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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Cool would be levelable Weapon, every time it hits something it gets XP, same thing for Armor, and after a certain time it upgrades, so you have to make the choice between upgraded Weapons etc. and new Weapons.

Could be pretty awesome.

@Ragnarok & acrox999 - I really like your ideas.

I had actually thought of adding a "POW" sign like the 60's Batman show instead of the "critical" pop up. Sort of playing with the idea of a cartoonish theme to my game.
I just had another idear:
At this moment, an AI doesn`t really exists, but couldn`t there be a call script like: all_enemys_in_range(x): move to player, pseudocode.

With such a few callscripts we could easly script an AI for hearing and seeing and a lot of other things too.

I came across a random problem. I copied some of the scripts over for a horror game of mine, and for some reason when my gun reaches 0 bullets, it gives me an error message when it should just hinder me from shooting any more. Any ideas? :3
Hey everyone,

I need your help - is there any way to get the HUD to go on top of any pictures you show onscreen?

I have a cave that is pitch black and so the HUD is hidden under the black picture - I could cut the HUD features out from the dark black picture but that'd just look nasty so does anyone know of any script that'll do this for me?

Many thanks in advance
Maybe, before calling the picture set the HUD off, after calling the picture back on again? Seems logical for me, though I haven't tested it.
I tried this and it looks very good, almost no lag at all, and very nice features, but why is is called secret of mana style? In SoM you had allies that helped you and skills worked very differently (when you casted a single target skill you could choose which enemy to hit, and it would always work, no matter where he was standing, and for all target skills if you just hurt every enemy on the screen) I have been searching for a SoM battlesystem but haven't been able to find it so far... :(
yeah this and Mr.Mo's Squad based abs is really good.i really enjoyed trying this,but i dont think i can make a game out of it.seems a bit complicated for that.i'd rather Mr.mo's squad based abs.but dont get me wrong this is a great system.
@Alin El Rene - We're upto version 3.4 (it might be worth waiting a couple of days to see if version 3.5 comes out - he usually updates at the beginning of the month)

You can check here: http://www.atelier-rgss.com/Index.html

But if not, I created an English version available for download on www.myspace.com/xastutorials

@linksocarina - I agree it can be a difficult system, but we're lucky enough to have a great group of people on this forum that help wherever possible - www.myspace.com/xastutorials might be able to help you.

@craybest - I think Xiderowg gets closer with every release, just keep an eye on it :biggrin:
I'm keeping an eye on this, that's for sure ;)
hopefully in the future the things I mentioned will be implemented, for now I'll focus in making graphics for my future SoM game :)

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