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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I've been getting into customizing enemies' attack patterns. I'm getting some good ones, and I'm considering making a demo for you all with some custom-made enemy AI by me.  :wink:
I agree, do you guys want me to set one up? It would be a subdomain on one of my sites, but we'd have unlimited bandwith and file space. I'm thinking XAS.celenath.com, or maybe XASABS.celenath.com? Any suggestions on the name, and do you think I should go ahead with it?
I'm thinking of expanding the combos, making them very button friendly. Like if you attack and hold the oposite direction you'll send a bolt of fire or something.



legacyblade":1xmygnna said:
I agree, do you guys want me to set one up? It would be a subdomain on one of my sites, but we'd have unlimited bandwith and file space. I'm thinking XAS.celenath.com, or maybe XASABS.celenath.com? Any suggestions on the name, and do you think I should go ahead with it?
I'd Join..  I think the shorter one is fine!

Has anyone had any problem with frame skip? It's like making my characters move all funny, I don't know if it's my computer acting up or the new 2.0 script, it could be the _ANI thing.. Because when I use characters that don't have _ANI.  They don't act like that.  I don't get it, cause both the ANI and regular one look the same compared to the regular one for Hero on XAS.  :( 

Boy oh boy, so many problems, it's so worth fighting for tho
I think it may be the _ANI. I know that when your character walks it still plays the _ANI animation while you're walking. =/

That may cause it to frame skip.
Yup, you can find a link to that via the download page.

Also, to fix the frame flickering (or whatever you want to call it) you just make a simple edit.

in XRXS - Animated Char, just find the following code

    return !(moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
            @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing or 
            Input.trigger?(Input::C) or Input.press?(Input::C) or
            Input.trigger?(Input::Y) or Input.trigger?(Input::Z) or

and replace it with this

    return !(moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
            @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing or 
            Input.trigger?(Input::C) or Input.press?(Input::C) or
            Input.trigger?(Input::Y) or Input.trigger?(Input::Z) or
            Input.trigger?(Input::A) or Input.press?(Input::UP) or
            Input.press?(Input::DOWN) or Input.press?(Input::LEFT) or

It just makes it check if you're holding a move button down, this keeps the flickering from occurring!

And about the site, yes, it will have a forum. I'll set it up in SMF! I like SMF better than the other forum scripts.
GOT2MOVE":pircxt59 said:
how do I activate switches after boss has died? i can't find it in the script

Find this section in XRXS- XAS

  8=>57,   #Great Bird     - Fim do tutorial.
  9=>57    #Great Bird L2  - Fim do tutorial.  

To add another switch simply put a comma after the last item and on a new line put this in:

ID of enemy (according to the database)=>Switch Number you want activated when the boss dies.

So your finished code will probably look similar to this:

  8=>57,   #Great Bird     - Fim do tutorial.
  9=>57,    #Great Bird L2  - Fim do tutorial.  
  10=>91  #Boss

That code means that when the 10th enemy in the database dies, switch number 91 will be activated.

Hope that helps.

@Link in pink, glad my quick fix helped you. We're even though, since I didn't know how to do that boss switch thing. Never even thought of it.

@Kyo, Yeah, should be up in the next couple days. The only thing I'd need help with is coming up with the categories and stuff, I've set up forums a lot (I used to break and re-install them 2-3 times daily, so I'm familiar with the php installation dialog, XD). It will be awesome to see XAS getting the recognition it deserves via a forum!



:crazy: it took me a while to realize i needed to use scripts to activate boss switches.  I saw it while creating an enemy lol.

:thumb: Thanks for the quick fix Legacyblade!  That is pure awesomeness
Ok, I'm being evil and double posting, but I got the site up. Bare bones, SMF and a TP installation. I have a XAS Hero Edition 2 download in place, but other than that its a blank forum. Any suggestions for the front page article, I'm bad at coming up with them, and its still the default SMF one.


Hope to see you guys there.

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