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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I know how to fix the air swing, I was just pointing it out to you. So I'll also do what you said, and see if I can make the combo work in a way that feels nice. Great work on this mod, BTW.
I'm loving that combo system. I think that thing with the different chars for the combo swings is a good idea. I'll mess around with it and see what I get.
Ok. I'm busy right now with some XAS templates, but once I'm done with a few more, I'll resume working with XAS, and get the party FULLY implemented.
@legacyblade: Are you making character sets? Can you share them whn your done?
@Link in Pink: Glad you like it.

Also I just realized that the shields arn't just shields, they can be weapons to, just give it the tool of a weapon. Which also gave me another idea, if i can change the tool of a shield, i can make a throwing shield and when you don't have enough of the item it uses to throw, it becomes a normal shield. I just need to see if i can fix it again.



@Link in Pink
I got an error when using the actor frame increase script. After I got damaged by an enemy, I can't move anymore. I wonder why?
I tried to use elements but they don't seem to work. I made some enemies absorb fire but nothing's happening. And, does anybody know how to mess with states like Regen and Fast? I can't find the settings for the states.
Okay for the fire, did you put the skill as fire or the weapon as fire? The weapons won't make an element, only the skills.
And all the states are in advanced movement system by mog.
@clea: Actually I got that problem too, along with some others. =X

For instance when my character swings his sword it goes back to 4 frames. ERK.

Sorry, guys, I guess that script doesn't work too well with XAS. :(
@Bullet_Darkness, thanks! I'm still working on some XAS stuff, and I always test the templates (I'm working on now) by posing my main char in it, so soon I'll even have XAS resources too ^_^

@Link in Pink, meh that's not your fault. You just overlooked a bug. When I finally figure out scripting, I'll see if I can configure it.
Love this script... except i just realised somthing...

the fog is gone!
somehow it wont let me use any fog!

it might just be how my switches are set (i'll look into that), just wondering if anyone has had the same problem..

anyone with a bit more scripting knowledge than me know how to fix this?



Drakan X":1u8bcx0m said:
Love this script... except i just realised somthing...

the fog is gone!
somehow it wont let me use any fog!

it might just be how my switches are set (i'll look into that), just wondering if anyone has had the same problem..

anyone with a bit more scripting knowledge than me know how to fix this?
I think I might of noticed this, since I used fog and nothing happened... But I never used Fog before I had the XAS script so I could just be doing it wrong. Anyone have the same problem?
It still works fine on my end. I'm not sure what's causing your problem. Send me your project file, and I'll see if I can figure it out (tell me the fog switch in question)



Thanks to you, I now know where the states are. About the fire element, I've just tried using Fireball Skill ID15 and Fire Sword Weapon ID2, both have fire element, to Enemy Sahagin ID2.

When Sahagin's fire Efficiency is A or B, I get increased damage, so maybe the element works after all. But when it's set to D,E,or F, there's no effect. It's as if it was C. I was planning to make enemies who can absorb damages T T

@Link in Pink
Don't be sorry, you have given us all a good idea.

@Drakan X
I tried to use fog and it works fine. Maybe the switch u use for the fog are being used by XAS's script?
The 'no fog' probably IS a problem with switches now i think of it... i had a few maps of my old game and imported them into the XAS demo to see how well it would work (coz i love this script!!  :thumb:)

...so my old event switches r probably clashing with the XAS ones... i'll check when i get home anyways...

the only other script i used was an Advanced messaging script (i forget who by) that i doubt would cause this kind of problem..

ty for the offer! i'll mess around with the switches first, then if it still doesnt work i'll send the file ur way (thanks again!)
Solved the problem with the fog!

basically on the version i downloaded (the portuguese version) there seems to be two tilesets titled, 'Evil Castle' with id's 41 and 51.

i had set the fog to appear on the '51' tileset, but some of the maps are using the '41' tileset which i had left unmodified...

didnt think the solution would be that simple lolz

thanks for all the help anyways  :lol:
No problem, we've all made such simple mistakes. I thought the script was screwed, until I noticed that I had no starting party...hud's don't like that, XD

Hope your experience with XAS keeps going smoothly.

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