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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Okay, been racking my brain on this one...

Is there a way to disable the character from dying and going to "Game Over". I've looked in through the scripts, but not being a Scripter, not to sure. I'm pretty sure I have found the code to NOT make the character fade away when dead and collapse, but all controls are frozen. How can I unfreeze the controls? what I would like to happen is something along the lines of this:

If the first Character Dies, the Lead character is replaced with the 2nd and so forth. I have a script to do this, but like I said, it freezes. I do not want to rearrange the characters in the menu, they stay the same, just on the Game Map.

I'll add the script I am talking about to give some idea: EDIT - REMOVED SCRIPT

If anyone can help out in this, it is much apprieciated. If I have not explained myself as well as you think, I will try to explain it better as well.
also, before I forget, No, I do not want to use an Ally System,

EDIT - Figured it out, never mind, must edit to much if not placing the next actor in line into the "First Actors Slot" as the script only looks at the first Actor Slot, and not the others. Was able to achieve what I wanted by looping through actors, saving next in line who is alive, their id in a variable.
Then switching all:
"@actor = $game_party.actors[0]" To the following ie: "@actor = $game_party.actors[$game_variables[99]]"

Once again, thanks in advance,

Hey everyone,

Here's an update on the HUD ideas a few people contributed towards a little while ago (starts on page 24 of this thread).

I've been working on this since a mysterious someone sent me some graphics on XAS tutorials lol, they wanted to remain anonymous I guess - well thanks whoever you are!

Take a look, tell me what you think - still in its earlier stages:


Once I get it up and running, I'll upload an updated version of 3.4 with it set as default - check http://www.myspace.com/xastutorials regularly.



calvin624":2vyzvgv3 said:
Hey everyone,

Here's an update on the HUD ideas a few people contributed towards a little while ago (starts on page 24 of this thread).

I've been working on this since a mysterious someone sent me some graphics on XAS tutorials lol, they wanted to remain anonymous I guess - well thanks whoever you are!

Take a look, tell me what you think - still in its earlier stages:


Once I get it up and running, I'll upload an updated version of 3.4 with it set as default - check http://www.myspace.com/xastutorials regularly.

Totally awesome. If you get the Enemy bars working with the same kind of graphic and the Hero face in the circular thing in the HP/SP hud it would be totally rad. Keep up the good work!
The hud looks good but that font is hideous in my opinion. The 100% looks all bunched up. Franklin Gothic Book it up.

Actually looking at it closer its very plastic looking. :( It would clash with pretty much anyone's game. Unless they had a super embossed kinda thing going. Take off shine on the bars and on the transparent part of the HUD and you should be okay. At least from my view point.

I could be wrong. :p
Quick question. I have a world map using mode 7 but XAS doesnt seem to work with it. I can walk around and what not but if say I hit an enemy it one works once, after which it stops. Also I cant use any special skills (the graphics dont show). Is there any way of fixing this. I was hoping to make a lylat wars style boss for my ending.
This may have been asked already, but it's kinda difficult to find it with 27 pages. There's this problem I'm having where the player does the walking animation, even when he's standing still. It looks pretty stupid and I want to get rid of it, but I suck at scripting. Can anyone tell me as detailed as possible how to fix this?
Tojo333":24wfq0bi said:
This may have been asked already, but it's kinda difficult to find it with 27 pages. There's this problem I'm having where the player does the walking animation, even when he's standing still. It looks pretty stupid and I want to get rid of it, but I suck at scripting. Can anyone tell me as detailed as possible how to fix this?

If its your player turn "move animation" off, same with events.
Hey everyone,

I really need some help.

Does anyone know how to change the character's speed?

I have a lockpick minigame in which I want the lockpick (changed character's graphic) to be slower than the "NORMAL_SPEED".

Changing it via "Set Move Route" does nothing (I guess the script refreshes and the change I made is "overwritten") so I'm guessing I need a snippet of script?
ok if you can´t use an auto run event:
change every NORMAL_SPEED to $normalspeed (1 time in MISC)
and change every XAS::NORMAL_SPEED to $normalspeed (4 times in XAS_system)

now you can change the normal speed with a call scrip:
$normalspeed = 5
or $normalspeed = 10 (10 is realy fast)
Is theiir any way to turn the bounce back feature of an enemy on and off. I know how to do it in the script, but say I dont want it to normally bounce, but on an accasion I want it to.

Basically im trying to build an electrical tenticle and when the end bit isnt firing (I have a period of recharge) if you hit it, it will bounce back into the master enemy and deal them damage. The jist is you cant kill the Boss, only its own weapons hitting itself can. Howeverm without the bounce mechanism I cant make my design work.
Forget about the tenticles guys, I changed the design.
My new boss turned out quite well and really makes use of the XAS features.

Part 1: Kill robot in time before satelight fires. Beating robot disabells satelight
Part 2: The antagonist gets inside a huge robot with electric tenticles, lazer canon and missles. This is actually unbeatable. However, when the lazer canon hatch is open, for a breaf period only (before the lazer comes out) you can sneek inside.
Part 3: When inside blow up one of the four computer termanels. Doing so spits you back outside, and you must sneek back inside again to distroy the remainding 3.
Part 4: After all 4 termales have been blown up the cockpit door opens and the player has a shoot out with the piolet.

Its all working but needs a few tweeks for refinement. I hope to put up a youtube video of it later on.
@Hourglass. Sounds good, I'll happily error check/beta test your game when the time comes just let me know (I'll be counting on you to do the same for me :biggrin:)

Another question everyone, this time a cosmetic query: I was wondering whether the "CRITICAL_STRING" could be changed to a picture in place of a word?
calvin624":2xt976x2 said:
@Hourglass. Sounds good, I'll happily error check/beta test your game when the time comes just let me know (I'll be counting on you to do the same for me :biggrin:)

Another question everyone, this time a cosmetic query: I was wondering whether the "CRITICAL_STRING" could be changed to a picture in place of a word?

Sure think LOL I could do with a spell checker (dyslexic).
Where exactly does this "Critical_string" appear, I cant recall coming across it.
Would anyone have any idea how one would make a "Grappling Hook or Hookshot", sort of like the one used in Zelda. This would be when a hook and chain leaves the player, travels across the screen to an object. If the object is identified as "Hookable" then the Hook/Grapple would latch onto it, dragging the Player across the screen to the object. ie: standing on one side of a canyon, and you shoot the hook across to a pole, if you hit the pole it will drag you across. If you miss it, the Hook/Grapple just retracts back to the Player. Can also be used for grabbing treasure that is in out of reach areas.

If anyone has an idea on the setup or even the graphic look, that would be helpful.

Thanks agian in Advance

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