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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

Pretty nice there Sorcer. But um why the hell do the weapons change for the direction? I'm kinda confused on that. Explain this in detail please. And I'm not sure but I think you put those in the wrong location as well. :/ I don't know though.
ya, it may be in the wrong area... but its not really for resource analysis or anything... its also a link to a download that might be usefull for people interested in this topic (XAS battle sysytem). 

used as a separate event, you would just call a particular frame of the animation, ie; your character is standing on 10,10 so you would place the weapon event over the same square.  Maybe you'd have the character put one foot forward (step in place) for the first frame of animation, then change the graphic on the weapon event to show the weapon at the start of the swing for the 2nd frame, show an animation of an arc graphic on the 3rd frame, show the weapon at the end of the arc on the 4th frame and have the character put both feet back together on frame 5 of weapon swing.  (This was originally to be used for a tactics type CBS.)

however, the XAS calls for 4 frames of weapon animation, so these would only cover 2 of those frames, they are already positioned to sit correctly on the standard RTP character during the swing when placed as an event over an event, so the right templates would allow a person to put at least 2 of the 4 weapon animation frames together quickly...
i havn't a clue with scripting... this is what i really hope someone can help me with... i love the XAS 8 dir and dash script and very much want to use it in my game... the problem is my 'main character' is a globe of light with like 32 frame animation - i don't see this working out well... (it flickers every second or so even when standing still, strangely when moving diagonally the common event graphic changes carry on smoothly, but when moving l,r,u,down the animation is completely disrupted) ...so what i really WANT is to be able to Disable the 'module MOG' script, set to 'false' or something like that with an evented script command.  (Unless there would be a way to NOT do character graphic updates via the script when a particular switch is ON.)

Can someone pls tell me how to disable the Adv Movement script temporarily and then to turn it back on again with an evented command?  I know how to hide the hud, but i actually want to turn it off and on as needed.   Please help a brotha.  thanks.
Hell jsut look at the damn screens! Pretty much everything! Lol

@Soccer: Try the RGSS enhancement FX. It has a flash light thingy. which I think you're talking about?

All I can say about 3.0 is wow....nothing short of amazing.
ragnaroa":27o3tlyj said:
Can anyone please translate this amazing battle system? I'm stuck with the translation for 1.5 but I think it's time for a new one

If your familiar with that version you should be able to get the gist on how to use the new version. Brazilian Portuguese isn't that hard to figure out.
Link in Pink":2c0axapq said:
There's a 3.0?


Dang I forgot to check! Metal grar ;_; DOING THAT RIGHT NOW

Version 3.0 is so awesome. You'll think to yourself "Why did I ever use Version 2.0?"

Yeah it's that awesome.
Yeah Link it was pretty good stuff. No doubt about it.

:) but I don't know I used Ultima and had to go make a sandwich before it got done. :/

But its really amazing.

I do wish it was translated though. Some translators don't work to well. So if someone has this script translated PM por favor?

And before you go off and say, "Oh well just throw it in a translator." I've done that it fucks the coding up completely. Thank you kindly :thumb:

Oh and I'm not familiar with how this system works.

I see the event page for the items and just give up. :/

Now if only they'd get and SBABS going on y'know?

This system would pretty much kill.
Bah, we need a new topic for this. The main post is short and has no details on it. However if we do start a new one it'll probably get locked for "THERE'S ALREADY A TOPIC ABOUT THAT."

Also if you need some help on how the system works, we'll help you out.

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