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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Is anyone else getting an error message when they start up the latest version of Fenwick's hookshot?

Script' *Fenwick's Map Switches' line 404: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method 'character_name' for nil:NilClass

Edit: Just saw Fenwick updated lol

Edit again - Still getting the same error.
calvin624":3hrg8rmz said:
Edit: Just saw Fenwick updated lol

Edit again - Still getting the same error.


Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.5 RMXP ---> Clicky

Here's an Update which fixed the above issue with erroring out and some other small fixes and weapon checking. Remember, look at the demo, as I have changed the setup of how the demo works. This version has been tested in a new game, a new project, if errors still ocurr, try the following:
1) Check to ensure you have all the switches/variables set correctly.
2) Ensure you copied over all the Common Events Correctly
3) Ensure you copied over the new Script "Fenwick's Hookshot Tool v1.4" which was formerly known as "Fenwick's Map Switches".
4) Ensure you do not have conflicts with other scripts.

I hope you all enjoy....
I will be unavailable to trouble shot for about 1 month, as work will be controlling me until I am back on regular hours.
However, I will try to see what I can do.

Fenwick Lorecarver
How to Install Fenwick's Hookshot tutorial is now complete for those having trouble incorporating it into their own game.

http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =503668891

An update to the new HUD is also coming for those that want to use it in conjunction with Fenwick's Hookshot - shall update as and when.

Important information regarding XAS Tutorials:

I have decided to move XAS Tutorials to Wordpress.com. I am in the process of copying over all the content from the myspace site to the new one. During this transition both sites will be available for users to browse.

Why switch?

As time has gone on more and more tutorials have been added to the site, Wordpress offers users to use search which means it'll be easier to find what you're looking for, resulting in a more user-friendly experience.

What's more, you don't have to be a wordpress user to leave a comment on a tutorial or blog post which means everyone can get involved.

The new site is "http://xasabs.wordpress.com/" - the look is subject to change, but feel free to pop by and leave a comment or suggestion - open to any and all ideas.


I have a problem: I have been setting up this system for my game, and I have a working enemy melee attacker, but I am having trouble setting up enemy archers. The archers and the arrows they fire seem to work fine, but when they hit me, I get an error.

It says:
Script 'XAS - System' line 1470: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method 'pages' for nil:NilClass

It pops up right as the main character is hit with an enemy arrow.
Thanks, I'll keep trying, and if I can't figure it out, I'll send you a PM.

Also, I noticed a compatibility problem with the multiple frame animated character script, the one that allows you to use more or less than 4 frames of animation. When I have a many frame main (walking) character animation, it messes up all the other animations (As in, they won't show up.). For example, when I have:
How do I fix this problem? Is there a version of that script that is compatible with the XAS character animation system?
@JesseG88 - Hackel's various frames script (http://xasabs.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/ ... es-script/) was made with XAS in mind, but as far as I know Hackel hasn't updated it, in fact he hasn't posted in this thread in a while.

I also think the script was made with enemy sprites in mind, rather than the hero ones because you have to state how many frames the sprite has when you create the enemies' movement on the third page of the enemy event.

Give the script a second glance -maybe you could PM Hackel (if you browse through previous posts you'll find him).

Feel free to PM me, if you're unable to solve that other problem (going away for the weekend though).

Everyone pop over to the new site and leave a comment, I really want your input on what tutorials you'd like to see next - you don't need a wordpress account to comment either - just your name and email address.

Look forward from hearing from you!
I got a little problem with Hackels multidrop:
After 'installing' the Script, I get a Syntax Error in line 21:

for i in 0…drops

Since I don't have any idear how to fix this, I'm asking you guys, thanks in advance.


Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.6 RMXP --> Clicky

Fixed some coding issues and shortened some code in the script.
The only changes were done in the Script, so for updating, just copy the script over, no need to worry about copying anything else over to your project.

JesseG88":uj921x8f said:
Thanks, I'll keep trying, and if I can't figure it out, I'll send you a PM.

Also, I noticed a compatibility problem with the multiple frame animated character script, the one that allows you to use more or less than 4 frames of animation. When I have a many frame main (walking) character animation, it messes up all the other animations (As in, they won't show up.). For example, when I have:
How do I fix this problem? Is there a version of that script that is compatible with the XAS character animation system?

If you were using the Hookshot Tool v1.5 or lower, then this could have been the problem, I have sinced fixed the error that the lower version was producing.

Fenwick Lorecarver (Still on Vacation Somewhere :thumb: )
I wasn't using the hookshot tool. The Cogwheel multiframe character script messes up when I have the base character set as multiframe.
@JesseG88 - Ah right, I just assumed you were using Hackel's various frame script - I don't know whether Cogwheel's multiframe character script is compatible with XAS - one thing you could try is placing the script just above main.

@Ragnai - It could be the way its been copied over from the myspace site, I'll have a look later and get back to you :grin:

LinkinPink99 says they'd like to see some puzzle tutorials - how about you?

Pop over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com and suggest ideas for tutorials YOU'D like to see!
Ohi Guys ^.^
It's quiet a long time that i don't post anything here...
well... i've a request... (that i've already made some times ago... but whitout any answer)
for me it's really important... and i've lost my Scripter, so... i can't made this anymore ç.ç unfortunatly...

There's a Chance in the XAS_ABS to Create a second Skill HotKey, instead of the Item HotKey?
I Mean... to use the Input::Y and the Input::Z for 2 different Skill, deleting the Item Hotkey (they'll be used from the menù, normally)

I ask you a little help... i'll be greatfull to you XD
Pls ppl... it's the only stuff that takes me away from a release of my project XD
right now i've downloaded the 3.51...
long time ago i was using the 3.3 XD but the 3.51 is really better :)

So... i need the 2 Skill HotKeys for the Version 3.51... the latest developed on the official website...
I'll be eternally greatfull to all of you if someone will find a solution XD
(I don't think that it's an hard work... but i've never look properly at the XAS script... so i don't know him... and i'm not able in such an edit...)
Odd I can't seem to find any (Input::Y/Z) in both the XAS system script and the hud add-on???
/me scratches head

Nontheless I found a speculative clue, the initialize method of the first class in the XAS system script refers to a @skillredan and a @itemredan I bet those two can be followed throughout it and the HUD and have the @itemredan notians (and context its in) changed to a @skill2redan
@Ragnai - The Original post of Hackel's is on page 20 along with the script itself.

I believe this script will only work with version 3.4 - it needs an update because the way multidrops are handled in XAS has changed in the latest version.

Go over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com to download the monster portal - Just updated to Version 0.2 and you'll also find another demo packed full of events to use in your game.
Thanks calvin, and respect for your work, perhaps I will be able to contribute some new chars in the future :)

Is anyone out there who could update hackels various frames script for me and all the others using it, please?

I get a Syntax error in
RPG::Cache.character(”[" + x + "]_” + @page.graphic.character_name + “_Act” , @page.graphic.character_hue)

and I don't have any Idear what could be wrong :/
Thanks in advance.

@Ragnai -I may need your help making some charsets soon, its in relation to a feature Fenwick and I are working on.

Get over to http://xasabs.wordpress.com to download a fully translated version of XAS v3.51 - all comments welcome!

Should we have a puzzle contest?

Read the "Tutorials you want to see" thread and subsequent comments and leave one of your own, have your say on what you'd like to see in the future :biggrin:

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