how i put the item id in the script? i don't know to to put it
and if i wan make the potion that i make dropped any where or get it from a Treasure box...how i do it?
this is the script of the normal potion that in the demo..
my enemy don't hit when u copy it in other map
i tried to put the enemy sensor to 4 but it didnt work
note: The enemy works Fine in the demo
sorry for bothering but..i hope u help me :down:
thanks again
sorry for my bad english
how i put the item id in the script? i don't know to to put it
and if i wan make the potion that i make dropped any where or get it from a Treasure box...how i do it?
module Database_Bullet
 action_id = 8
 SUFLAGS[action_id] = 60
 DURATIONS[action_id] = 80
 SELF_MOTIONS[action_id] = "_SKILL_01"
 plan = []
 plan[30] = action_id
 ATTACK_ID_PLANS[action_id] = plan
 ATTACK_RANGE_PLANS[action_id] = [2]
 BLOW_POWERS[action_id] = 0
 plan = []
 plan[1] = 105
 SELF_ANIMATION_PLANS[action_id] = plan
 SELF_DAMAGES[action_id] = true
 PLAYER_DAMAGES[action_id] = true
 IGNORE_INVINCIBLES[action_id] = true
this is the script of the normal potion that in the demo..
my enemy don't hit when u copy it in other map
i tried to put the enemy sensor to 4 but it didnt work
note: The enemy works Fine in the demo
sorry for bothering but..i hope u help me :down:
thanks again
sorry for my bad english