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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I'm looking forward to the ally system presented. :D

I was wondering, is there any way to change a variable or a switch when a normal enemy dies? I've been looking around the demo, but I can't seem to find out how they do it...
Oh, I see. Thanks for the information. :D

But, in addition, I was wondering how I would do it for just a normal enemy instead of a boss enemy. Like, have a couple of Ghost monsters do nothing while one other Ghost monster turns on a switch. Would I have to create a new troop for that? And would there be any chance in a Ghost Monster adding onto a variable?
I would just create a new troop type and set the swicth for one of them  and have the others just basic enemies like I did in my game :D

only problem in the long run with that is if you want multiple switches, which would mean alot of troop types for just one enemy...

all you'd really have to do is copy and past the troop and script for it and then change the troop id anyways... its just space consuming :P

And for the Ghost variable, i guess you could save a specific enemies (or events) map location but it really depends on what you want to use the variable for... i was thinking the same thing for an ally system... that if you could save an event as a variable then you could use that variable as a sort of targeting thing (dunno if that would work or not...)
I may have found a really bad bug :S

I have a skill that is my own sort of summon where it transfers you to another screen for part of the animation and then using variables takes you back to your old map position...

they are just the basic:

Players Map X
Players Map Y
Map ID

but for some reason now with V3.2 it gets to the part where the variables are saved and it crashes and says:

Script 'XAS-SYSTEM' line 2971: TypeError occurred.
nil can't be coerced into Fixnum

It seems that it wont let me use variables to save position for some reason anymore...

Plz help :S

Edit: ok, its not letting me use postion based variables at all... same error
Are you having the same problem or is it mabe something ive done here...


i wanna go back to the origional v3 now... but i kinda like the 'combat time' system :P
anakol":mk3vpe0m said:
can someone put an english 3.0 up please? and not a demo game or anything, just the script.

Someone is working on translating the script give it time.

Now for my question. I having trouble rearranging the HUD. Since the game I am working on doesn't use face graphics I've found the space for the face graphic on the HUD rather useless.  So does anyone know what part of the HUD script I must rewrite to move around pieces of the HUD?
I found out what was really causing the Version 3.2 'Variable' bug...

wasn't the variables at all... i had put the number of the Tool ID in wrong for my two skills that just so happen to use variables...

my bad :P

*slaps self*
Can someone tell me how to edit the word "Pressione C Para Equipar" whenever you open the item/weapon/skill window in 3.2? sorry for the noob question. :blush:
i added some commands for an ally System

the new commands are: move_to_enemy = move to the nearest enemy
                                 turn_toward_enemy = turn to the nearest enemy
                                 playershoot(action_id) = shoot only if the actor learn the skill
                                 lowhp_playershoot(action_id,perc) = same with lowhp
                                 playerskills(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = shoot skill a if actor learn skill a else shoot skill b and so on
                                 move_toward_event(id) = move to the event
                                 turn_toward_event(id) = turn to the event

the ID of the actor are the Enemy ID * -1  (actor 1 = Enemy ID -1, actor 5 = Enemy ID -5) 

add this to Game_Character 3 Line 235
  def move_toward_event(id)
    if $game_map.events[id] != nil
    sx = @x - $game_map.events[id].x
    sy = @y - $game_map.events[id].y
    if sx == 0 and sy == 0
    abs_sx = sx.abs
    abs_sy = sy.abs
    if abs_sx == abs_sy
      rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1
    if abs_sx > abs_sy
      sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
      if not moving? and sy != 0
        sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
      sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
      if not moving? and sx != 0
        sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
  # * Turn Towards Event
  def turn_toward_event(id)
    # Get difference in player coordinates
    if $game_map.events[id] != nil
    sx = @x - $game_map.events[id].x
    sy = @y - $game_map.events[id].y
    # If coordinates are equal
    if sx == 0 and sy == 0
    # If horizontal distance is longer
    if sx.abs > sy.abs
      # Turn to the right or left towards player
      sx > 0 ? turn_left : turn_right
    # If vertical distance is longer
      # Turn up or down towards player
      sy > 0 ? turn_up : turn_down

and replace the XAS - SYSTEM with this http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=7D9SFVFN
Nice but... The ally get closer to the enemy but don't hit it. I'm sure he has weapon equiped and attack_on script. And my hero can kill ally in this way how he do that with enemy. Any idea to fix it?
yes attack_on do not work with players you have to use the playershoot commands

and if you add your playerskills to SKILL_ENEMY_ALLY = []  in the SKILL Script, than the skill can only harm enemys

sorry for the bad english

EDIT: i added a new command: player_attack = the Ally will attack with his weapon

add this before the Line:   def playerskills(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
def player_attack
if $game_map.events[$taget] != nil
  actor = self.battler  
weapon_id = actor.weapon_id
weapon_tool_id = XAS_SKILL::WEP_ID_TOOL[weapon_id]
if weapon_tool_id.is_a?(Numeric)

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