okay guys, I was thinking, what if there was a shoot(x) command for tools such as a fireball, and a shoot(x) command for the player,... the possiblites for skills go down the road infinite for about a mile. If someone could edit XAS to do this, you could make RPG's the shoot missiles that blow up when hitting and impassable object, combo skills, Shockwaves, Line bombs, or even scatter shots. I might post this is the script request section if nobody knows how to script this, but it might not get a reply.
@riskVSreward: I have the same problem too, but you can choose it from the menu... if the quick switch a part of the Xas system it will require for you to go into this system. If it isn't then it will probably been in the Hud script
Also I came up with a cool edit for XAS, if you change the input for equiping an item or skill to A instead of C you can still use items from the menu and Equip them at the same time. Its alot easier work if you wanted to make an item that increases parameters.
@RyosukeTakahashiReX7: I think that would be very hard to do, but it might be possible.