@stargundum, No, I'm not sure how to do percentages. Also, I know there is the override thing. When it is set to false, a switch (switch 4 by default) is set to true. I'd just need to know how to check to see if the next character in the rotation has health, and if so, have it switch to him. On the chance that that character is dead, it should move to the character after that. If all party members are dead, it should say "game over". When I figure out how to do that, I'll implement an additional override switch. If the override switch is true it will not call a gameover.
P.S. I added some extra functionality. I fixed the annoying flicker with the sprites. The reason it did this flicker was the Animated Char thing, there was a couple frames inbetween each step that didn't count as moving. I just added the test to see if they're holding the arrow keys down. The only downside to this is that the character won't do the animated char thing if they've stopped moving (due to collision) but are holding down the arrow keys. I am also an override switch freak, and made it so you can turn of the animation (just on the chance that they're's a scene the user get's control where he hasn't been running around lately.
P.S. I added some extra functionality. I fixed the annoying flicker with the sprites. The reason it did this flicker was the Animated Char thing, there was a couple frames inbetween each step that didn't count as moving. I just added the test to see if they're holding the arrow keys down. The only downside to this is that the character won't do the animated char thing if they've stopped moving (due to collision) but are holding down the arrow keys. I am also an override switch freak, and made it so you can turn of the animation (just on the chance that they're's a scene the user get's control where he hasn't been running around lately.