him.

When I choose the Character whose acter ID is 1 Everything works great.

If I choose a character whose actor ID is 2, 3, or 4 though. Most everything works. BUT Somethings don't like for instance for somestrange reason I can dash, I can charge. but when I attack or when I complete the charge. the game freezes. I am looking into this to see if its a simple issue with everything outside of the script. and I looked in the script too. but this one is eluding me.

I bet its something small and simple too. can anyone help...
Hey guys if someone is interrested in Joining Team Eternal Blood, youre welcome beacuse we need someone who can script weapons, skills and items if someone is interrested please PM ME, oh yea we are using XAS Battle system, thats why we need a scripter that can script Weapons, skills and items
Fenwick - Absolutley Sweet, I have to check this out!

Akuma209":32xcj943 said:
Hey guys if someone is interrested in Joining Team Eternal Blood, youre welcome beacuse we need someone who can script weapons, skills and items if someone is interrested please PM ME, oh yea we are using XAS Battle system, thats why we need a scripter that can script Weapons, skills and items
I'd lke to help but I got my own project to help on, but hey I might be able to do something in my spare time, PM me

Hook Shot Tool v0.4 - Removed Link

Hook Shot Tool v0.5 - Removed Link

Hook Shot Tool v0.7 - Click

By: Fenwick Lorecarver

I have fixed the Graphics problems with the different distances you can shoot the Hook at the post. It now latches onto the post and travels you to the post, and leaves you infront of the post where you should be. This is far from being complete though, as I have still only the one Direction (Right) 1/2 completed. In saying this, I have to go in and put many Conditional checks for which Graphic to use, for which character who is the Lead at the time. I am doing this, as in my game, the Lead Character changes if some one dies, but their position in the group does not.
The Hook latching onto the post was a silly fix, I had to set the posts one page to "Parallel Process" and not "Autorun" for it to happen instantlly.

I am now thinking that this should be in it's own Topic Thread, as I do not want to High Jack this Thread, as I seem to be doing it in my opinon and do not want to do this.

I Now have all 4 directions working (Right, Left, Up, Down), however, I have only fixed the graphics for the directions of Left and Right. I will work on the Graphics for the UP & DOWN tomorrow (Sunday) as this takes time tweaking.

This "Hook Shot Tool" does work with killing Enemies while dealing Damage, it operates on the same basis as the Boomerang or a Arrow from the Bow in the XAS System. Remember, you still have to set up this tool, the same way you would setup a tool in the said system, look at the Scripts: SKill, Weapons
Also, look in the Database under the Weapons & Skill Tabs, and see how I have them set up. You still need a Weapon in the Database, and a Skill of the same Position in the database (same ID Number) that corrosponds with the Event on the TOOL Map.

Also, I have tried to Heavily Comment the "Common Events" to tell you what is going on. I have the Tool setup for the Use of 1 or Multiple Character Usage if the Lead Party member is switched. More in depth details in the Comments though. If using more then one character as a Leader of the party that does not change Position in the Party, you will have to do some graphics work. The Legwork is all done and setup, the user will just have to name their graphics to their liking, and go into the Common Events and select their graphics for the right Character in each instance. Man I do a lot of run-on sentences, and my spelling is crazy, (oh well).

I also tried splitting up the whole coding process in the Common Events so it wasn't just one Huge bit of coding. But this is also due to the fact that I am coding it for my game aswell (I'm just leaving out key components that I am adding that are specific to my game. As, you have to understand, I would like to be some what unique in my own right aswell).

The Demo has been updated for all of you aswell, with the latest fixes to v0.5, look at the top of this post.

Fenwick Lorecarver
Fenwick":47niyvb3 said:

Hook Shot Tool v0.4 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATJH6V20

By: Fenwick Lorecarver

I have fixed the Graphics problems with the different distances you can shoot the Hook at the post. It now latches onto the post and travels you to the post, and leaves you infront of the post where you should be. This is far from being complete though, as I have still only the one Direction (Right) 1/2 completed. In saying this, I have to go in and put many Conditional checks for which Graphic to use, for which character who is the Lead at the time. I am doing this, as in my game, the Lead Character changes if some one dies, but their position in the group does not.
The Hook latching onto the post was a silly fix, I had to set the posts one page to "Parallel Process" and not "Autorun" for it to happen instantlly.

I am now thinking that this should be in it's own Topic Thread, as I do not want to High Jack this Thread, as I seem to be doing it in my opinon and do not want to do this.

