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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Wow, he fixed a lot of stuff in 3.3

And added some new things, like dodging. I found that very VERY useful. For those who were wondering about the scrolling through Skills and Items using Q and W, he fixed that was well.

This is the best version yet <3
Hey I was wondering if there was a collision system which you can set attacks with?

Well let's say you want to shoot bullets or blasts but when they collide with the enemey they'll change gfx.

But if it's a beat, the end part would change and would go in the direction you're facing and moves with the enemy and retains normal speed if you kill the enemy.

Anyone got any idea's with this part?

I've been kinda playing about with the Ally system posted before trying to fix the whole 'ally dude seems to give up fighting after a while' thing...

no fixes yet... but im sure its something to do with the set up of the enemy sensor its using... if someone (i cant) was able to incorporate a second sensor specifically fo the Ally then it would probably be alot easyer to set its 'behavior', but thats beyond me...

any other ideas on this from any1? coz it could b an awesome add-on if the bugs are ironed out XD

I updated the system and i used the Zeriab's Caterpillar Script. this script ist perfekt for an ally system

Now you con use one command for you alley´s = ki(sa,sb,sc,sd,se,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,hp,ha,freq,healper,skilltime,keinn)

s(a-e) are the short range skills which the ally will use (a is the beste and e ist the worst skill)
r(a-e) are the long range skills which the ally will use (a is the beste and e ist the worst skill)
hp is the skill to heal the player
ha is the skill to heal the ally (hp and ha can be the same or 0)
freq is the attack rate (if freq are 20 the alley will attack every 20th frame)
healper is the % of life when the ally should start to heal (player and ally)
skilltime is the skill rate (same as healper only for the skills)
if keinn == true the ally will never fight with short range skills or weapons

you have to add all your short range weapons skills to SHORT_RANGE_SKILL = and all your long range weapons skills to  LONG_RANGE_SKILL = [

there are a few other commands whith arn´t importend
move_to_actor and move_away_from_actor
with this commands can enemys walk to the nearest actor and not only to the player (or away)

!!!!! you must have a _ANI and a _DASH grafik from your actorgrafik (they can be the same grafiks but you need it)
!!!!!if a enemy attack he will automatic use the skill 10. The skill 10 should be a normal attack skill!!!!!!

sorry for the bad english
I'm having some issues with it...I LOVE it. From the simplicity to the attack animations. But once I either add the scripts and graphics to MY game, or change one little thing on the demo, it's almost like the ABS isnt there. Although the scripts are there it acts as if it's not. Also, the HUD dissapears for no reason after like 2 seconds of game if I dont edit it out.
XAS Hero 3.3 English

I have translated the newest version of XAS into english (only the script sections, not the actual words the characters say, I am pretty sure you can all change them yourselves) :)

If you find anything which doesn't make sense, feel free to correct it.

No. ALL I do is copy my map onto the "Demo". I even keep the other maps there.  I just change the starting pos. and add my items/weapons/etc.
llButtersll":o9t7ye8j said:
No. ALL I do is copy my map onto the "Demo". I even keep the other maps there.  I just change the starting pos. and add my items/weapons/etc.

I'm confused!?! what's your problem?
I found an error in the previous zip of the english version, so I have changed the download link so it downloads the new version :)
Wow..I love this system especially the new ver. 3.3! However, I've just gotten a new error (forgive me if this is on some other page but I don't want to read 14 other pages of posts...). This error occurs when you attempt to have 0 party members in your group. If gets an error in the HUD about drawing the hp bars, the line of code is 28. It is saying that there is an undefined method for HP. I understand why I'm getting the error (there is no character to pull the HP data from.) but I don't understand how to fix it. I know basic scripting, enough to modify scripts and fix minor bugs but I can't seem to fix this. Can anyone help me here?? I was thinking that it would just be easiest to do a check at the beginning of the script for party members and if it is 0 then skip over the script, but I dunno how to do that and how it would affect the rest of the system. Thanks for any help I get!!

(and btw cakeowns, you stole my idea! I was gonna translate it and upload it here :lol: you beat me to it though! Nice job with it though...  :thumb: )
WOAH, wirklich enorm was du hier ablieferst, ein Ally System war für mich der einzige Grund das XAS NICHT für längere Projekte zu nutzen =D, dank dir ist dies nimmer der Fall.
Ganz nebenbei ist der Funktionsumfang ja auch enorm, ich bin gespannt was wir noch von dir sehen werden.

@cakeowns (lol)
Nice job, it's thanks to people like you that such nice scripts etc can help people all over the globe!
I hope you and Hackel keep up the job you've done before.

PS: Why not post KI Systems/Skills etc for the XAS? Just like a DB where you can search for a Skill/Enemy/AllyKI etc for the XAS.
PPS: xgamexfreakx, next time you will be faster (;
Could someone make a demo using Hackel's Ally system, from what is posted I don't understand how to use it.  Also when I downloaded what was posted, it didn't seem like anything was really changed to the previous ally system attempt.
I would make one if he could update his Ally System, for whatever reason, I finally have no more errors, but the Allys don't appear ingame. Tought they are an Event on every map :X


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