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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

@Hourglass - I'll happily spell check it too :smile:

CRITICAL_STRING appears in the Damage Pop Script - its where you input the word you want to be shown when your hero or an enemy performs a critical move (by default double the damage).

I want to "cartoonize" my game, have a "POW!" sign show when this occurs. Just want to try it and see how it looks.

@Fenwick - Great question!
Calivn I'm having an issue with lagging on my boss despite using an anti lag scipt. If I upload my game would you mind taking a look?

EDIT: heres a video of the boss, I think the lag is quite visible
Looking good there Hourglass. Unfortunately, I'm not a big scripter like some of these other guys.

Seems like you have loads of events happening on that page. If I can't help with that specific problem, I can at least do the corrections whilst I'm at it.

I'd just like to re-post Fenwick's comment:

Would anyone have any idea how one would make a "Grappling Hook or Hookshot", sort of like the one used in Zelda. This would be when a hook and chain leaves the player, travels across the screen to an object. If the object is identified as "Hookable" then the Hook/Grapple would latch onto it, dragging the Player across the screen to the object. ie: standing on one side of a canyon, and you shoot the hook across to a pole, if you hit the pole it will drag you across. If you miss it, the Hook/Grapple just retracts back to the Player. Can also be used for grabbing treasure that is in out of reach areas.

If anyone has an idea on the setup or even the graphic look, that would be helpful.

Thanks agian in Advance
It could be made easily by using the arrow weapon script and sitches.

Heres what you do
Make an item with the range of the arrow and call it hookshock
Make the switch only activate when hit by hookshot.
make the second switch event an auto run

make events with images of the hookshock chain along the path leading up to the switch each of these appear when the arrow touches them but set them to "through"

Arrow hook flys overthem, when it does a chain appears. Hits switch, the switch moves player forward one step at a time and sets the events (with chain pictures) to their original setting.

I'll try make a demo later on, but im sure it can all be doen via events and switches.
Hourglass":3lwrv7kc said:
It could be made easily by using the arrow weapon script and sitches.

Heres what you do
Make an item with the range of the arrow and call it hookshock
Make the switch only activate when hit by hookshot.
make the second switch event an auto run

make events with images of the hookshock chain along the path leading up to the switch each of these appear when the arrow touches them but set them to "through"

Arrow hook flys overthem, when it does a chain appears. Hits switch, the switch moves player forward one step at a time and sets the events (with chain pictures) to their original setting.

I'll try make a demo later on, but im sure it can all be doen via events and switches.

This is a very good idea, and very workable if you were only going to use the "Hookshot" on certain maps. However, if we can come up with a "Hookshot" weapon/item that acts like the Boomerang or Bow & Arrow; Where you could use this item on any map would be more efficient.

Don't get me wrong, love the idea, the idea will work, just not in a XAS type setup. Reference: Like Boomerang/Arrow. :wink:

Any other takers out there want to give this a shot?
Well I do have one other idea but it all depends on if its possible to select an animation depending on the direction the character is facing.

Heres my plan
1. Make an animation shoing a chain, gradually extending ftom the player to the same given distance of the weapons range

2, In the Hookshot EV on the tools page, select stop animation, so when the hook moves the animations moves along with it (set the animeation in its movement section); This will create the illusion of the hookshot extending from the player. Then if you wish it to reverse do the same process but backwards.

Then use the switch system above to pull player forward when he hits the target.

The only problem with this is the animation of the chain MUST go in the direction of the player, and I do not know if its possible to change the animation depending on the players direction.
Hourglass":2azjz547 said:
Well I do have one other idea but it all depends on if its possible to select an animation depending on the direction the character is facing.

Heres my plan
1. Make an animation shoing a chain, gradually extending ftom the player to the same given distance of the weapons range

2, In the Hookshot EV on the tools page, select stop animation, so when the hook moves the animations moves along with it (set the animeation in its movement section); This will create the illusion of the hookshot extending from the player. Then if you wish it to reverse do the same process but backwards.

Then use the switch system above to pull player forward when he hits the target.

The only problem with this is the animation of the chain MUST go in the direction of the player, and I do not know if its possible to change the animation depending on the players direction.

@Hourglass - I think you are on to something here, I'm liking your last suggestin here. Flipping the Animation using script shouldn't be that hard to figure out (maybe). I have seen a Animation Flipping Script out there, and I am currently using one myself. Perhaps I will see what I can do on the weekend when I have time to try my hand at the graphics.
Once again, way to brainstorm.

EDIT: Yup, not as easy as it sounds, I am getting no where fast with this.
If anyone else wants to try their luck, this idea is still open to Sugestions/Tries/Graphic(s).

