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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)



hi guys... i have a very simple quastion...
how can i set with this the hero movement speed.. i tried so many ways.. but it wasn't worked.. (i tried the usually way too)..
pls som1 help.

Is it possible to increase the tile distance of the dodge mechanic? Right now you jump back one tile. I think two or three tiles would be better for what it's supposed to be. I checked around the usual scripts and didn't find anything readily editable for it.
Skie Fortress":yhiwgayw said:

Is it possible to increase the tile distance of the dodge mechanic? Right now you jump back one tile. I think two or three tiles would be better for what it's supposed to be. I checked around the usual scripts and didn't find anything readily editable for it.

I'm sure it is editable. It's probably under some conditionals like if facing right, then jump back on the x axis and same with y.

I have not idea where it would be in the script though :3
Found it.

Search for "$game_temp.dodge_time_real = 15" in the XAS SYSTEM (Version 3.4) its line 6262 or thereabouts.

Just add another "move_backwards" for every space you want your hero to jump/dodge.

Note, you may have to edit a few more stats to make sure the dodge actual counts (seems to work alright actually).
Here a little script if you want more than one drop


module XAS_BA_ENEMY  



#A = enemy Id

#B = number of drops







module XAS_BA_ItemDrop

  def defeat_process


   if XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_DROPS[self.battler.id] == nil

     drops = 1


     drops = XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_DROPS[self.battler.id] 


    $game_variables[1] = drops

   for i in 0...drops


    if self.battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and self.battler.dead? 

      treasure = nil      

      enemy = self.battler

      if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob and

        self.battler.steal == false        

        if enemy.item_id > 0

          treasure = $data_items[enemy.item_id]


        if enemy.weapon_id > 0

          treasure = $data_weapons[enemy.weapon_id]


        if enemy.armor_id > 0

          treasure = $data_armors[enemy.armor_id]



   item_2treasure = XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_2TREASURE[enemy.id] 

   if item_2treasure != nil

        treasure_type = item_2treasure[0]

        treasure_id = item_2treasure[1]

        treasure_prob = item_2treasure[2]        

   if rand(100) < treasure_prob

        if treasure_type == 0

          treasure = $data_items[treasure_id]    


        if treasure_type == 1

          treasure = $data_weapons[treasure_id]


        if treasure_type == 2

          treasure = $data_armors[treasure_id]



      item_3treasure = XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_3TREASURE[enemy.id] 

    if item_3treasure != nil

        treasure_type = item_3treasure[0]

        treasure_id = item_3treasure[1]

        treasure_prob = item_3treasure[2]    

    if rand(100) < treasure_prob 

        if treasure_type == 0

          treasure = $data_items[treasure_id]    


        if treasure_type == 1

          treasure = $data_weapons[treasure_id]


        if treasure_type == 2

          treasure = $data_armors[treasure_id]



      item_4treasure = XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_4TREASURE[enemy.id] 

    if item_4treasure != nil

        treasure_type = item_4treasure[0]

        treasure_id = item_4treasure[1]

        treasure_prob = item_4treasure[2]    

    if rand(100) < treasure_prob 

        if treasure_type == 0

          treasure = $data_items[treasure_id]    


        if treasure_type == 1

          treasure = $data_weapons[treasure_id]


        if treasure_type == 2

          treasure = $data_armors[treasure_id]



      item_5treasure = XAS_BA_ENEMY::ENEMY_5TREASURE[enemy.id] 

    if item_5treasure != nil

        treasure_type = item_5treasure[0]

        treasure_id = item_5treasure[1]

        treasure_prob = item_5treasure[2]    

    if rand(100) < treasure_prob 

        if treasure_type == 0

          treasure = $data_items[treasure_id]    


        if treasure_type == 1

          treasure = $data_weapons[treasure_id]


        if treasure_type == 2

          treasure = $data_armors[treasure_id]











      if treasure != nil

        item_se = XAS::ITEMDROP_SE

        opecode = treasure.is_a?(RPG::Item) ? 126 :

                  treasure.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) ? 127 :

                  treasure.is_a?(RPG::Armor) ? 128 :


        list = []

        if opecode != nil

          item_number = XAS::ITEM_NUMBER[treasure.id]   

          if item_number != nil and treasure.is_a?(RPG::Item)

          list[0] = RPG::EventCommand.new(opecode, 0, [treasure.id,0,0,item_number])


          list[0] = RPG::EventCommand.new(opecode, 0, [treasure.id,0,0,1])


          list[1] = RPG::EventCommand.new(250, 0, [item_se])

          list[2] = RPG::EventCommand.new(116, 0, [])          



        command = RPG::MoveCommand.new

        command.code = 14

        command.parameters = [0,0]

        route = RPG::MoveRoute.new

        route.repeat = false

        route.list = [command, RPG::MoveCommand.new]

        page = RPG::Event::Page.new

        page.move_type = 3

        page.move_route = route

        page.move_frequency = 6

        page.always_on_top = true

        page.trigger = 1

        page.list = list

        if drops > 1          

          a = rand(3)

          c = rand(3)

          a = a-1

          c = c-1

          event = RPG::Event.new(self.x + a, self.y + c)


          event = RPG::Event.new(self.x, self.y)


        event.pages = [page]

        token = Token_Event.new($game_map.id, event)

        token.icon_name = treasure.icon_name







rite in the ENEMY_DROPS module
A is the enemy id
B are the number of drops

you have to paste the script under XAS - System
Hackel, cool script mate, that was one of the things I missed in XAS. How can you, however, add multiple drops? Like that sometimes it drops 1 potion, sometimes 3, but also sometimes 1 ether and 2 potion and so on?
@ calvin624 - yes you can

@ Mr_Smith - hmm i do not know what you mean. you can add the potion to the normal drop with 60% and the ether to the multiple drops with 10 %.
now you can give the enemy 3 drops but now enemy can also drop 3 ether ect

i hope you understand me
I just don't understand on how to change the enemies name? Whenever I put an enemy, its name is still G Slime. Also, how to make we can change the main character? I mean like we can choose our own character.
Thanks in advance!
@acrox999 - Are you just beginning to use RMXP? Not to be rude but if you are it is probably best if you learn how to use the editor before jumping into any custom scripts (especially one that is complex as XAS).

To create/change a character's name first open up the database of a project by pressing F9 or clicking on the database icon. Once you have that open click on the "Actors" tab. Here you will a list of actors you could add/remove from your project. Next select a character/actor then change their name where the "Name:" label is located.
Is it possible to add dash/sneak/jump and having a different attack animation? Like when you press during dash you will execute a forward stab, or pressing attack when jumping will do a jump attack o.O

Plus how do you config so that some shield have the ability to guard while walking and canceling casting time or special ability when you get attacked? (which can be prevented by some accessory or a skill later on)

Also, is it possible to add wall damage? I mean knocking enemy in wall (unpassable tiles) does damage, I think children of mana (a ds game) has this ability where you can knock enemy on the wall or other enemy and make a bowling out of them.

Finally, I haven't tinkered with the system yet but I want a general idea if this skills are possible on XAS.
-Knock Back Skills: Skills that knocks enemy back by x tiles.
-Black Hole effect: Draws enemy to you, or where your skill is activated (where the magic circle landed)

Thank you o.o
For you animation question the answer is yet but you would have to make the sprites and I'm not sure if the "Tool System" (the system which controls items, skills, overdrive, weapons etc.) could support a jump attack but you are more than welcomed to try making such an attack/skill.

For your other questions it would probably best if you download a copy of XAS.

Here's a like to where you can find a translated (english) version of the lastest version of the ABS.
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/2/10 39333/Translated_3.4.zip

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