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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

alright thanks. I put through the translator but it didn't come out so well and I didn't want to assume on it :) thanks.

Now for some editing questions. :smile:

I know that the game uses a variable to set the sensor of enemies (as I'm understanding) my question is, how or where does the processing happen that tells the game you are in that range. The reason I ask is I'm customizing the menu system for this very heavily, so that only certain options are available when an enemy is within that sensor area. So I need to know what command of code I would use to tap that process (I hope I'm making sense).




I like the extra slots for skills, however I don't like the fact that if you set quick menu to false it still works (I don't want to freeze the game when I change skills or items). Is that a bug or is it suppose to work like that?
XAS is an Action Battle System made specifically for RPG Maker XP. Using this system you can create games similar to Zelda, Alundra, Ys, Terraenigma and many others.


> Tool System based on events
> Dynamic Animation System
> Combo System
> CT (Combat Time) System
> Dynamic Sprites
> Animated HUD System

All of these features and more can be seen in the Official XAS Hero Edition demo.














Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2c54iq9ys2kibp

Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/17297699/Translated-v3.82.rar/
> New ‘Extra Skills’ add-on that allows you to hot-key your skills
> You can now equip a second weapon instead of a shield
> Height correction for big sprites
> Endless Duration: Tools that will last as long as the action button is held down
> New script commands
> New character graphic – Suffix: _Dead
> Improved slow motion effect
> Improved the Quick Menu System
> Improved the Voice System
what makes this a project thread. Why not put just put it in your script thread. I dont see the point of having to threads. I dont see teh need of two threads when you already have one.
Well the other thread is generally for support.

This thread is to spread the news of XAS, if I were to post this information in the other thread I'd be preaching to the choir. And what's more v3.82 deserves to be classed as it's own game - there's a few hours of gameplay easy.
gRaViJa":tepn5koa said:
This sript demo has more gameplay than actual other games. Anyway, this script pack is wow, amazing! I would prefer to call it an SDK even.

Thanks gRaViJa :biggrin:

XAS is free to use for commercial use as well as non-commercial use, SDK would be a good way to describe it.



This thread is to spread the news of XAS, if I were to post this information in the other thread I'd be preaching to the choir. And what's more v3.82 deserves to be classed as it's own game - there's a few hours of gameplay easy.
uh. no. you don't make multiple threads to advertise the same thing.

I merged the topics. this is a cool script and all, but don't do stuff like this!

that said, this topic is sort of unwieldy. if you want, I can give you the first post so you can edit the pertinent information in.
alright, so another question with this new release, does it support a party? Something like a "tag-along" sort of system or is it as the title describes, a "hero-only" edition? If it is only hero supported, what would the easiest way to change it to support a party be? I'm looking to combine how the XAS runs and feels, with the party support of something like the Active Dimension Battle system. Any thoughts or ideas??

I have an idea ... wait til XAS 4 :)

XAS 4 will have party support and pixel-movement. There are also party switchers and follow the leader scripts available over at www.gameface101.com - but I'd personally wait until it's an officially supported feature, that way you'll have no compatibility issues when it comes to upgrading XAS.
I haven't really been given any indication, I've seen the odd screenshot and been given a few stats about progress but no clear date.

I don't think it'll be TOO long but I don't want to speculate. I just know Moghunter is being kept busy by his day job - so that's holding things up.

It's worth focusing your energy on mapping or creating new tools, something that'll keep you busy before it's release. Version 3 has added some fantastic features that you'll want to incorporate into your game whilst you wait.
alright, thanks. :) Mostly I'm working on a *very* heavily customized Ring Menu (a seperate menu for in-battle than the regular) and that's why I need to know. Thanks. :)
Hey Mr Smith, sure I remember you.

XAS has added a swimming, flying, moving platforms, throwing, jumping systems - new HUD graphics and a hot key system for skills.

The next version will have pixel movement and an ally system.
Wow:P It's not a battle system anymore, but it has everything. Amazing. Having all that would be very cool to have in a game, but it's soooo complicated. :P

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