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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Neverplayd":1qdcgahh said:
So will simple instructions like how to turn off the XAS HUD be included in this translation?

Most likely. The script is actually pretty simple to understand even without a translated version.
Neverplayd":2k0cw15p said:
So will simple instructions like how to turn off the XAS HUD be included in this translation?

yh.. i suppose i can do that if you really want to but like Souloux said its easy to understand how to do that..even with it not translated..but i will do it if you want
Ah yes, the xas abs is a truely impressive abs system for XP. The only thing to make it truely an authentic abs is to make all movement Pixel bases instead of tile based.

Gonna try V3 now!
MysticTrunks":l7eaebzu said:
Ah yes, the xas abs is a truely impressive abs system for XP. The only thing to make it truely an authentic abs is to make all movement Pixel bases instead of tile based.

Gonna try V3 now!

That's what I've been hoping for too :D
Perhaps it will be in V4.
Bullet_Darkness":yfb6w2q3 said:
Hey, with the help of khmp and legancyblade I edited the system of XAS to make it so you can change the the tool that a weapon uses. This opens up alot of new possiblites such as Upgrades, Profiencies, Combos, and more. I copied Moghunters HERO EDITION and put the edit inside the battle field mode. Combo sword, and Bronze Sword Uper are the new weapons i put in, press the sign to upgrade the Bronze Sword Uper.
or this link:
The edit is simply this:
Open your script editor, F11. Go into the script, "XRXS - XAS", rename WEP_ID_TOOL to this $weapon_tools. Then fly down to line 1941(or the line that says: weapon_tool_id = XAS_BA::WEP_ID_TOOL[weapon_id] ) change that line to this, weapon_tool_id = $weapon_tools[weapon_id]. Now to change a tool assigned to weapon do this:
# weapon_id - the id of the weapon you are trying to change.
# new_tool - the id of the tool to be used when the weapon is activated.
$weapon_tools[weapon_id] = new_tool
You can do that through an event if you want using "Script...".
quoted by KHMP

Also the upgrades aren't just damage, its speed, armor percing, hit rate, range all becuase it switches the tool of the weapon.

This was posted ages ago by Bullet... but as of the new Version 3 i cant find where to make the mods :S
Id been using this in version 2 and it worked GREAT!!

any1 able to help out?
Got it working! :D
didnt work at first coz of silly wee mistakes at first on my part lolz :P

Its virtually the same as the add-on for Version 2...

basically in the 'SKILLS' script change line 14 'WEP_ID_TOOL' to '$weapon_tools'

then go down to the 'XAS-SYSTEM' script and replace lines 4830 and 5517 both of which should origionally say:
( weapon_tool_id = XAS_SKILL::WEP_ID_TOOL[weapon_id] ) with the new code ( weapon_tool_id = $weapon_tools[weapon_id] )

Note: im not sure if u have to replace both of the lines... but it worked for me :)

Il try and find the link to the Weapon Combo demo again (think its somewhere on http://xas.celenath.com/ ) and il post my Alternating Slash Sprites on there aswell :P

I recommend this add-on coz it works GREAT!!

Edit: @MysticTrunks - I agree about the ally system :D ive seen an ABS before that had a summoned dragon that you made appear with a skill and it followed you and attacked all of the on-screen enemies that you came across... something like that in XAS would be amazing!!
I'll add Pixel-Movement when version 2 is realsed by fot, though isn't an ally system just adding a party system? Though the ally system would probably work better if you evented it, ok lets say your ally is following you but the ally is 32 Pixels"1 tile" away from the enemy, it'll run towards that enemy to attack, it'll do magic, special, or even weopon based attacks.

I can't add this system until fot releases the new version of his pixel-movement script, if anyone is interested. Does anyone want to help me edit this into legend of zelda/Legacy of goku styled abs?
I like the idea of an AI ally system/ Squad Battle system added to this ABS but it would take some talented scripter(s) to do so.
Not at all, this script itself is very customizable and you can basically do your AI ally system by events with some minor scripting.
"really wished xp used rgss2... I could probably code one much faster but XP's ruby is much harder to code with><"

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