calvin624":xkgx9xhc said:
are you suggesting we drop the numbers Rainbird?
I think numbers are not necessary when HP and SP bars are changed basically.
I personally like the idea that you have a kind of orb for HP and SP each that are filled up to the top when HP and SP are at their maximum, and then lower down their level according to how much SP and HP are left. It's just the way it is displayed in diablo 2. The big advantage are the colours: when an orb is filled in red or blue (just as an example) you are always aware of the hero's condition without paying much attention to it cause colours are sensed in a much different way than numbers.
Just take a look a this example: ... e682d2.jpg
@Hackel: I'd like to have a kind of dying animation as shown below when an enemy or ally is dying but don't know exactly where to paste it for that the whole thing is working. Can you tell me?
class Game_Event < Game_Character
def frames_img_die_enemy_exist?(frames)
 x = frames.to_s
 RPG::Cache.character("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE", @page.graphic.character_hue)
 return false
 return true
def die_on(frames)
 x = frames.to_s
  if frames_img_die_enemy_exist?(frames)
    @character_name = "[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE"
def die_off
 @character_name = "[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DEAD"
The whole thing is meant to work like this: an enemy dies, shows his dying anymation ("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DIE") and after that only his corpse is shown as long as he will be respawned or resurrected ("[" + x + "]_" + @page.graphic.character_name + "_DEAD").
Can you tell me where to paste it in the script?