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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

I posted this at legacy's site but I'm not sure people are going there yet:

It seems that if the first time a player is given an item is through a shop... you won't be able to cycle to it on the HUD. I might be wrong but this is the only reason I can think of, because if I give the player items through an event, they cycle fine. Is there a fix for this? I'm using Hero 2.0 and have been trying to figure this out all night.

Could someone with RGSS knowledge look through the script and see what might be causing this?



At first, you have to setup the Item in the main Script and in an own Script,
then you can Scroll to it. It isn't enough to generate it in the Databse.
I don't think you understood me. As far as I can tell it's a glitch in the code, all of my items function fine... Except when it's first given to a player via a shop.

By that I mean, if the first time the player ever gets a potion is from a shop as opposed to an event or enemy, it will not cycle on the hud until you get one from an event or enemy.

I came up with a fix at work today so I'm gonna go try that. I'm gonna give the player +1 and then -1 of every item at the beginning of the game, I hope that fixes it.
Hey, Kids!

I got a new question.

I'm sure you know about the attack area built in this script.  There are 3 types of attack areas,
Line, Square, and Rombus. 

Does anyone know how to make different areas?
okay guys, I was thinking, what if there was a shoot(x) command for tools such as a fireball, and a shoot(x) command for the player,... the possiblites for skills go down the road infinite for about a mile. If someone could edit XAS to do this, you could make RPG's the shoot missiles that blow up when hitting and impassable object, combo skills, Shockwaves, Line bombs, or even scatter shots. I might post this is the script request section if nobody knows how to script this, but it might not get a reply.

@riskVSreward: I have the same problem too, but you can choose it from the menu... if the quick switch a part of the Xas system it will require for you to go into this system. If it isn't then it will probably been in the Hud script

Also I came up with a cool edit for XAS, if you change the input for equiping an item or skill to A instead of C you can still use items from the menu and Equip them at the same time. Its alot easier work if you wanted to make an item that increases parameters.

@RyosukeTakahashiReX7:  I think that would be very hard to do, but it might be possible.
Please.... I need this, is there any PARTY LEADER CHANGE script compatible to XAS? So that in one press of a button, the party leader changes...I really need it..
I have a question.

I want to make a skill that hits two times or more.
Like a double slash technique.

Is this possible?
Because I have tried to manipulate the events and so far I have failed to do so.

If someone has a way of doing this, could you please tell me?
HI everyone i am working on a game called Rising Legend and i will be using Xas ABS as the battle system for the game so i was wondering if any of you guys with a good knowledge of how to use xas abs to join my game project team!
you can join here: bigdreamers.co.cc
@jony215: Yes, this is possible. In the Script Editor, find the script corresponding to your tool and change "Multi hit" (might not be the exact wording) to true. This will let the skill score multiple hits, depending on how long it is on the field.

@computerwizoo7: Please don't advertise your game or recruit here, put it in your sig or project thread instead.
I got yet another problem that might be giving me a few grey hairs.  I got the enemy able to deal damage to my character but my character is not able to deal damage back.  I've check the code on the Weapon my character is using by comparing it with the Bronze Sword from the demo, which is almost the same aside from a couple of attack variables, like the distance of the attack, and the tool's movement.

I've also check the code in the script, and it's nearly identical.  I do have both my project and the demo running on the same desktop so that I may compare the two easily.

I've been looking through the topic to try and find an answer my question but the only information I got was checking the stats of the (Weapon) in the Skill Database.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Edit: Something I forgot to mention, I know the Tool Event is called correctly cuase I can see the Graphics that I set from the Tool Event, so the only thing I can think of is the Tool doesn't know to inflict damage or the enemy doesn't recognize it.  The weapon does work against the Tokens that I made to test this weapon.  And this is using the Hero Edition 2.0 system.

Edit: Problem solved.  I moved the enemy and troop from the first slot to the second in the Enemy and Troop Database and it responds properly now.
What if you I have 2 sprites of the same actor. One being in clothes and the other in armor. Both using the same weapon. How would I set up the weapon module for each sprite and what should the suffix be? Also how would I do the same but with multiple actors?
If the clothes actor has SELF Animations, you would have to put those in the character folder. Then I believe you just change the actor graphic. Is that what you wanted to know?
Yay, I can be of some use!!!

I got the same thing going with my game.  My character has one set of graphics for the first 20 minutes of the game, then I do the Change Graphics on my character later.  The suffix for the Tool ID reads the Graphic's file name and not the one in the Actor Database.


Actor's Name is "Todd"

He's got two sets of Graphics.     1 - "ToddClothes.png"   &    2 - "ToddArmor.png"

The thing you got to remember is that you got to make the Graphics of the suffix for both.
Like, if you want Todd to swing a sword for both of your files Armor and Clothes you need the Graphic's files 

"ToddClothes_SWD_01.png"   &   "ToddArmor_SWD_01.png".
And you never have to change the Actor's Name in the Database.

I'm basing this off of the Demo's Bronze Sword Suffix   "_SWD_01".

I hope this helps.
I see. Thanks for everyones input I'll do my best to execute the suggestions made.

EDIT: I was looking over the main script and I was wondering what exactly does the animation id refer to in "ATTACK_ANI_HIT" line of script. I can't see to figure out what it is.

Regarding my previous post about weapon modules, if I am using the same weapon for 2 sprites both have the same suffix, would I have to make 2 different ids or could I just make one id for both sprites?
lucien has released a Completed Game that uses this XAS Custom Battle System.  He did a wonderful job with it... awesome screen size bosses.  If someone can figure out how to use this system, i would deffinitely recommend it.

Under Completed Games category see "Hybris - 2nd Awakening" by lucien
http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo64 ... k1Shk2.png[/img]


this is a link to around 114 weapons that might help to speed up the process of making characters equipped with weapons.  various weapons (most from icons) like swords, wands, fans, flag, two-by-four, medusa head etc.  originally made to be placed as an event over the character event... the are already aligned for this purpose... so creating a template to lay over a character (like a grid of touching empty red and blue boxes) to cut up the character sheet and then creating another template that is the weapon sized template.... with like a small empty box inside of a larger box so that cut up characters can quickly be placed in the larger template... then weapons could be overlayed over the character (though in up facing position you would want the character overlayed over the weapon)....   these weapon .png's will unfortuneatly only provide like 2 of the 4 weapon animation frames that you will likely want to have... the other two frames you could use rmxp to rotate the pic 45 degrees and do a screen capture to get weapon at different angle in the swinging arc....       maybe some of this makes sense.  it's late.  anways maybe you will find usefull.... maybe no more usefull than icons... but some of these you probably don't have and have been resampled for sharper detail or to have a transparent background.                      (May help with XAS character weapon equipping.)

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