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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

The Skill ID corresponds to each Tool ID, not weapons. All weapons, shields, items, and attacks need to have a "skill" defined in the Skills tab. If you want to shorten the list or make classes, you'll have to do a lot of major edits to the script.
I tested it-the demo anyway- :thumb:! I just wish I was good at scripting. Cuz that is exactly the battle system I want my game that I'm currently planning.
Hey all!

Quick question. Is there a way speed up the animations when the player attacks or uses a spell? Surely there's somewhere in the script where you can decrease the delay between frames, I just can't find it. ;_;
Wow, wow, wow, wow, OK I gotta say I had the Portuguese version of this system, but I was never able to look into it. Now that the translation is complete I gotta say this is the best RMXP system I've ever seen! I'll surely start digging into it by tomorrow! Thx guys! (so many ideas for cool games, so little time...)
Wait hold up, I think the link to his site is broken... or rather the site is down...

Huh, how did I get here...the topic creation screen?!?!
Could someone give me a quick rundown of what scripts I would have to copy to add this to a game I'm already working on? And does it use variables and switches that may conflict with some of mine?

Basically I need to know the best way to add this functionality to a project I'm working on without any side effects.

EDIT: I just noticed my English version of this lacks the charge sword projectile. I have the Spanish version with it included, but everything is in Spanish... Can anyone give me the proper latest English version?
In reality, you only need one main script and a few small "scriptlets" that define tools. However, there are other add-ons that can spice up the game, like an 8-dir movement script, a HUD, a script that shows skill and tool names, etc.

It also uses a few variables and switches, but they are configurable in the script so you don't have to worry about conflicting IDs.
Thanks, it's a lot easier than it initially seems. Is there anyway to disable the scripts completely when I'm in a town? When I throw the switch to disable all the menus, the attacks still function. Is there a way to make it so everything is disabled? If that's not possible or easy, I'd settle with the battle system giving me back control of enter. If I could hit enter (action button) without swinging a weapon, that would be cool.

Also... *calls attention to edit in last post* ^^^
The script automatically ignores weapon attacking if there's an event in front of you, but I understand the problem. What I did was manually change the keys in the script so you attacked with the "X" button and shielded with the "C" button (enter).

As for disabling the whole script, I'm trying to figure out that too. You can try creating a request in RGSS Support for someone to edit the script so you can disable it with a call script.
Thanks Regi, always quick to help. I rigged up a temporary solution with a "town mode" common event. It disables the HUD and unequips the player, so even if they equip something, it's immediately unequipped again. The only problem with that is I'd like to remember what weapon you had equipped when you leave town, so you don't have to fumble in the equip menu each time you leave a town.

It's fine for this level of making the game, but I'm open to a permanent proper fix when it comes time for me to release a demo.
You can try setting the weapon to a variable through use of Conditional Branches (if weapon1 is equipped, variable = 1, and so on). Later you'd check the value of the variable with Conditional Branches so you can reequip it. This method will be a little time-consuming, though.

In the meantime, I've created a topic here requesting for someone to edit the script. Hopefully someone will help before long.
I've returned from the dead to find that my server quarantined the XAS.Celenath.com domain. Sorry to all members, I thought the community died, so I stopped checking on it. Sorry, working on fixing it. And dang, this topic is at 12 pages. Shows what a great script it is!
Does anyone have Hero 2.0 in English? I want to add the overdrive script into my game which I've been using 1.5 in. Can I just copy that script in, or were there updates to the xas main script? I don't want to end up with a jumbled mess, has anyone tried this before?
Well, I didn't have a translated version of 1.0, so it should work just fine to go with the non-English 2.0 Just refer to the tutorial to know what things do.

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