Birdie":17wsh6fa said:
StarGGundam2 I love your ally system but I can't get it to work in my game could you explain it or tell me what I mighrt be doing wrong?
Ahh.. Finally. Some well deserved praise. I'm going to explain it the best way I can. And in the end. If it still doesn't work, just send me your game through PM and I'll show or explain to you what went wrong
1. First of all. You need to create your Allies. How many Do you want fighting at once. Etc. Then you make those allies under character in the data base. You can even dress up what skills they get and what class they are. But what's most important is that you write down what their HP, MP, STR, DEX AGI, and INT is for each LVL
2. Go to System. ADD in four elements and call them Ally, Friend Heal, Friends, and Enemy Ally
3. Now go to Skills. For every Ally. Make their attacks have the Element of Ally.
For all your skills make your attacks have the Element of Ally and OVD.
For all Enemy attacks make them have the element of Friends and Enemy Ally
Be wary of ATK F and STR F. IF these are at 100. Those attack powers will be multiplied 10 fold. It's best to keep these relatively low like 0 or 10. You can probably give your ally the same skills but higher ATK F and STF when you give them better weapons. You'll do that through Conditional branches to tell what weapon your ally is wearing, thus telling him what skills to use.
4. Now we go create our enemies. For each new level you want for your ally. You must create a new enemy and call it "Ally Name" Level 1 - 99 Etc. And you increase their stats based on what you wrote down in number 1.
Now we are finished with the Data base.
5. Now we go and add all the events under TOOL and make the attacks look like What we want them too. Make Sure that very few are on Autorun or Parallel Process, cause the more you have like that, the more your game will be slow as hell xD. Of course this only applies to enemy and ally attacks. Your character can have all the Autorun and Parallel Process attacks he wants.
Now we go to the Script part.
6. Don't forget to add a little Script explaining the skill number and what image to use and attack range etc.
7. Under XAS Skill make what attacks look like. Etc. And look for Enemy ALLY. Put down your allies attacks there. Now be warned, If you want Enemies to attack your allies. You need to put their attacks down here, and you need to make duplicates of their attacks. Making one of them attack your ally and one of them attack your character.
8. Also. If you're doing a random battle like how my Demo has been made. If you have the same enemy on the same map. You need to make a duplicate of it, So it has a different number. Thus If you have enemy ID 104 Blue Blob. And you want four of them to appear. You need to make 105, 106 and 107 Blue blobs along with 104. And each of them needs a different Defeat Switch that activates when they die.
Now we got the simple crap out of the way.
Lets go to our map. When you run into an enemy. You memorize that enemies coordinates by using a variable that measures it. And you have an auto run at the beginning that utilizes a variable to tell you what map you are on.
You also must put a conditional branch that asks what level your ally is or if he/she's knocked out, So you can control what enemy ID pops up when you start the battle
Place your Ally on the map and make a set of 3 Event Pages x a new switch per level. So if you have 10 levels for your ally you should have 30 event pages. + 1 more if you want a page for when he/she's KO'd
The 1st page is just the appearance page
The 2nd page is the enemy ID variable page to tell what level he is
The 3rd page is if he gets HIT. You put down the 003 Hit Variable and the number of the enemy attack on the map so he/she shows themselves getting hit instead of rampaging through attacks. This is a parallel Process that needs a switch
Make sure on all pages he/she is set to THROUGH
Now You create your enemies and how many you want. You make them just the same how you make Enemies on XAS. Except you can put extra pages that have 003 HIT Variables that show your allies attack. So they can target your allies instead of you when they get hit by an ally. This must be a parallel process that activates a switch.
Your first Event up at the top left corner should be your Event that activates in an Autorun when all enemies are dead.. Using giant conditional branches. Then you can make what your allies do. Like. One of my characters jumps up and down and the other just sits there. And my player waves his arms. Then you put victory music. And transfer back to the map at those variables I said before and the MAP ID variable. Of course with a self switch so your game doesn't freeze.
Now your Second upper left hand corner event should be a parallel process telling what your First Ally does. You make a bunch of conditional branches asking whether if his death switches are activated. So you don't have a dead ally attacking.
And then below that you make a Conditional branch for each enemy Asking if they are dead. If they are dead. Then use "ELSE" to ask if there are any others dead. You make a variable that gives the current enemies position. And Variables that give your allies position
Thus Fayt's X should = your Allies Event ID map X and Fayt's Y should = Your Allies Event ID Map y
So if your first enemy's event ID is 004. You make the First variable Blue Guy's X = event 004's map x and Blue Guy's Y = event 004 map y.
When that enemy is dead. You change the two variables to be equal too the new enemy target.
Now if Blue Guy's X is greater than Fayt's X. You should have your ally move right. If it's not. He should move left.
If Blue Guy's Y is greater than Fayt's Y. You should have your ally move Down, If it's not. He should move up.
If they are Equal at X and Y. Then you should have your Ally attack. Using rand_shoot (x,x,x,x,x) Put all attacks you want them to use in there.
Then you can also put at the bottom a conditional branch that asks if your enemy gets attacked by an Ally. You then put that allies switch in there if it's on. Then use the same method as above. Except change it aroudn so that it asks if Fayt's X is greater than Blue Guy's X and so forth and move accordingly. When they are equal at X and Y. You make an attack that damages using ENEMY ALLY attack. A duplicate attack that damages your allies. You then turn the switch off.
Then you do the same thing for every enemy on that same page for when each one is defeated.
You then make a second page on that same event that askes if your ally gets attacked. With a switch that says hit. Then you make a Custom Movement that Turns off the switch after 35 frames or so.
You make the same thing for each ally.
Then you make a death event. That records the defeat switch for your allies if they get killed. THen you KO your ally under your menu with an autorun and a self switch.
All of this is really complicated at first. But once you get the hang of it. You can pretty much do anything you like. You can even put in conditional branches to ask what weapon your ally is wearing and change his attacks accordingly.
I am working on making my demo larger and making it even better than before. I will also see if it works on 3.4. It's going to take a little time but I'm working as fast as I can. I can only assume I'll be close to another demo in about two weeks.