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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

you can change the invicible duration of each enemy

A => B

A = the enemy id
B = the invicible duration

experiment a little bit
I've been following this topic for awhile, and I'm impressed with the support you guys are offering. So I have a question.

In the older versions, there was a way of auto-equipping a tool or skill through a "Call Script" command. However, it looks like they've removed the function in v3.4. The old code I used (shown below) crashes and shows an error message.


$game_system.xas_skill_id = 3

$game_system.xas_skill_index = 0

$game_temp.skill_refresh = true


Is there any other way I can use the auto-equip? If not, would anyone be willing to script a new feature in?
@Hackel: it works, thank's a lot!

Edit: do you think it's possible that after defeating an enemy a death animation like [frames]_enemyname_DIE is shown automatically and then stops at the last frame of the animation which is the enemy corpse. So when defeated an enemy does not disappear but his corpse stays just where he died and then - with your respawn script - is resurrected again after a while?
Is there any way to turn off the displayed status stuff (HP bars, MP bars, equipment, etc)? It would be nice for cutscenes to not see any of this stuff.



astroboy2006":1yh28suf said:
Is there any way to turn off the displayed status stuff (HP bars, MP bars, equipment, etc)? It would be nice for cutscenes to not see any of this stuff.
Yes you can set a switch for that. The default switch is err... 5? I think? I can't remember but you can change or see what switch you want to turn huds off on the MISC script

module XAS_HUD

#Posição das janelas dos itens e skills.  

WINDOW_HUD2_X = 480 



WINDOW_CT_Y  = 355

FONT_NAME = "Georgia" 

#ID da switch que desativa a janela de itens e skills.





Mr_Smith":1rcgt4zs said:
And that switch does also have a name like HUD OFF or something.
Lol. That's if he's working with the Demo instead of plugging in scripts images and the tools map into his game. Yeah. It's Default setting is Switch 005 Disable Hud or whatever. You can name a switch whatever the heck you want. Blue Cheese or Scissors 61 and it'll do what you ask it to do.
add the enemy id in DEATH_SELF_SWITCH and choose a self swith with DEATH_SELF_SWITCH
if the enemy die it will turn the self swith of the enemy event on
Hey everyone,

Hackel has agreed to help us with redesigning the HUD, I thought it'd be a great idea to throw some ideas around.

I was thinking of a hot key system where the player would allocate weapons, items and skills/magic to the numbers 0 - 9 that the player could press during the game to select that respective weapon/item/magic.

Here's a little mockup:

Do you guys have any ideas?
Well I always likes the diablo 2 HUD, which also has a hotkey system like the one you suggested. But what I liked most is that there was not only a simple HP and SP bar like in XAS but a huge display of the sp and hp remaining so that it was quite obvious wether your hp or sp was running out by just taking a single look. In XAS I experienced that in most cases you look at the number showing your current sp or hp and not at the bar itself which takes more time to realize that you might recover your life etc. so that a more visual indicator would be quite better in my opinion.
I agree, I think that has something do to with the placement of the HP bar aswell - bottom left is kinda weird I always thought.

So we want a clearer HP bar - are you suggesting we drop the numbers Rainbird?

I don't mind that idea, it just means we have to work even harder to get the HP and SP bars to look just right.

I mean the combat time bar is actually better in that respect as it changes colour depending on how much CT you have left.

At the moment its just the numbers corresponding to the HP/SP bars that change colour (from whatever it is originally, to yellow, to red).

Maybe we could have the bar flash red if you're dangerously low on health?
@ Hackel - no rush on this, just a couple of questions:

I was wondering whether there was anyway to stop the "knockout" pop up in your respawning script?

And whether you could make it so a quick animation would be played before the monsters respawn? (much like the defeat animations part of the XAS script)
calvin624":xkgx9xhc said:
are you suggesting we drop the numbers Rainbird?

I think numbers are not necessary when HP and SP bars are changed basically.

I personally like the idea that you have a kind of orb for HP and SP each that are filled up to the top when HP and SP are at their maximum, and then lower down their level according to how much SP and HP are left. It's just the way it is displayed in diablo 2. The big advantage are the colours: when an orb is filled in red or blue (just as an example) you are always aware of the hero's condition without paying much attention to it cause colours are sensed in a much different way than numbers.

Just take a look a this example: http://mediang.gameswelt.net/public/ima ... e682d2.jpg

@Hackel: I'd like to have a kind of dying animation as shown below when an enemy or ally is dying but don't know exactly where to paste it for that the whole thing is working. Can you tell me?


class Game_Event < Game_Character


def frames_img_die_enemy_exist?(frames)


  x = frames.to_s

  RPG::Cache.character("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE", @page.graphic.character_hue)


  return false


  return true



def die_on(frames)

  x = frames.to_s

    if frames_img_die_enemy_exist?(frames)

        @character_name = "[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE" 





def die_off

  @character_name = "[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DEAD"



The whole thing is meant to work like this: an enemy dies, shows his dying anymation ("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE") and after that only his corpse is shown as long as he will be respawned or resurrected ("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DEAD").

Can you tell me where to paste it in the script?

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