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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)



odd, I tested here, and everything works fine. But oh well, just a minor thing I believe.
edit: I'm re uploading the file and will post the download link on the other post.



show me where you see the lines I didn't try translate and I'll take care of them, and this is my first translation ever xD.
good job on the translation  ;D

also i can't figure out how to add a switch after a enemy dies in the demo it says

The definition of which Switch is made via SCRIPT!

i don't know where in the script though
Regimos":1esh3t2k said:
You know, if you click the link herogaurdin gave on the first post, there's a tutorial in English that tells you how to set up everything, even though the demo is in Portuguese...

Yeah, I know, but I have trouble understanding the tutorial, 'cause it was obviously written by someone that didn't understand English very well.
Has anyone noticed the problem here? Moghunter has stolen these scripts and claimed them to be his own. The famous Moghunter Menus are actually XAS. So what's the deal?
Actually I think XAS used Moghunter's menus, in the site it says "Mog" Menu etc. etc.

And cairn, I think the translations you missed are, there's one at the VERY beginning, then a few where you have to bomb the scorpion and the guy jumps down and gives you some bombs. There are a few others but I'm not sure where.



ehi, not bad this script :eek: mmm... now... question... is possible to make combo, you've talk about secret of mana, in sword of mana there are the combo, or also in kh and crisiscore, like the one in the RTH-ABS, that damned script have the combo that are really great... but he don't have anything else good like the other abs T.T and it's too big :\

another question, this script is compatible whit SDK 1.5?



Regimos":11qg3b7i said:
Actually I think XAS used Moghunter's menus, in the site it says "Mog" Menu etc. etc.

And cairn, I think the translations you missed are, there's one at the VERY beginning, then a few where you have to bomb the scorpion and the guy jumps down and gives you some bombs. There are a few others but I'm not sure where.

I might have missed a few event pages xD. I'm working on my game a little now, and a lil later I'll update the translation.



This really rocks.
The translation is missing a lot of stuff in-game, but thanks for translating the full script. :)



mmm... yeah... i've try a little this script... it's amaising... but... it seams to be a really big big big mess to set for the enemy A.I. also if it's good : | the boss of the demo is really great and fun XD
but... it's possible to put 2 hotkey instead of 1 for item and one for skill?
mmm... uff... shit X| i'm in a mess i can't decide myself for the script to be used... bah... if someone can unswer me i'm greatfull to him... thanks...
Yeah I already said that Link in Pink, but they still want the demo :X

Also cairn, you got something wrong. You press "D" to use the item and "S" to use skills. I think you said "S" for both of them.



mmm... i've a little question of a little problem i've found...
i've copy all the database(items, skills, enemies, weapons, armors), all the script of the bs, the ferraments, and i've tried to put some monster copied from the demo into my project... the matter is that... they don't attack you O.o could you help me resolve this problem pls? ^^

Another question: is possible to put all the bs into a switch? when the switch is true all the single part of the BS are activated, in other case is disactivated... i need to make a game when you can fight only in specified Maps, not everywhere.

Also another one... sorry XD
Where can i find the delay between 2 normal attack, and how to put 2 hotkeys for the skill instead of 1 for the items and 1 for the skills?

Last one, i promise: where are the Input for each action? the Key for the attack, the ones for the items and skills and the other one?

pls, help me if you can, i'm greatfull to you ^^



mmm... i've simpley copied and passed all the script... i don't know about it... i'll take a look now ^^
thanks... for the other things could you help me pls? XD i'm in a hurry ending all the feathure about the bs for a demo
EDIT: Oh, I missed your first post where you said you already copy-pasted everything ::)

Are the troop and enemy IDs the same in the script and in the database? If you copy-pasted it onto an already existing project you might need to change some variables or something.



Mundane":1k5zhb77 said:
Has anyone noticed the problem here? Moghunter has stolen these scripts and claimed them to be his own. The famous Moghunter Menus are actually XAS. So what's the deal?

This IS Moghunter's website, she/he merely added alot more features to XRXS's really confusinly empty ABS demo.

Mog has NOT claimed the original battle system to be his/her own, she/he has said to credit XRXS. All other scripts are Moghunters.

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