@Akuma - Visit my site: www.myspace.com/xastutorials
There are a collection of tutorials for this system. :biggrin:
There are a collection of tutorials for this system. :biggrin:
Hourglass":3v2oyr9y said:Well I noticed on the golden sun game someone made for RPG maker, that a sprite can have more than 4-5 frames. Basically what we need to do is make a series of frames that would mimic the animation.
so for example
frame 1: 0
Frame 2: 0-0
Frame 3: 0-0-0
same for upwards directs
frame 1: 0
Frame 2: 0
you see the jist. the problem with this is the whole picture would have to be messured out presisly, and the event would have to have a timer before showing the reverse animation that would be equal to the number of spaces away from the character. Try make a small sprite set of an expanding chain in all 4 directions (lets say 5 links at least in the hookshot chain) and pm me it and I'll try show you what I mean in case you dont understand.
As for the pulling yourself forward bit, that can be done by a switch, which sets an image of the chain (masking the automatic receding graphic when the chain returns to the player (IF you want that) and and set "through" on player and move forward to square where player lands, each step removing one chain of the graphic. This couldd even be done by placing pictures rather than events.
Anyway hope this offers an additional solution.
calvin624":1noxc1tv said:@ Fedex14 - I hope that demo I sent you works out alright.
@ Fenwick - Great work man, just downloading the demo now, I'll have a play around with it, see it I can be any help.
EDIT: Just played with the demo, I love the graphic for the hookshot, amazing!!!
I think the problem is the way you've scripted it though (I'm no expert) - do you have the actual projectile of the hookshot on auto-run?
Because there is a delayed reaction between actually hitting a switch and something happening - the switch only activates when the hookshot has "returned" to the player. I've made a demo that shows this rather well.
@ Link in Pink
Fenwick!! You're a genius! And fantastic Hookshot graphic wow it's incredible.
I'll play around with it and see if I can come up with anything :D
Fenwick absoloutly awesom hookshot great work!
The hookshot actually does pull you forward...
but look where it got me.
If you could figure out what causes that and repeat with regulations, heh heh...
Velocir_X":2wjdmvbd said:Great asset is an understatement...
I'd suggest getting this copyrighted...
do you think the glich is caused by the common events or by the script,
it be nice to know where to look...
If you look in the "Posts" event's pages, you will notice that when the Post is Hit/Activated, a Switch is set to "TRUE.After a VERY brief look ive some ideas
the attack is sometimes acting like its hit something in advance, like the pictures above show.
Perhaps you should alter the speed of the attack along with time ration. If you make the actual "attack" register "AFTER" a period of animation it could help. I had a simular problems with a lazer gun I made, the box would explode before the animation hit it. I think in this case it could be the attack is concluded before the animation.
However this poses an issue as hookshot ranges if one is to use would have to be of equal distance each time to prevent this glitch (one your've made the above tweeks).
OK so it's in check if hit occured,Check If Hit Occured - This is intended to do a check to see if there is a hit on an object after each extension of the
chain from the Hook Shot Tool that is made. If there is, it then will pull you towards the
object and remove the necessary links of chain (pictures) until arriving at the destination.
Now, bare in mind, I only set this up as far as to check only when facing the Direction: RIGHT,
and only performs the check on the first link of chain. I was testing and wanted to see if I
could achieve a 1 step-pull a-head flawlessly first before coding any further.
Now, the problem is in the last Common Event: Check If Hit Occured
Because the check is for 1 movement ahead, we need to remove the first picture drawn #7.
(#7 in the coding as I started with #7)
Change picture #8 to what picture #7 was and move the Player ahead 1 square in the direction (RIGHT for this Test).
Then, we need to send a warning to the initial Common Event that started to Break and Terminate. As we would have arrived at the destination if only 1 map square away from object when starting the Tool.
Sorry for the wall of text, I'm not an expert or anything...
but hey if it helps who cares?