I updated the system and i used the Zeriab's Caterpillar Script. this script ist perfekt for an ally system
Now you con use one command for you alley´s = ki(sa,sb,sc,sd,se,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,hp,ha,freq,healper,skilltime,keinn)
s(a-e) are the short range skills which the ally will use (a is the beste and e ist the worst skill)
r(a-e) are the long range skills which the ally will use (a is the beste and e ist the worst skill)
hp is the skill to heal the player
ha is the skill to heal the ally (hp and ha can be the same or 0)
freq is the attack rate (if freq are 20 the alley will attack every 20th frame)
healper is the % of life when the ally should start to heal (player and ally)
skilltime is the skill rate (same as healper only for the skills)
if keinn == true the ally will never fight with short range skills or weapons
you have to add all your short range weapons skills to SHORT_RANGE_SKILL = and all your long range weapons skills to LONG_RANGE_SKILL = [
there are a few other commands whith arn´t importend
move_to_actor and move_away_from_actor
with this commands can enemys walk to the nearest actor and not only to the player (or away)
!!!!! you must have a _ANI and a _DASH grafik from your actorgrafik (they can be the same grafiks but you need it)
!!!!!if a enemy attack he will automatic use the skill 10. The skill 10 should be a normal attack skill!!!!!!
sorry for the bad english