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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Regimos":1f2b872v said:
Nightmare":1f2b872v said:
Ok I got it

$game_system.xas_skill_id = ID
$game_system.xas_skill_index = 1
$game_temp.skill_refresh = true

This manually sets a skill

$game_system.xas_item_id = ID
$game_system.xas_item_index = 1
$game_temp.skill_refresh = true

This manually sets an item
(ID=ID in Database)

Thanks. Just a quick question, is "item/skill_index" always supposed to be 1 or does it correspond to anything?
Well it always works when it's just set to 1, and changing it doesn't seem to do anything so I'd just leave it.



Hello, does anyone know how to hide the HUD temporarily? When you start a new game, you'd want a black screen and some text as a prologue, but the HUD isn't affected by screentone. This gives me a headache lol.
clea":24aliokz said:
Hello, does anyone know how to hide the HUD temporarily? When you start a new game, you'd want a black screen and some text as a prologue, but the HUD isn't affected by screentone. This gives me a headache lol.

I think you just turn on switch #5
There's a switch defined in the script(s).

SWIT = x


Change "x" to whatever number you want, and turn on that switch in the database to hide it.

They're located in the "XRXS-XAS," "Mog - MPW HUD Elena," and "Mog - Adv Move System" scripts respectively, so if you're not using one of those, you can ignore it.



Nightmare & Regi, thanks a lot. Now I know how to hide the HUD. But the problem is this:
I turn on switch 5 on the autorun event, but I still can see the HUD for a blink when I start a new game. Is it possible to hide the HUD by default? Or call the HUD script later when the game intro has finished, not after title screen processing. The game Memories of Mana by Moghunter did that, it's cool.
i have the script in english traslation...
i will use it in my game but i need things to be clear to me so i need your help guyz

1) how do i add a new item like: Giga-pots, anti-dote,...

2)how i can make the Enmy inmune skill

3how i can make the Enmy inmune Attacks

4)i wan do a copy of the Great Egle or the boss in the toturial...

please help me boyz and please guide me spet by spet

thanks and good luck for all

note: Sorry for my bad English
XDarknessBoyX":14yd2ouo said:
i have the script in english traslation...
i will use it in my game but i need things to be clear to me so i need your help guyz

1) how do i add a new item like: Giga-pots, anti-dote,...

2)how i can make the Enmy inmune skill

3how i can make the Enmy inmune Attacks

4)i wan do a copy of the Great Egle or the boss in the toturial...

please help me boyz and please guide me spet by spet

thanks and good luck for all

note: Sorry for my bad English
No one aswering?



Man, this script is really awesome :thumb:
I'm using it for my game now. It works fine, and easy to create new enemies :wink:

XDarknessBoyX":2tarojm2 said:
i have the script in english traslation...
i will use it in my game but i need things to be clear to me so i need your help guyz

1) how do i add a new item like: Giga-pots, anti-dote,...

2)how i can make the Enmy inmune skill

3how i can make the Enmy inmune Attacks

4)i wan do a copy of the Great Egle or the boss in the toturial...

please help me boyz and please guide me spet by spet

thanks and good luck for all

note: Sorry for my bad English
Read the GUIDE !
XDarknessBoyX":33kg5m0z said:
i kinda cant understand it...
can u or some1 clear it to me?

thanks all

what is not to understand in the tutorial? it's all made out to be simple to understand and do.
If you can't figure it out, copy the skill, tool, and graphic exactly like it is in the demo. Make sure the IDs are exactly the same! Then you can edit the basics yourself.

Link in Pink":2m7aes7f said:
Regi, I love Omnisia ^_^

You should make a sequel using XAS ;)

Thanks, LiP. I'm not making a sequel, but I'm starting another game with XAS. The script is a LOT better to use for puzzles. There's a link in my sig (Spinel's Core), a demo is going to be released soon :smile:
guyz thanks for asnwering and helping i will try some things i will replay if i need anything else  :grin:
thanks all for helpin

but in the Tutorial there is Explaintion for how to make an item ...
making new Item not like the one in the tutorial

sorry for for my bad Enlish
i wan make the item like potion but adds more Hp
and i wan make an anti-dote for poison

and if u can just show me how i do it it will be gr8
and show me how i do skills and equips
and i wan make my attack give a status for the enemy( example: poison Sword )

i know its TOO much but i hope you help me

thanks for now :D
Potions are very simple. You define the amount of HP to heal in the database (under items), and in the script define the item ID that the potion is. It's same for the antidote, but instead of healing HP, check the box on the right with the state "poison" and make it a -.

If you want to have a poison sword, in the database, check a box at the right where it says "State Change."

Most of these are simple database changes, you don't need to do anything with the script.

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