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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)



legacyblade":jp61oy7f said:
I didn't ask because I didn't ever get that far. I was working on sprites still.
Oh lol, I guess I was just too exicted with the system and I created a little of everything at once.  I should focus on drawing and sprites right now

I don't know what's going on with the forum, I think it died, or LegacyBlade is working in the Admin CP right now and has the board offline.  Perhaps the server it's listed under went down, I'm not entirely sure, but nothing will load for me
Disregard that.. I suck.. The forum is back online
Yey. I joined the forums. Although I haven't posted much here I've been using the ABS system and decided to contribute  :smile:



I've got two problems with this script:
My character steps still he should be in standing position.
And when I want to attack, I didn't see the animation of the weapon, but a picture of the enemy I'm attacking instead of my weapon... The weapon is equipped, I have the script copied and pasted and all nessecary images are there.

Perhaps someone can help me^^



Yes, I copied the database - had another look at this, but could'nt find something wrong..
I can attack the enemy (damaged is 0 everytime, but I think this is anything with my settings), but instead of the "battleanimation" with the sword, I see the enemy IN my hero (and the normal enemy too). ._.
Hi everyone!  I started to convert some battlers from various sources to XAS battlers.  Please go to the XAS forum and look at the Charset Conversions section under Resource Submissions if you are interested!



Ok, I did the hole thing again and now it works. No idea what was wrong ;-)

Now I have another question: can I - and if, how can I - make a party with two or three charakters in XAS? One - as the leader - should be the charakter the player controlls and the others should be computer-controlled and fight too. Is this possible?
WiZ`":3v7s82jp said:
ehi, not bad this script :eek: mmm... now... question... is possible to make combo, you've talk about secret of mana, in sword of mana there are the combo, or also in kh and crisiscore, like the one in the RTH-ABS, that damned script have the combo that are really great... but he don't have anything else good like the other abs T.T and it's too big :\

There is talk about making combos using the unoffical v2.  It's posted somewhere in this topic, though I forget where and am too lazy to look...
I've a problem with XAS 2.0
The Problem is I can attack the monster but it can't attack me
I searched everywhere but i didn't find anything(I configured the event of the
monster so that it comes to the player and should attack(attack_on) but
it comes to the player and does exactly nothing)
Thank's if you can help me
how can I - make a party with two or three charakters in XAS? One - as the leader - should be the charakter the player controlls and the others should be computer-controlled and fight too. Is this possible?
i have the same question
@Ice_Dragon: I don't think this feature is included in XAS you have to edit
the script(but i promise this is very complicated)
@Link in Pink: What do you exactly mean?



Have you activated the sensor? Also, which attack does the enemy do, melee or shooting?
You're like a XAS guru, helping many ppl here. Salute!
The sensor is a variable, i don't remember which it is by defualt, but the sensor is a varitable that which creates a circle around every event, according to what number the variable is. Self-switch D is the self switch which is triggered when you enter the circle.(This is why most of the attacking is in the Slef Swtich D Page.)  You should probably turn your sensor variable to either 4 or 5.

@LIP: Those commands are only for editing the enemy, I pretty sure those aren't required.(My game i am not using them right now.)

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