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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

@stargundum, No, I'm not sure how to do percentages. Also, I know there is the override thing. When it is set to false, a switch (switch 4 by default) is set to true. I'd just need to know how to check to see if the next character in the rotation has health, and if so, have it switch to him. On the chance that that character is dead, it should move to the character after that. If all party members are dead, it should say "game over". When I figure out how to do that, I'll implement an additional override switch. If the override switch is true it will not call a gameover.

P.S. I added some extra functionality. I fixed the annoying flicker with the sprites. The reason it did this flicker was the Animated Char thing, there was a couple frames inbetween each step that didn't count as moving. I just added the test to see if they're holding the arrow keys down. The only downside to this is that the character won't do the animated char thing if they've stopped moving (due to collision) but are holding down the arrow keys. I am also an override switch freak, and made it so you can turn of the animation (just on the chance that they're's a scene the user get's control where he hasn't been running around lately.




I didn't really notice any lag or flicker, maybe it's the PC I'm running on.  Dunno.  Or maybe my bad eyes XD

But. I Know Im going to sound like a complete idiot. But..  How do you make an Enemy not come back.  Like Boss Characters.  I've tried everything from erasing event to transporting the event somewhere else.  It's invisible, but you can still defeat the invisible enemy athough it's not attacking you.  Any ideas?



I experienced the same problem, so to prevent the enemy from respawning, I made a copy of that map and with switch, redirected the entrances to that map to the new map where no enemies exist. Hope it helps ^ ^
Dunno, never got around to making a boss.

P.S. the 3 frame pause is in how I'm doing it. To get the hud to refresh, I got annyoed with trying to find it's function, and just re-called the map screen when it switches. So all I need is a slight rewrite of the skill menu (so you can only select the skills for the current leader), and a caterpillar script.

-edit, I understand what you were talking about. The flicker is hardly noticeable, I only saw it because I was working on smoothing a sprite's animation. It's easier to see if you give something the resting pose (spriteName_ANI,png) of a different sprite (like my sprite had blue hair and dark clothing, and his rest pose was Hero_ANI). Every step or so, it flickers to the resting pose.
Requests for what? Depends on what you're requesting.

-edit, I'm blind today, I didn't see the "for spriting". I do, and we should continue this via PM.



Does anyone use MOG Style Menus?  I've started to put some of them in, but unfortunately it hates XAS in the Skills Department.  I'm not sure how to combine the two, but when using MOG style skill menu you can't equip skills like you could in the game.  I could only guess that the same is true for items.  I haven't checked yet

-Edit-  yeah, same is true for Items. You can't equip em any more...  :(



legacyblade":1r7n0nq3 said:
It's because the menu needs to be modded for XAS. I'll do that once I finish getting party switching integrated.
Actually, it doesn't.  I managed to make them work.  All I had to do was switch the order of the scripts and place XAS - XRXS below the MOG Menu Scripts of Item and Skills

I think it's easier this way
oh, that works. Never thought of that. But since I'm going to have to mod the menu slightly anyways to make it so you can equip an actor's skill that isn't the active member...



legacyblade":ih8jk59p said:
oh, that works. Never thought of that. But since I'm going to have to mod the menu slightly anyways to make it so you can equip an actor's skill that isn't the active member...
I also have to mod the menu.  What are you going to do to the script in order to make a slot for party changer?  All I need is a slot to change the leader since I'm not fused about moving a big party around on XAS.  I'm going to look through the mog thread since I seen someone else having the same question
I don't know. How I'm doing this, you can have other members in your active party, but be able to switch between them at will. Adding another thing to the menu is quite simple, but I think I'll make it so you have to call the scene manually. I don't think it makes sense to switch between your active members, and the ones you left at home base while your battling.



legacyblade":1ruf5fxl said:
I don't know. How I'm doing this, you can have other members in your active party, but be able to switch between them at will. Adding another thing to the menu is quite simple, but I think I'll make it so you have to call the scene manually. I don't think it makes sense to switch between your active members, and the ones you left at home base while your battling.
Actually I found out where in the script to make your edits.  I seem to be getting better at this.. Either that or I'm just lucky.  But At the bottom of MOG Scene Menu theres something like this