Fenwick Lorecarver

Absoloutly Unbelievable, dude you pwn,
Seriously, Now I wonder if it would work with the rest of XAS,
whether or not it will run if you unequip the hookshot item, and wheter it will do damage -
If that's worked out heh ;]
Fenwick":wesek1jb said:

Hook Shot Tool v0.4 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATJH6V20

By: Fenwick Lorecarver

I have fixed the Graphics problems with the different distances you can shoot the Hook at the post. It now latches onto the post and travels you to the post, and leaves you infront of the post where you should be. This is far from being complete though, as I have still only the one Direction (Right) 1/2 completed. In saying this, I have to go in and put many Conditional checks for which Graphic to use, for which character who is the Lead at the time. I am doing this, as in my game, the Lead Character changes if some one dies, but their position in the group does not.
The Hook latching onto the post was a silly fix, I had to set the posts one page to "Parallel Process" and not "Autorun" for it to happen instantlly.

I am now thinking that this should be in it's own Topic Thread, as I do not want to High Jack this Thread, as I seem to be doing it in my opinon and do not want to do this.

Fenwick Lorecarver

Absoloutly Unbelievable, dude you pwn,
Seriously, Now I wonder if it would work with the rest of XAS,
whether or not it will run if you unequip the hookshot item, and wheter it will do damage -
If that's worked out heh ;]
@Velocir_X - Wonder no more lol, I've just imported a few enemies to the demo and a sword - it does deal damage to enemies, and it works when you unequip it and equip another weapon.

Great job Fenwick :biggrin:

Now that you've almost perfected the system I thought I'd create more work for you haha :biggrin:

Just the one question:

Would it be possible to make the hookshot collect specific items/enemies from afar and bring them back to the character?
calvin624":2fz947be said:
Now that you've almost perfected the system I thought I'd create more work for you haha :biggrin:
Just the one question:
Would it be possible to make the hookshot collect specific items/enemies from afar and bring them back to the character?

Well, I don't know if its near "Almost perfected" yet, I still have the Directions of UP/DOWN to deal with. Funny thing, when I imported this into my game, the Hooks off in all directions by 1 square, and same with the movement. This made me look at other scripts that may effect the use of this Tool. I am suspecting the SDK, I will look around and dig up the root problem, as I'm sure we all want this as compatible as possible. Then again, it could be some of the other Battle Systems I am using (currently 3 types) that do Scene_Map checks that could be interferring.

Edit: Turned out I set one line wrong in my game in the "Hook Shot Tool" Script that lists the tool for the XAS System. See what even one little mistake can do to a system, I had a number set to "1" when it should have been "0". This caused the animations to be thrown off like crazy. Works great now.

Now, as for the grabbing Items/Enemies, you bet...!!! It will be awhile down the road, as I won't be able to work on this much until next weekend. But, I will have to figure out how to tackle that, as that is an all together new way of latching on to things.

Will be looking at the first bit later today some time. Check out my last post, I updated the link to version 0.7.

Fenwick Lorecarver
Fenwick":hc2krzas said:
calvin624":hc2krzas said:
Now that you've almost perfected the system I thought I'd create more work for you haha :biggrin:
Just the one question:
Would it be possible to make the hookshot collect specific items/enemies from afar and bring them back to the character?

Well, I don't know if its near "Almost perfected" yet, I still have the Directions of UP/DOWN to deal with. Funny thing, when I imported this into my game, the Hooks off in all directions by 1 square, and same with the movement. This made me look at other scripts that may effect the use of this Tool. I am suspecting the SDK, I will look around and dig up the root problem, as I'm sure we all want this as compatible as possible. Then again, it could be some of the other Battle Systems I am using (currently 3 types) that do Scene_Map checks that could be interferring.

Now, as for the grabbing Items/Enemies, you bet...!!! It will be awhile down the road, as I won't be able to work on this much until next weekend. But, I will have to figure out how to tackle that, as that is an all together new way of latching on to things.

Will be looking at the first bit later today some time. Check out my last post, I updated the link to version 0.5.

Fenwick Lorecarver

Heh, Heh, so that means we should have a perfected script by today...
Dude you work fast...

