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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

One that I know of is the 8-directional movement. When moving diagonally there is an isometric sprite rather than typical sprite.

Copied and pasted from XAS and then translated by me:

Fixed in Hero Edition 3.4 -

- Cast Time System.
- New Status.
Hero (CT-UP, CT-DOWN - Linked to the speed of CT)
Enemy(Seal Attack ,Seal skill, Mute, Berserk)
- Update the scripts of Add-ons (XAS).
- Improving the system of actions with movement
- Cost effective in SP enemies.
(Now enemies can not use skills without SP)
- Increase Invunerabilities.
(Avoid taking damage while the user is in the position of action)
- Improvement in the presentation of damage (Damage Popup).
- Fixed some bugs for:
- Hit Reaction and the Status Invincible.
- Start the game without character.
Can someone of you help me integrating the following resolution script into XAS? I guess it's gonna work but there still occur visual bugs so that I need the help of a good scripter. For there are some very good ones around here, I first thought about aksing you :)

As you will see, it will already work but some things will still have to be done, for example centering the screen when a map is smaller than the screen resolution.

When finished, I guess it's gonna be a big improvement for everyone of us using XAS as then XAS can be played nearly any resolution you liked to.

The script's topic is the following one:

As the download links for the demo are not valid anymore, I uploaded it again:
http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0136b8 ... script_rar

So would be great if someone of you could take a look at it - just think about the improvements for your own projects when finished!!
The way I understand it, the SDK (which you need certain parts of to run this particular script) is incompatible with XAS so it can't be done, correct me if I'm wrong guys.
Well it seems to me that if you make your map's size fit to your chosen resolution everything's working except for the hero's hp-meter, sp-meter and all the other ingame displays showing the hero's condition/equipment. Now if I decide for a certain resolution (e.g. 1024x768), any ideas how to attach them to the screen corners as normal? I guess after managed that, everything's working properly.



http://files.filefront.com/CSL+Producti ... einfo.html

I also have created an Ally system with this script using only events. It's hella complicated. And I've been trying to do this for 6 freaking months. Finally I put my head together and finally came up with the perfect way to do it.

Still needs a lot of fixes. Since enemies don't target the ally. But the Ally can still get hurt.

Basically what I do is a register the ally as an enemy and make all attacks from the main character do no damage to the ally and the ally does no damage to the main character using Elements

Oh. yes I know you can change your leader in the menu. Please don't do it. I need to find a way to take that script out.

If anyone would like a detailed explanation or is interested in learning how to place these events just tell me
Holy crap, that's a nice system you got going there. I died though ^O^
I'd definitely credit you if I decided to implement this into my game (although it's unlikely, my game follows a character going it solo). Very well done, 2 thumbs up to ya. :thumb: :thumb:



Link in Pink":3kifj156 said:
Holy crap, that's a nice system you got going there. I died though ^O^
I'd definitely credit you if I decided to implement this into my game (although it's unlikely, my game follows a character going it solo). Very well done, 2 thumbs up to ya. :thumb: :thumb:
Thanks LiP

Update folks. I have implemented everything into V3.3 English Translation of XAS. I also fixed the Ally dies but magically comes back to life when you exit the battle bug. I also made it to where enemies target both you and your ally.

Unfortunately due to the new 3.3 version making Enemy attacks not hurt other enemies without putting it under ENEMY ALLY [], I was forced to make some enemy attacks attack the player and others attack the ally. But they always do the attack that hurt the ally when facing the ally. So that's good.

I've also run into another small problem. Which is attacking the Ally (Even if it does no damage) Increases your OVD gauge. So you can technically beef yourself up by hitting on your ally and then unleash a powerful attack. I'm going to get around this by not letting you use OVD until all Allys are dead

I've also made the attacks more random. Using Rand_shoot Thing. And I also made the ally attack in more directions than just one.

I'm going to upload a new version tomorrow. Because right now I kinda want to get a 3rd Ally in the party that casts magic when your HP is low



Souloux":2i1jgvw9 said:
What your are doing is awesome. Would your Ally System eventually be compatible with V3.4?
I think it already is compatible. But I will check for you.

