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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)


Fenwick Lorecarver's - Hookshot v1.9 RMXP --> Clicky

That's right...! I found some time to get around to trying to update the Hookshot Tool I created roughly a year ago for the XAS System (v3.6 compatible now!).!
Basically, this version fixes bugs with Civilians, a better way to set them up instead of setting them up in the Database as an Enemy. Made Civilians able to be hit by any Weapon Equiped, but with out killing them. Felt this would add a more realistic feeling to a game if we could hit the little buggers.

So far, no one has replied on bug issues, so I am taking it that the past version had no issues except for the ones I found myself.

As stated in previous post:

"sometime in the new year (April 01/2010) I will have the time to work on the Hookshot Tool more extensively. Hopefully then I will be able to eliminate the need for the "Common Events."

Well, this is not as true as I thought at the time that it would be... I will be doing what I can on this project alone when I get the chance. Perhaps closer to the Summer I will get back to the scene for other projects.

If anyone has any other suggestions on this version on how to improve it, please feel free to comment.
Don't forget to read the Headers in the script for changes and updates... ie: Pass through or not on hit of Enemy.

Peace All...

Fenwick Lorecarver
@ hackel:
I played the demo of your ally system and I had some problems with it:
1.) the skills your hero2 normally uses works fine for me, but the ally using the magic doesn't loose any of his mp/sp
2.) the allies can only use the skills you gave to hero2 like "ice1" or "thunder1", if they want use for example "thunder2" instead of the ally the hero is using the skill
Are there somewhere options for this or is it a bug?

I hope you answer soon^^

lg LuckyMik
to 1.
hmm seem to bee a bug with the 3.6 version

to 2. you can change the skills in the moverout.



Actor ki

sa = short range skill id nr 1

sb = short range skill id nr 2

sc = short range skill id nr 3

sd = short range skill id nr 4

se = short range skill id nr 5

ra = long range skill id nr 1

rb = long range skill id nr 2

rc = long range skill id nr 3

rd = long range skill id nr 4

re = long range skill id nr 5

hp = heal player skill id

ha = heal self skill id 

freq = hit frequenz 

healper = % when the actor start to heal or flee (0 - 100)

skilltime = skill frequenz

keinn = no close combat (true or false)

the ally will only use a skill if he learned the skill

add close combat weapon skills to LONG_RANGE_SKILL in the ally module

and longe range weapon skills to SHORT_RANGE_SKILL
oh, you got me wrong, i know how to setup the ki for the allies, i make an example:
ki(55,55,55,55,55,48,25,26,27,0,0,0,30,25,40,false) #55= thunder2
now the ally moves to the enemy and want to use skill 55, but instead of him the hero you control uses skill 55
i don't know why, but for skill 51 and 54 it works

to 1: seems like i have to go through the entire code to find the bug -.-



when you set the shortcut menu to false in the misc script and you try to change an item it gives you a error and the game stops. Is there a way to set up the shortcut menu so it doesn't pause the game when it's called? That doesn't work very well on a real time battle system :grin: .
Was curious if anyone had tried to clone the MOM2 skills system, you choose to equip skills instead off having to change weapons for there power up skills and also allows to set two charging skills C and D buttons if i remember...
I've test-played it the entire morning and tried a few tweaks and am overly satisfied with the update.
The Falling System is something that should have been made years ago, the throwing system is funny and really useful while the Active HUD is more something like a gimmick which looks great. (and therefore necessary for the overall experience)
What has impressed me the most is the 40-80% performance boost I've been able to measure myself.
Even during a fight with multiple enemies using AOE skills aso. the FPS never dropped under 30.
I've now set my pickup/throw on V. Which kind of sucks.
C just works perfectly, but you can't use C as soon as you use a weapon.
Could anyone tweak that Enter/clear is used for the weapon while C only for the throwing/pickup function?
Thanks a lot.



Can someone combine XAS with f0tz!'s pixelmovement? I know, that for xas is pixelmovement in this topic, but I need pixel passability too.
Combining those two scripts will need a lot of tweaking, I'm afraid. Both are so advanced, they have a bunch of incompatible classes. I myself am working on making a different pixelmovement script compatible, but it may be awhile before it's ready for release.
I had a question; is it possible to call an action of a weapon (such as Fenwick's hookshot) or item or spell by an event?

For example, the hookshot extracting in a cutscene and making it work properly?

I'd really appreciate it if this was answered, thanks.
Hey Bird Eater,

Yeah you can force an action in XAS by using a line of script in the cutscene (as Moghunter does in the demo when you retrieve the light sword in the Bridge level).

Just write "$game_temp.force_action_now_id = X" where X is the Tool ID.
Does XAS have the sprite correction option yet?

I can't use it with spear since the weapon goes beyond your feet if used while facing down (pushing your character up since the system read the tip of the spear as your feet)

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