Anyway I'll import it into my game, which onlyhas SDK so we'll see if that's what's causing it

EDIT: I checked its not the SDK, probably one of your battle systems
can somebody give me a new link to the translated version of this ABS cause i cant seem to download from filefront... thnx in advance
So I've got a question for a scripty person :)

I'm trying to hide everything in the HUD except for the health bar and the equipped weapon and shield. I managed to hide everything else, but I don't know how to get rid of the scripted numbers and the "SP" that shows up. :/

This is a screenshot just to show what I need to disappear :)


I need to somehow change the opacity or just get rid of all 3 "0"'s, the "SP", and the "100%". If anyone knows how to do this you will be a lifesaver :D
@Akuma209 - A guy I know makes the videos for the site, although he loves the system he doesn't know the intricate ins and outs of the system - but I'll see what I can do.

@Link in Pink - Here's a blog I wrote a while back, tells you how to delete certain aspects of the HUD.

http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =465632323

Make a copy of your game before you make any modifications - but I encourage you to have a go yourself (note - because you're using the new HUD the numbers "draw_xas_skill(X,Y)" will be different so just search for the term "draw_xas_skill" etc.) if you're still having issues PM me and I'll happily see what I can do :)
Thanks Calvin!!! Love the HUD by the way :D
My only problem is I can't find the one to remove the 100%. I think that's related to cast time or something like that, but no "draw_cast_time" can be found in the scripts (to my knowledge). If you know how to get rid of that too, that'd be fantastic. Haha sorry for all these questions :p

Nevermind! I found it :D

It's the line "draw_ct_meter(0,30)" and once I deleted that it was gone :D Again thanks for the help :D
@Link in Pink - You're welcome, I just pointed you in the right direction - you did all the work :biggrin:

Glad you got it sorted!

Edit: http://www.myspace.com/xastutorials has a new look and layout - all tutorials in the one place!

Edit2: Updated the New HUD - cut down on lag. All HUD aspects in one place, no repeated code etc. Download will be up on the site in a minute or two.
Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool V0.7 - RMXP

Here is an update to the "Hookshot Tool" to be used with the XAS System.
I believe I have most of the bugs worked out, pretty much all but 1 that I know of
(This is explained in the Documentation File packaged with the system add-on)

Any comments, ideas, suggestions are welcome.