Sorry for asking again so long after my last post, but the solution Hourglass gave me earlier didn't help (or maybe I'm doing it wrong). He said to turn "Move animation" OFF. I did this for the player with a move route in an event, since I couldn't figure out how else to do it. But now, the player still does the walking animation when standing still, but not anymore when walking. So I've gone from bad to worse. Any other suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.



Tojo333":3eg7h6ai said:
Sorry for asking again so long after my last post, but the solution Hourglass gave me earlier didn't help (or maybe I'm doing it wrong). He said to turn "Move animation" OFF. I did this for the player with a move route in an event, since I couldn't figure out how else to do it. But now, the player still does the walking animation when standing still, but not anymore when walking. So I've gone from bad to worse. Any other suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Turn "Stop Animation" OFF instead of "Move Animation". :smile:
Well I noticed on the golden sun game someone made for RPG maker, that a sprite can have more than 4-5 frames. Basically what we need to do is make a series of frames that would mimic the animation.
so for example

frame 1: 0
Frame 2: 0-0
Frame 3: 0-0-0

same for upwards directs
frame 1: 0
Frame 2: 0

you see the jist. the problem with this is the whole picture would have to be messured out presisly, and the event would have to have a timer before showing the reverse animation that would be equal to the number of spaces away from the character. Try make a small sprite set of an expanding chain in all 4 directions (lets say 5 links at least in the hookshot chain) and pm me it and I'll try show you what I mean in case you dont understand.

As for the pulling yourself forward bit, that can be done by a switch, which sets an image of the chain (masking the automatic receding graphic when the chain returns to the player (IF you want that) and and set "through" on player and move forward to square where player lands, each step removing one chain of the graphic. This couldd even be done by placing pictures rather than events.

Anyway hope this offers an additional solution.
how can we use the XAS battle system along with RMXP's original battle system...?

or even better ... multiple battle systems...

I would like to use XAS through out the game but in some scenes I would like it to be:
turn base (the original RPG maker way)
side view
and smash button style.

yes I like to dream....
Does anyone knows if its possible to use the f0tz!baerchen pixelmovement v1.5 along with XAS? The 32x32 square makes the game unrealistic and the player takes damage before the enemy even touch him. This 2 scripts together can be the most brilliant "combo" for RMXP ever made.
I think its not possible, but does anyone know if the imcompability is easy to fix?



it is possible, you should ask in RGSS support providing both scripts.
on a side note;

i've seen a even BETTER battle system on youtube. It featured some animations like Legend of legaia while casting skills and stuff.
@metal_X - yes pixel movement is a must... I will edit this post if I am able to get that to work...
right now I'm trying to get Rpg maker's battle system 1 to work with XAS... so far just bugz.

@nachos - I would like to see this Better battle system... I've been experimenting with quite a few
battle systems... some may have a better look yet the feel just doesn't work for me...

XAS 3.4 with a few adjustments is the best one so far...
now only if I can figure out how to make the both battle systems work together....
any helpful advice? once I figure it out I will share...

EDIT! 5/17/09

ok to have both "XAS 3.4 and RPG maker" battle systems to work together just edit your
Sprite_Battler Script
replace what's under "Damage#" with:

if @battler.damage_pop
damage(@battler.damage, @battler.critical,@battler.state,@battler.item)
#damage(@battler.damage, @battler.critical)
@battler.damage = nil
@battler.critical = false
@battler.damage_pop = false

~straight fighter




I am wondering if someone could help me with something.
I am in no way new to rmxp, and I am fairly familiar with the xas action script

However I am not a scripter and won't pretent to be either.

I am currently working on a project that has two main characters that will have mirrored yet altering stories. Like Resident Evil 2 sort of where you can choose which character to play as from the start and then play through the whole game with them, and play as the other character afterwards for the other side of the story.

Heres the problem.

Char 1 works fine. Everything is perfect.
Char 2 however, has some problems.

They are not in the same party.

When you play as char 1 it uses actor ID 1 and he is the only one in the party

Same for when you play as Char 2 He is actor ID 2 and is the only on in the party.

I am guessing that something in the script is only affecting the actor id 1 and not actor id 2

So how can I fix this. I can figure certain things out in the script and have managed to fix many other problems. but this one is racking my brain. Sad thing is its probably something really simple...

O_o Can anyone help with this.

For more info when the player chooses the second character to play as. The graphics and player move just fine.

The modules for the tools work... for the most part. BUT it freezes the character although the game still runs. even though the tool weapon and everything is set properly.

And if I go into the menu and change his equipment. the usual changes that occur when wearing a weapon for instance his atk going up or down doesn't happen. but it works with actor one just fine.

