Neverplayd":1qdcgahh said:So will simple instructions like how to turn off the XAS HUD be included in this translation?
Most likely. The script is actually pretty simple to understand even without a translated version.
Neverplayd":1qdcgahh said:So will simple instructions like how to turn off the XAS HUD be included in this translation?
Neverplayd":2k0cw15p said:So will simple instructions like how to turn off the XAS HUD be included in this translation?
MysticTrunks":l7eaebzu said:Ah yes, the xas abs is a truely impressive abs system for XP. The only thing to make it truely an authentic abs is to make all movement Pixel bases instead of tile based.
Gonna try V3 now!
Bullet_Darkness":yfb6w2q3 said:Hey, with the help of khmp and legancyblade I edited the system of XAS to make it so you can change the the tool that a weapon uses. This opens up alot of new possiblites such as Upgrades, Profiencies, Combos, and more. I copied Moghunters HERO EDITION and put the edit inside the battle field mode. Combo sword, and Bronze Sword Uper are the new weapons i put in, press the sign to upgrade the Bronze Sword Uper.
or this link:
The edit is simply this:
quoted by KHMPOpen your script editor, F11. Go into the script, "XRXS - XAS", rename WEP_ID_TOOL to this $weapon_tools. Then fly down to line 1941(or the line that says: weapon_tool_id = XAS_BA::WEP_ID_TOOL[weapon_id] ) change that line to this, weapon_tool_id = $weapon_tools[weapon_id]. Now to change a tool assigned to weapon do this:
You can do that through an event if you want using "Script...".Code:# weapon_id - the id of the weapon you are trying to change. # new_tool - the id of the tool to be used when the weapon is activated. $weapon_tools[weapon_id] = new_tool
Also the upgrades aren't just damage, its speed, armor percing, hit rate, range all becuase it switches the tool of the weapon.