# Scene_Menu #
class Scene_Menu
def initialize(menu_index = 0)
@menu_index = menu_index
def main
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
s3 = ""
s4 = ""
s5 = ""
s6 = ""

Make it look like this VVVV

# Scene_Menu #
class Scene_Menu
def initialize(menu_index = 0)
@menu_index = menu_index
def main
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
s3 = ""
s4 = ""
s5 = ""
s6 = ""
s7 = ""

Now depending on how many slots you have in your menu, you should add more depending.  I only had to add one more slot.  Now the position for each slot should be as follows

s1 = 0 = item
s2 = 1 = skills
s3 = 2 = equip
s4 = 3 = status
s5 = 4 = extra menu "party"  "leader"
s6 = 5 = save
s7 = 6 = end

Now below all that you should find Def Update Command.  Here it's the positioning of the Arrow on your menu.  You'll have to set this According to how your menu is going to look.  But for starters  I would take 215 and divide it by how many options in menu you have minus one.  I got 35 for each.  So my y coordinate was 35 degrees away from each an every selection. So it would look something like this.  Of course you edit the X coordinate too look symetrical to the rest

when 0 
@mnsel.x = 0
@mnsel.y = 110
when 1
@mnsel.x = 25
@mnsel.y = 145
when 2
@mnsel.x = 40
@mnsel.y = 180
when 3
@mnsel.x = 45
@mnsel.y = 215
when 4
@mnsel.x = 40
@mnsel.y = 250
when 5
@mnsel.x = 25
@mnsel.y = 285
when 6
@mnsel.x = 0
@mnsel.y = 320

Now below all that you should find case @ command window index.  Look for where it says when 4 and when 5.. Push these down since they are save and end.  Change the numbers plus the ammount of extra options you have.  Since you want everything to be above the save and end option.  If you have 1 extra option 4 should be 5 and 5 should be 6.   Now make a new when 4.  And copy everything in your previous scene_menu according to how your party changer is setup.  Mine looked like this

case @command_window.index
when 0
$scene = Scene_Item.new
when 1
@command_window.active = false
@status_window.active = true
@status_window.index = 0
when 2
@command_window.active = false
@status_window.active = true
@status_window.index = 0
when 3
@command_window.active = false
@status_window.active = true
@status_window.index = 0
when 4
@checker = 0
@command_window.active = false
@status_window.active = true
@status_window.index = 0
when 5
  if $game_system.save_disabled
$scene = Scene_Save.new
when 6
$scene = Scene_End.new
def update_status
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
@command_window.active = true
@status_window.active = false
@status_window.index = -1
if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

now there's one last step you need to complete before you have your menu setup.  Find the second

case @command_window.index

and Add when 4 plus everything you have for your party or leader changer in Scene_Menu for this line.  Mine looked something like this

case @command_window.index
when 1
if $game_party.actors[@status_window.index].restriction >= 2
$scene = Scene_Skill.new(@status_window.index)
when 2 
$scene = Scene_Equip.new(@status_window.index)
when 3
$scene = Scene_Status.new(@status_window.index)
when 4
if @checker == 0
@changer = $game_party.actors[@status_window.index]
@where = @status_window.index
@checker = 1
$game_system.xas_skill_id = 27
$game_temp.skill_refresh = true
$game_party.actors[@where] = $game_party.actors[@status_window.index]
$game_party.actors[@status_window.index] = @changer
@checker = 0

Be Well :thumb:



Bullet_Darkness":3s03wtt2 said:
Hm, can some one help me out, shield_enable! and shield_disable! aren't working... what do they do, or how do they work?
Shield Enable and Shield Diable work when you equip the shield in the item menu.  You either one.

1.  Don't have your Shield's set up correctly in the Script with the comma after each one and the Shield ID matching with the Event ID on Fermentas.


2. You deleted something you shouldn't have.


3. Some script that you already previously put into your game is conflicting
Shield Enable and Shield Diable work when you equip the shield in the item menu.  You either one.

1.  Don't have your Shield's set up correctly in the Script with the comma after each one and the Shield ID matching with the Event ID on Fermentas.


2. You deleted something you shouldn't have.


3. Some script that you already previously put into your game is conflicting
Ummm, what? Anyways I found it out, I tested it out. It turns off shield directions.(mabye shield tools, don't care to try it)

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