So.... How can i fix this?
Hey guys, long time no see. I'm currently planning to make a new game with my friends. Well, I think the new HUD is really great. I might get my friends on the design. Anyway, any progress on the shaking face with vocal when being attacked and attacking? And dashing would be great.
Hi !
I'm sorry if this message has already posted and for my poor English (I'm French).
I took this script earlier and I want to create a weapon.
I do like the tutorial and when I test this weapon, my script bug :
????? 'XAS - SYSTEM' ? 1173 ??? NoMethodError ???????

undefined method 'sp_cost' for nil:NilClass
It's really strange because when I equip a weapon which has already created, it isn't bug.

I created a script for my new sword :
module Database_Bullet

  action_id = 110

  SUFLAGS[action_id] = 15 

  DURATIONS[action_id] = 10

  SELF_MOTIONS[action_id] = "_ACT"

  plan = []

  plan[7] = action_id

  ATTACK_ID_PLANS[action_id] = plan  


  ATTACK_RANGE_PLANS[action_id] = [1]

  BLOW_POWERS[action_id] = 1

  SELF_ANIMATION_PLANS[action_id] =  []

  SELF_DAMAGES[action_id] = false

  PLAYER_DAMAGES[action_id] = false

  IGNORE_INVINCIBLES[action_id] = false

  MULTI_HIT[action_id] = false


I created an event in the TOOL map with ID : 110 and I modified this script SKILL :

#   A  B    Weapon Name       

    1=>1, # Bronze Sword     

    2=>2, # Fire Sword      

    3=>3, # Light Sword      

    4=>4, # Dwarf Axe        

    5=>5, # Wizard Staff    

    6=>6, # Elf Bow          

    7=>7, # Boomerang 

    8=>8,  # Bereta

    110=>110, #Epée D'acier

    9=>111  #Acier Sword



1,     #Bronze Sword

2,     #Fire Sword

3,     #Light Sword

4,     #Bronze Sword

5,     #Wizard Staff

6,     #Elf Bow

7,     #Boomerang

8,     #T-99

104,   #Light Sword C1

105,    #Light Sword C2




1=>2,     #Bronze Sword

2=>2,     #Fire Sword

3=>2,     #Light Sword

62=>3,    #Spiral 

69=>4,    #Death Shoot

104=>2,   #Light Sword C1

105=>2,    #Light Sword C2

110=>2,   #Epée d'acier




# A  B         

  1=>4,            #Bronze Sword

  2=>127,          #Fire Sword

  3=>206,          #Light Sword

  5=>133,          #Wizard Staff

  8=>129,          #Bereta

  18=>127,         #Fire Ball

  19=>127,         #Flame

  20=>127,         #Inferno

  21=>128,         #Ice 1

  23=>128,         #Ice 3

  25=>129,         #Thunder 2 

  29=>192,         #Poison

  30=>193,         #Sleep

  31=>193,         #Stop

  32=>194,         #Power Down

  33=>194,         #Def Down

  34=>194,         #Agi Down

  35=>194,         #Weaken

  36=>195,         #Poison SP

  37=>192,         #Slow  

  38=>48,          #Doom   

  45=>133,         #Plasma Wave

  63=>127,         #X Fire Ball

  71=>49,          #Death

  77=>55,          #Seal Attack

  78=>55,          #Seal Skill

  79=>55,          #Seal Item

  80=>55,          #Mute  

  81=>94,          #Confuse   

  82=>127,         #EX Fire Ball (Enemy)

  86=>106,         #Vampire Kiss (Enemy)

  87=>127,         #Fire Ball G (Enemy)

  88=>128,         #Ice 2 (Enemy)

  89=>129,         #Thunder 2 (Enemy)

  94=>133,         #Dark Wave (Enemy)

  95=>94,          #Confuse Wave (Enemy)

  100=>127,        #Fire Ball 1 (Enemy)

  104=>207,        #Light Sword C1  

  106=>133,        #Laser (Enemy)

  107=>213,        #Dark Fire (Enemy)

  108=>133,        #Laser 2 (Enemy)

  109=>213,        #Dark Fire 2(Enemy)

  110=>7,           #Epée d'acier

  111=>4            #Acier Sword



  1,   # Bronze Sword

  2,   # Fire Sword

  3,   # Light Sword

  104, # Light Sword C1

  105, # Light Sword C2

  4,   # Bronze Axe

  5,   # Wizard Staff

  24,  # Thunder 1

  62,  # Spiral 

  64,   # Cross Cut 

  110,   #Epée Acier

  111   #Acier Sword

That's all ^^

I hope somebody will answer me ^^ and sorry again if this question has already posted

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