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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

@Link in Pink - Please do. The more the merrier!

Just PM your entry to me here when you're ready (closing date 15th April).

If anyone else is interested you can see the details here:

http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =480452990

@Criseck - I had the same problem.

The combo system only works with the Light Sword as you probably know.

I re-copied and re-pasted the ID Weapon scripts for the Light Sword and the combo (ID numbers 3, 104, 105) from the demo (you can download my translated demo here - http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/2/1 ... ed_3.4.zip)

And it worked - no idea what the problem was - seems to have solved it though :)
I noticed if I change the name of the main character from Hero, the picture by the health bar disappears. Is there any way of allowing a user to change the name without this happening. I really would like players to name the main character if at all possible.

Also has anyone been able to merge the character select screen with the system? I would really like to use the following:

Any help in these matters would be greatly received.
@Hourglass - Change the graphic's name to "Hero_Face" and then change the following line in the HUD script (I suggest you search for the word "face")

face = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.name + "_face") rescue nada

Replace with:
face = RPG::Cache.picture("Hero_Face") rescue nada

Now the pic with be there no matter what name you give the character.
Ok I did that and it worked. I also did the same thing for the Scene equip and Scene status scripts and it worked. However, the pictures on the Items menu and skill page did not. Any ideas?
One other thing. I noticed names of items in the menus are not shown in the latest edition. Also the ammo numbers for bombs, arrows ect is missing, anyone got a means of fixing this?
hmm no
i see the names and the numbers.
maybe you haven´t install the right front or you change the front
try to change the "Georgia" in all scripts to "Arial"
Hey everyone,

I'm just wondering whether it'd be possible to use the shield feature (i.e. the allocation of front, back and the two sides of an enemy - see pic) to split the monster into its components.


For example: If you had a spider whose overall HP was 500, hitting the back would cause more damage (by percentage) than hitting either of the sides.

AND/OR ...

Each side has its own HP "limit".

Continuing the spider analogy - The Spider would be split into four, both sets of legs having 75 HP each, the head having 150 and the back having the remaining 200 HP.

You could even make it so just by destroying one sector of the creature (the back in this case) would kill the enemy.

If anyone could put a script add-on together I think that'd be a nice feature.
I'm working on a boss at the moment which is made of various parts. The hands are controlled by the main boss switching the 2 on and off in its movement phase. I would however like it so when the two hands are distroyed the main boss changes its battle tactics (evolve into a bigger boss preferably with a new battle routine). Any idea how to do this?

For greater clarity I have posted a video of what I have done so far.

The hand graphics are my my friend MR DARK. I'll be happy to share them if anyone wants them.
I dont think this is the best place to ask that question, but I think you can just turn switches on if the hands are destroyed? After that switch you can create a brand new enemy, exactly what you want for the boss changing tactics.
Hey why is it the boss music in that video is nothing more then a revamped version of the sonic 3 final boss fight? It fits the battle but I thought I'd point it out to see if anyone else would notice. It looks good though.
haha thats because it is. Its a remix I found online, thought it was quite good. Will probably change it though during game distribution as I dont want copyright issues.
Ah, it was so cool.

Oh, and Hourglass, I think conditional branches could work for that. Just set a branch to where when the bosses hp gets below a certain point that he does different things. The other thing you could do is when you can set enemies to do different stuff in battle, you know like attack or do nothing, set the abilities to where it is based off of his hp.
I've got a few more requests if anyone would like to help out.

First; does it ever annoy you when, after defeating a flying enemy, a useful item drops onto an impassable tile? It'd be nice if you could create an add-on that allows certain tools to retrieve dropped items. For example, if you swing a sword or use a boomerang, you will be able to collect the item without standing on the tile itself. I don't want all tools to do this, though (no arrows or magic spells), so I should be able to customize the IDs of the tools that can.

Second is another add-on regarding item drops. It's not as important as the first, but I'd still appreciate it if someone would help. Right now, items will sit on the map forever until you leave or collect it. I'd like them to disappear after a set amount of time, maybe after a brief flash indicating it's about to disappear. There should be an exception to this rule, though; items like keys should stay forever. A section to customize which item IDs do NOT disappear would also be great.


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