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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I managed to use those templates to design my own menu, let me know what you think.

Main Menu:

Items Menu:

Skills Menu:

Equip Menu:

Status Menu:
Hey everyone,

Go to : www.myspace.com/xastutorials

I thought it'd be convenient to log all the solutions to people's problems, tutorials and demos there.

Its relatively empty at the min, but if everyone were to chip in I think we could really help those new to the XAS system and further our own knowledge at the same time.

So add me, message me, contribute, have your say, chat, post pics, ask for your demo to be added ...

Thanks :smile:
Souloux, do you have an older version of RMXP? Becuase when I try to download stuff off of the website you gave me it says my version isn't old enough. Oh, and the one StarGGundam have me didn't have the name system. Could anyone with an older Vr. of RMXP help me get it please? Thanks :)
@ Koolkats 109

Copy and paste a "Game RMXP Project" file (the blue and white file) over from a project you CAN open to the project you CAN'T, that usually does the trick.


I just came up with the idea. I'll see how the response to this goes, myspace ticks all the boxes for the time being. I believe its more to do with the quality of the content than where its stored, which is where people like you come in. You seem to have a vast knowledge of XAS and RPG Maker XP I'd appreciate your contribution. :biggrin:
@ Koolkats 109

I forgot to mention you may have to open the "Game Configuration Settings" with notepad and change Library=RGSS103J.dll to Library=RGSS102E.dll and save the changes also.
It worked! :D Thanks. Oh, and I just noticed the MOG menus work, but they don't allow you to equip the skills/items Etc. Could anyone please help me fix this? :D Thanks.



koolkats109":1jrvs3w5 said:
It worked! :D Thanks. Oh, and I just noticed the MOG menus work, but they don't allow you to equip the skills/items Etc. Could anyone please help me fix this? :D Thanks.
Oh that's right.. *slaps forehead*

You gotta put all of mogs menu scripts. ABOVE XAS for it to work properly to where you can equip stuff. My bad.

I'm flattered that you would like my contribution to the XAS tutorials you are setting up but right now with work and school I don't have the time to make up a tutorial. Once I do have the time to crack something out I'll gladly inform you.
Thanks! :D It worked. Now, I need yourr opinion this time, I think I am going to take out the 8 Directional movement because I feel it causes too many issues with walking over walls, etc. Do you think I should? Also does dash work? I tried holding down the key to use it but it's not working for me. o.o.



koolkats109":31uftjke said:
Thanks! :D It worked. Now, I need yourr opinion this time, I think I am going to take out the 8 Directional movement because I feel it causes too many issues with walking over walls, etc. Do you think I should? Also does dash work? I tried holding down the key to use it but it's not working for me. o.o.
I mean that's totally up to you. But I never had any problems with walking over walls. Unless you mean What I think you mean. And if you do. That happens whether you have 8 Dir movement or you don't.. And the only way to fix that is to change some of the priorities on your tileset so that your character doesn't appear to be going over the object.

Dash works for me. Either you're holding it when you don't have enough combat time. Or you disabled it somehow
Really? I mean like Ok here is the table ===
? === <- I will walk over one of the corner pieces if I am sitting there then use 8 directional movement.
Gah, sorry it didn't work. :huh: Hm... Well it's like when you're sitting at the end piece of a table, and you use 8 Directional moovement you will walk over top of the table.



koolkats109":339o2vc0 said:
Gah, sorry it didn't work. :huh: Hm... Well it's like when you're sitting at the end piece of a table, and you use 8 Directional moovement you will walk over top of the table.
Oh right. I see what you mean now. Here try setting your priorities like this


2 on top part of table and 1 on middle edges. And your walls 1 on the top parts and edges

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