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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Ragnarok":20dtowm3 said:
What do you think about this?

I think placing parts of the HUD on several sides of the window is not a good idea cause you then never have the required information located nearby. That means that in the heat of the battle you always have to keep in mind several parts of the screen which is quite more circumstantial than the way calvin624 suggested it placing the whole HUD at one side.
calvin624":489kcld7 said:
I was wondering whether there was anyway to stop the "knockout" pop up in your respawning script?

i can but i have to change the xas system (xas pop allways the states if you cure them)
if i change it the states will never pop up

(you can do this if you delete this line)
@xas_states_pop_text = "-  " + $data_states[state_id].name


calvin624":489kcld7 said:
And whether you could make it so a quick animation would be played before the monsters respawn? (much like the defeat animations part of the XAS script)

you can do this with the death self switch
(if the switch is on it will show animation and turn the switch off)

@Rainbird you dont call the death but you can paste the command in the script
but this isn´t soooo easy (with more frames)
why you do not use the Death animation (paste you spirits as a animation)
Excuse the crude shapes and stuff but you get the idea:


@ Hackel - Great, thanks mate.

I know there's a way to momentarily turn off pop ups:

"$game_player.battler.damage_pop = false" ?

I know that's for the player but surely there is an equivalent that applies to enemies too?

If so couldn't you script it to turn off a few frames before your enemy is about to respawn and the turn it back on afterwards?

Edit: Plus - what's this death switch thing? Is it only for use with your ally system?
yes @battler.state = false or self.battler.state = false but it dont work
normaly you have to turn the switch on
but states pop up also if the switch ist off
no it is simple a self swith witch trun on if the enemy die
you can use it for much thing
(if the enemy should respawn as an other enemy
or if the enemy should not apear after the enemy has die one time)
Hackel":nv7bdfup said:
@Rainbird you dont call the death but you can paste the command in the script
but this isn´t soooo easy (with more frames)
why you do not use the Death animation (paste you spirits as a animation)

I don't know how that works... I already thought that my code must be pasted somewhere in the script where death is called but I honestly don't know where that part can be found.
@calvin: I like your version of the HUD but I'd put the whole thing on the bottom side. What about using the orange boxes for the current weapon and spell and adding some other boxes in a row that enable using items or spells via shortcut?
This is how I would design the HUD:

It contains a lot of elements and good ideas calvin already presentes us but I changed it a bit according to how I thought it could still have been improved.
if the enemy die the self switch turn on nothing more (in the demo the cleric respawn as a "zombie cleric" see the event how it work)
and the state pop always up



I think Huds are unique to a person's game. I didn't say this earlier when I saw this but I feel as if I should say it now. Everyone here has a different idea on what kind of HUD you would like. I think it would be best if you designed your own for your own game. Changing the placement of things on the HUD isn't really that hard even if you're an amateur scripter. It's all trial an error until you get it where you want it.

Designing a HUD would be cool, but you're not going to make one everyone likes
@ StarGGundam2 - I agree with some of what you're saying, of course everyone's game is different and so the requirements for their HUD will be too but right now people don't have that much of a choice.

There are other HUD designs for different systems, so why not XAS?

I'm just trying to gather ideas for what the majority of people would like in order to give them that choice.




I admire your resolve. If I was to pick any of the ones here. It'd be your last attempted one, but flipped. Like with the health lvl mp and equips on top left and Hotkeys and exp on bottom. It just seems a bit more pleasing to the eye. I think. Well that's just my opinion
@StarGGundam2 - I agree, I prefer the HUD top left.


My idea is to have the menu system onscreen rather than having to go into it. You'd press the Esc button to bring up the menu, and use the arrow keys (left and right) to move between pages, pressing Esc again at any point to leave.

I've only put the bare essentials on the HUD and the less important stats on the pop up menu so they are easily enough to check with the click of a button.

Thoughts, ideas?
I'm currently trying out to make a minimap-script running with Hackel's New Ally System 1.1. Everything's working fine but after playing for a while (about 20 seconds) I get the following Error: Script 'Minimap' Line 417 NoMethodError occured. undefined method 'real_x' for nil:NilClass.

This is the demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=54BT643X

Any ideas how to get it work? I guess it would be great being able to use a minimap, especially when someone of us would like to integrate a minimap into the new HUD.
Working on new 3.5, huh? I think I can help you. Well, I think I've got an idea. How abou we make when we are being attacked, why don't we make the face is kinda like shaking and make some bubbles saying "OUCH!" and we attack our enemies it will say "Take this!" or "Hyaahh!!!". I lol'd when I wrote this idea. xD
Thats already possible with Sounds, I don`t like the idear that there are Graphic Popups, I more like sounds who don`t hide the few pixel of a 640*480 screen.

I think I can help with voices. :) Hmm... I think voices is more better. :D How about, a settings menu? In the title menu??? We can set to full screen, change audio volume, windowskin, if possible. I've played a game made with XP with awesome menu and have this option screen.

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