Only reason why I didn't put it into 3.4 in the first place was because I needed it to be translated xD. I didn't want to have to keep switching back to 3.3 translated to read what it said about what does what.

I'm so used to v1.0. That's what I started off using.

I'm almost done. I have the battle down. I have two ally's fighting to kill the enemy along side you. One of them casts healing magic and CAN EVEN REVIVE YOUR ALLY! After she runs out of MP She can charge the enemy with a spear.

I just have to make the rest of the battles act like that. And then I can upload for you to see how it's done.

Only one small problem I've run into tho. That is that there can be some major lag at times with so many parallel processes on the screen at once. There might be an anti lag script to fix this. I'll check into that.

Also. I made a train/catepillar script using only events. Hahahaha XD It's awesome. If you get too far away from the ally. There self switch D goes off and they end up checking the "Through" and going through what ever object they are stuck on. You can thank Sensor Enemy 004 for that one
With the allies could the user chose the skills and weapon set for the allies? In my current project I use allies similar to the main actor. (ie weapons, skills, movement)



Souloux":eby2s5vg said:
With the allies could the user chose the skills and weapon set for the allies? In my current project I use allies similar to the main actor. (ie weapons, skills, movement)
Most certainly. You make a conditional branches to ask which weapon your user has equiped on what Ally. And you change the attack and skills to match that weapon. If it isn't wearing a weapon at all, You can make the ally not do anything at all.

So far everything is going well. I'm at about 80% and I'll upload



kissamybullet101":161dm8wx said:
I cant wait for you to post that up Star! =) It looks Great!! :biggrin:
Tanks :wink:

http://files.filefront.com/XAS+Ally+Sys ... einfo.html

@ Souloux

I haven't checked if it's compatiable for v3.4 yet but I will tomorrow. And I was going to make a fight between four negative babies but my head is hurting really bad right now.

If you would like for me to make attacks based on equipment. I can do that for you tomorrow.
That would be cool but you could take as long as you like. I'm not in a rush for it. The more time you take to work on your system the better it will probably be.
So what is everyone thinking about 3.5 - do you think it'll be a big release as its half way through the "3" version or just more of what we've already seen?

And what features would you like to see?
I just want an official Ally System, which doesn't need the work from coders like hackel or StarGGundam2 who could put add really cool Ki addons to an official ally system.
Then, bwah, better perfomance, even better perfomance, thought it has improved a lot!
~ Ragnai



Ragnarok":jokmogm2 said:
I just want an official Ally System, which doesn't need the work from coders like hackel or StarGGundam2 who could put add really cool Ki addons to an official ally system.
Then, bwah, better perfomance, even better perfomance, thought it has improved a lot!
~ Ragnai
An official ally system using the same script would be beautiful. But I wouldn't want it so soon after me working so hard to put it down to events xD.

I am improving my Ally events each and every day I spend on it. The only thing I hate about it is that it takes so much work if you were to actually put it into a game. But then again, When don't games take a lot of work when you actually want them to turn out good?

If we do see an ally system. I'd like for you to be able to change characters at will during battle and heal your allys using items just like any old game would and not die when your character dies. That stuff is almost impossible for my type of event code

I also would like less lag when you have a lot of enemy's on the screen at once.
@StarGGundam2 - Yeah, I think we really need an anti lag script specifically made for the XAS system like the Blizz ABS, though that's the only aspect of that ABS I'll be wanting :P

I agree that the performance has got better with every version but in order to do really involved (event heavy) things we need an in-built anti lag script.

I'm not too considered with an ally system (for the totally selfish reason that I won't be using one lol), though I have checked out StarGGundam2's demo and I enjoyed it immensely, its looking great and I have no doubt you'll be working to make it even better.

Sadly, I don't think we can realistically expect an ally system until Moghunter has ironed the creases out of this system and is looking for an additional challenge.

I'd like to see a grappling hook-esque "weapon" just to add further dimension to the system.

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