ya, it may be in the wrong area... but its not really for resource analysis or anything... its also a link to a download that might be usefull for people interested in this topic (XAS battle sysytem).
used as a separate event, you would just call a particular frame of the animation, ie; your character is standing on 10,10 so you would place the weapon event over the same square. Maybe you'd have the character put one foot forward (step in place) for the first frame of animation, then change the graphic on the weapon event to show the weapon at the start of the swing for the 2nd frame, show an animation of an arc graphic on the 3rd frame, show the weapon at the end of the arc on the 4th frame and have the character put both feet back together on frame 5 of weapon swing. (This was originally to be used for a tactics type CBS.)
however, the XAS calls for 4 frames of weapon animation, so these would only cover 2 of those frames, they are already positioned to sit correctly on the standard RTP character during the swing when placed as an event over an event, so the right templates would allow a person to put at least 2 of the 4 weapon animation frames together quickly...