Demo: Fenwick Lorecarver's - HookShot Tool version 0.7 RMXP

# •• Hookshot Tool – For XAS SYSTEM
# By: Fenwick Lorecarver
# Version: 0.7
# Date: June 29, 2009
# Platform: RMXP
# For Use With: XAS SYSTEM
# SDK: SDK 2.2+ Compatible
# Frequents: http://www.rmxp.org/forums/
# Hourglass
# calvin624
# Velocir_X
# The “Hookshot Tool”, a most sought after addition to any game, is one item
# asked for on most forums at one point or another. Finally we he now have
# an approach to this request (not a perfect one), that will get us that one
# step closer to what we are all looking for: A Working Hookshot Tool, that
# would not require events on every map for it to work. Using Common Events,
# A simple Script here and there, and voila…
# I hope you all enjoy what I have come up with, and keep feeding me ideas
# to help improve it.
# #1 The ability to Latch onto Objects (Events) that you specify in the
# game creation process.
# #2 The ability to set Objects Impassible to the Hookshot Tool, via
# Terrain Tags (Tileset Setup), during the game creation process.
# #3 The ability to set Terrain Tags Sound F/X.
# #4 The ability to injure Enemies.
# Feature 1: Latch Onto Objects -
# When you have the “Hookshot Tool” set as your Weapon, you can shoot
# the Hookshot across the screen to objects that it can latch onto.
# If the Hookshot is able to latch onto an object, the Player will be
# pulled across the map, to the object.
# Feature 2: Objects Impassible To The Hookshot Tool -
# When you shoot the Hookshot Tool across the screen, there are points
# I’m sure, in your game that your Hookshot Tool will hit an object, that
# is not passable. This is called an Impassible Object, such as a Wall,
# a Rock, a Building. Actually, you get to decide what objects in your
# game are Impassible, or not. This will be annoying to setup, as you
# will have to set all Impassible Object Terrain Tags to a number between
# 3  7. ie: Every Building wall piece on a Tileset.
# Feature 3: Terrain Tags Sound F/X
# You can set the type of Sound Effect you want to hear when the
# Hookshot Tool hits an Impassible Object. If you setup using all the
# Terrain Tags from 1  7, you can have 7 possible Sound Effects for
# hitting surfaces that the Hookshot can not pass. Then, you can also
# use pitch for more Sound Effects.
# ie: Use Pitch for different types of metal for Terrain Tag #4
# Feature 4: Injure Enemies
# If you have the Hookshot Tool Equipped as your weapon, you can use
# it just as you would a sword to kill Enemies. The Hookshot will sore
# across the map to hit the Enemy when used. If the Enemy is in range,
# and the Enemy is configured correctly, it will harm it.
# 1.) Planning to have the Hookshot able to pickup dropped items from a
# distance.
# 2.) The ability to Latch onto monsters, drag them closer
# (This will be a different Hookshot Tool to be equipped though)
# 3.) The ability to use this Add-On, on maps larger then 20x15 without any
# Graphical Glitches occurring when the map scrolls or pans when using
# the Hookshot Tool.
# This System deals with: Common Events, Switches, Variables, and 1 small
# Script (initializes switches/variables in Scene_Map)
# Easy Integration
# If you are just starting your Game out, just use the Demo as your Base
# and build onto it.
# Harder Integration
# If you are far into your game and wish to add this system, just copy over
# all the Common Events, Switches and Variables. Making sure if you are
# putting them in other slots, to go through all the Common Events and ensure
# you point the Common Event Calls to the correct Common Events. Do this also
# for all the Switches and Variables.
# Character Graphics
# As the Hookshot was made to be as Eye pleasing as possible, custom
# Graphics were added to a Character Sheet. Then, Multiple Character Sheets
# were made for the Animations. If you are using other Character Sheets,
# these will have to be edited by yourself or others to include the Hookshot
# Hookshot Tool Graphics
# These were custom made to work with this system, however, I blundered by not
# thinking ahead on map size. The system works pretty much Flawlessly as is,
# on a Map that is 20x15 (Width: 20, Height: 15). After getting so far into
# the creation of this system, I realized that when the map scrolls or pans,
# the Hookshot Tool Graphics move with the screen. Instead of staying
# stationary, they move with the screen, which obviously is not the desired
# effect. I plan to have this fixed in a later version, this will be a
# priority, with no exceptions.
# Currently Recommended Map Size: 20x15
# Width: 20
# Height: 15
# ( Future Map Size Implementation Aiming For: Unlimited x Unlimited )
# Fenwick Lorecarver
# X A S
# (XRXS64 Self Action System)
# By: Xiderowg / 桜雅 在土
# Site: http://xms.rdy.jp/
# Site: http://scriptshelf.jpn.org/x/
# Hero Edition (V3.4) 2009/01/02
# By: Moghunter
# Site: http://www.atelier-rgss.com
# Translated by Calvin624
# Site: http://www.myspace.com/xastutorials
Fenwick Lorecarver
Sick dude, you don't fail to deliver,
As for the pull objects/monsters in best way to do that is to use your already designed latch infastructure - and then if it is such and such instead of latchable it will pull the object towards the player instead of vice-versa
see it works just like the perfected pull cept in reverse if this switch is on instead of the latchable switch
Hope it helps - I'll take a more detailed look at the demo and report back
Just having a go at implementing the system now, bit tricky to know you've got all the aspects right.

Edit: Sorry it was my mistake, I accidentally listed the weapon wrong in the SKILL script :haha:

One wrong number and I was baffled - got there in the end.
calvin624":9zdmlkzw said:
Just having a go at implementing the system now, bit tricky to know you've got all the aspects right.

Edit: Sorry it was my mistake, I accidentally listed the weapon wrong in the SKILL script :haha:

One wrong number and I was baffled - got there in the end.

I hear you there, if you read up on one of my earlier posts, I had the same thing happen to me. It worked fine in the Demo, but not when I implimented it into my own game, I was baffled for hours. Turned out in the Weapon listing I had a "1" where it should have been a "0" I think.

I hate to do this to you, but, I have another update, which now impliments the following:

1.) The Ability to Grab Dropped Items with the Hookshot Tool after you have killed an Enemy.
2.) The Script that helps run the system now lets you configure 50% of the Switches & Variables,
Read the Header in the Script for this.

Fenwick Lorecarver's Hookshot Tool v0.8 - Clicky <-- NUKED.! This Version Was A Bust

Future Implimentations Coming:

1.) The Ability to Grab Items specified during the game creation process as Events.
2.) The Ability to Grab Monsters and bring them closer (this may be a seperate Hookshot Tool ie: Dragon Claw?)
3.) Making a Configuration Script for all the Switches & Variables, to eliminate the rugged guess work we have right now.
4.) Turn most of the Common Events, into Scripts, as I would ideally prefer it that way in the end.
(To make this Hookshot Tool Plug-An-Play, is the Ultimate Goal for me here.)

Thank you for viewing

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