I've got a few more requests if anyone would like to help out.
First; does it ever annoy you when, after defeating a flying enemy, a useful item drops onto an impassable tile? It'd be nice if you could create an add-on that allows certain tools to retrieve dropped items. For example, if you swing a sword or use a boomerang, you will be able to collect the item without standing on the tile itself. I don't want all tools to do this, though (no arrows or magic spells), so I should be able to customize the IDs of the tools that can.
Second is another add-on regarding item drops. It's not as important as the first, but I'd still appreciate it if someone would help. Right now, items will sit on the map forever until you leave or collect it. I'd like them to disappear after a set amount of time, maybe after a brief flash indicating it's about to disappear. There should be an exception to this rule, though; items like keys should stay forever. A section to customize which item IDs do NOT disappear would also be great.