Souloux":2i1jgvw9 said:
What your are doing is awesome. Would your Ally System eventually be compatible with V3.4?
I think it already is compatible. But I will check for you.
Only reason why I didn't put it into 3.4 in the first place was because I needed it to be translated xD. I didn't want to have to keep switching back to 3.3 translated to read what it said about what does what.
I'm so used to v1.0. That's what I started off using.
I'm almost done. I have the battle down. I have two ally's fighting to kill the enemy along side you. One of them casts healing magic and CAN EVEN REVIVE YOUR ALLY! After she runs out of MP She can charge the enemy with a spear.
I just have to make the rest of the battles act like that. And then I can upload for you to see how it's done.
Only one small problem I've run into tho. That is that there can be some major lag at times with so many parallel processes on the screen at once. There might be an anti lag script to fix this. I'll check into that.
Also. I made a train/catepillar script using only events. Hahahaha XD It's awesome. If you get too far away from the ally. There self switch D goes off and they end up checking the "Through" and going through what ever object they are stuck on. You can thank Sensor Enemy 004 for that one